I just got this email some minutes ago:
Message below came from MiamiCoralGablesCFIDS group:
The general announcement and explanation of the CFIDS Association of America's SolveCFS BioBank is found at
www.cfids.org/ biobank/announce ment.asp . We have previously posted information to our yahoo site with regard to the SolveCFS BioBank and, while some of us have responded and already completed our forms and sent back our blood work and cheek swabs, I'm sure that many of you have put it on your "to do" list to respond to at a "later date." That later date has arrived. It is urgent that you respond and participate in this research right now if possible. Dr. Klimas informs me that the CFIDS Association of America is in crisis and in danger of losing its funding for this important BioBank if we can't come up with 25 volunteers within the next week or so. We can't let this happen because of our lack of participation. All of Dr. Klimas' patients are automatically qualified without any pre-screening unless they have some exclusion listed below which is excerpted directly from the study criteria found at
www.solvecfs. org/SOLVECFSBIOB ANK/CURRENTSTUDY CRITERIA/ tabid/117/ Default.aspx :
General Exclusion Criteria for CFS Subjects
A subject will not be eligible for inclusion in current studies if they do not meet the Fukuda criteria or
the Canadian criteria (see references below) or if the following general exclusion criteria apply:
1. Alcohol or substance abuse within two years before onset of chronic fatiguing illness defined as an
average weekly intake of more than 14 drinks for males or more than 7 drinks for females. One
drink is equivalent to 12 g of alcohol: 12 ounces (360 ml) of beer, 5 ounces (150 ml) of wine or 1.5
ounces (45 ml) of 80 proof distilled spirits.
2. Where participation in the study would result in donation of blood or blood products in excess of
500 mL within a 56-day period.
3. Major surgery within six months after operation or minor surgery within three months after
4. Major infections such as sepsis or pneumonia within three months post-resolution.
5. Myocardial infarction or heart failure within five years after event.
6. Morbid obesity defined as body mass index (BMI) greater than 40.
7. Psychiatric conditions including lifetime diagnosis of bipolar affective disorders, schizophrenia of
any subtype, delusional disorder of any subtype, organic brain disorders, or major depressive
disorder with psychotic or melancholic features, anorexia nervosa, or bulemia within 5 years
before the onset of chronically fatiguing illness.
8. Unwillingness or inability to provide written informed consent.
9. Mental or legal incapacitation.
This will be discussed at our support group meeting tomorrow, but I urge you to please contact Gloria Smith at the CFIDS Association of America today by emailing her at biobank@cfids. org or by calling her directly at 704-362-2343 and asking that you be included as a participant for the SolveCFS BioBank. We all know how important this is for all CFS patients now and in the future. Each of us can make a very valuable contribution to research here. Please don't let this opportunity slip away.
Thank you,
Message below came from MiamiCoralGablesCFIDS group:
The general announcement and explanation of the CFIDS Association of America's SolveCFS BioBank is found at
www.cfids.org/ biobank/announce ment.asp . We have previously posted information to our yahoo site with regard to the SolveCFS BioBank and, while some of us have responded and already completed our forms and sent back our blood work and cheek swabs, I'm sure that many of you have put it on your "to do" list to respond to at a "later date." That later date has arrived. It is urgent that you respond and participate in this research right now if possible. Dr. Klimas informs me that the CFIDS Association of America is in crisis and in danger of losing its funding for this important BioBank if we can't come up with 25 volunteers within the next week or so. We can't let this happen because of our lack of participation. All of Dr. Klimas' patients are automatically qualified without any pre-screening unless they have some exclusion listed below which is excerpted directly from the study criteria found at
www.solvecfs. org/SOLVECFSBIOB ANK/CURRENTSTUDY CRITERIA/ tabid/117/ Default.aspx :
General Exclusion Criteria for CFS Subjects
A subject will not be eligible for inclusion in current studies if they do not meet the Fukuda criteria or
the Canadian criteria (see references below) or if the following general exclusion criteria apply:
1. Alcohol or substance abuse within two years before onset of chronic fatiguing illness defined as an
average weekly intake of more than 14 drinks for males or more than 7 drinks for females. One
drink is equivalent to 12 g of alcohol: 12 ounces (360 ml) of beer, 5 ounces (150 ml) of wine or 1.5
ounces (45 ml) of 80 proof distilled spirits.
2. Where participation in the study would result in donation of blood or blood products in excess of
500 mL within a 56-day period.
3. Major surgery within six months after operation or minor surgery within three months after
4. Major infections such as sepsis or pneumonia within three months post-resolution.
5. Myocardial infarction or heart failure within five years after event.
6. Morbid obesity defined as body mass index (BMI) greater than 40.
7. Psychiatric conditions including lifetime diagnosis of bipolar affective disorders, schizophrenia of
any subtype, delusional disorder of any subtype, organic brain disorders, or major depressive
disorder with psychotic or melancholic features, anorexia nervosa, or bulemia within 5 years
before the onset of chronically fatiguing illness.
8. Unwillingness or inability to provide written informed consent.
9. Mental or legal incapacitation.
This will be discussed at our support group meeting tomorrow, but I urge you to please contact Gloria Smith at the CFIDS Association of America today by emailing her at biobank@cfids. org or by calling her directly at 704-362-2343 and asking that you be included as a participant for the SolveCFS BioBank. We all know how important this is for all CFS patients now and in the future. Each of us can make a very valuable contribution to research here. Please don't let this opportunity slip away.
Thank you,