UK Times on new IB test & "debilitating illnesses such as ME or MS"


Fine, thank you
Sympathetic article in today's Times describing how the new IB test is being piloted in Burnley. Sounds horrific: four out of five rejections taken up by the Citizens' Advice Bureau overturned on appeal indicating the IB system is ineffective & dishonest.

Most interesting for us is that the two patients featured, at some length, are first a CFS sufferer and then someone with MS. Later in the coverage, Paul Farmer (chief exec of Mind, but hey ho) describes ME and MS as being examples of debilitating illnesses (but he's not talking about any depression angle).

A surprisingly sympathetic bit of coverage from the Times, considering how poor they have been on coverage of XMRV and any biomedical stuff. The article is on pp. 28-29.


Senior Member
I've been amazed by how little critical investigation or press these benefit reforms have attracted.

I guess it's because it's all three parties vs the weakest in society. No one's that interested.

Thanks for pointing out a more informed piece though. It's a bit of hope.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Uk and US have been becoming increasingly fascist since 1980s and this crap is latest part of it :/
"COnservative" and "Fascist" are totally bloody different, this has been lost on many in the face of "Screw you I'm all right, Jack!" sick, ultra-extremist Capitalist, sociopathically-evil society that's been fostered to destroy our countries, tear them apart, and let us all be gobbled up by evil monsters who are selling our nations down the damn river.
see the UK, nwo they are selling off our forests, emergency rescue helicopter systems...what next?

What's occured in last 3 decades said:
First they came for the Working Class, I said nothing
Then they came for the Trade Unions, I sai dnothing.
Next they came for the disabled and the ones they called "scroungers" and I still said nothing.
Next they came for the Middle Class and then...they came for me...


Senior Member
Neo-liberal? Capitalist? I don't think 'facist' is right, but I know what you mean.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
well they are not sane normal Capitalists, lol, it's extremism, which is bad in ANY form.
"Corporations" are the worst evil we've ever created, because they are harder to see for their danger, unlike the jackboot, the gas chamber, the gulag or Inqusition.
Death toll form tobacco has already exceeded that of World War2.