I'd say. Take it one step at a time. Your experience with mold in the past, and the possibility of it now, wouldn't necessarily be affecting your current health much. It migjt be affecting it not at all, a little, or it might be affecting it a lot. But it's not the case that if you had an issue in your house, that it would necessarily be one of the defining factors causing or even affecting your main disease processes.
People live with mold and toxic mold all the time. It's not good, and can be pretty seriously dangerous depending, but some handle it better than others, and better at certain times in life than others. Because of your health, it is more important to take care of any issues if present in your house because it's generally thought to be more of a problem for those ill or very young or old. But I wouldn't automatically stress it if there is something minor or medium level.
Get things fixed properly (read about different techniques and opinions about which techniques are ineffective or can make things worse, before hiring. In most cases except maybe minor things, wisdom is not to take care of anything yourself. Read about warnings and how to be safe when taking care of minor things yourself. Interfering with mold yourself or others if not done properly, raises the risk and severity of toxic exposure) Do comprehensive checking afterwards to see whether things are better or if they're worse and moniter your health. If it's a very bad problem then the question of how much something can really be fixed is a question that is discussed.
But again take it one step at a time. One of those tests for your house is a good start. There's different kinds and getting the dust samples and also an air test (I think you can do that in your own. It's been a while since I thought about this), would be good to cover your bases. There may be something I'm forgetting.
If you have unhealthy levels in your house, or if your or your doctors clinical guess is that your past experience is causing you an issue now, then you can do a urine mycotoxin test. Also if you ever have opportunities to sleep away from home in other not noticeably moldy places and without other obvious toxic chemical exposures, especially if for an extended period of time living away from home, then if you feel better anywhere, that could tell you something. Otherwise I wouldn't pursue it until you're at a real dead end after looking into other things. Reason being it's not covered by insurance. Maybe it can be covered where you live though, I'm not sure.
Even then if you had evidence in your urine, it still doesn't necessarily mean it's a major contributing factor to your current health. It might be. Necessary to take care of regardless of whether you have immediate improvement. According to Dr Nathan's clinical experience and opinion, It's not straight forward that if you have circulating mycotoxins they'll show up on a test. Sometimes, in an affected individual, they don't until they start treating and then start to show up. That's just his clinical experience and opinion though.
He writes about how he diagnoses and treats:
10 common mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of mold toxicity
Detoxification of Mycotoxins by Pathway
Potentially Groundbreaking Information for Treating Mold Toxicity
For more, his 2018 book, outdated now, described in detail how he diagnoses and treats mold toxicity. Does the same for Lyme disease and also talks about MCAS, methylation, and various topics. I read this in the past and it was useful to me because I do/did have mold toxicity. And it was the first time learning more about MCAS, before getting treated for it. He was only just learning about MCAS himself though, so keep that in mind.
Keep in mind that he doesn't write with people with ME in mind specifically at all. He co authored Dr navauxs 2016 ME study on the cell danger response, but is not ME (as in PEM versus just fatigue and weakness) focused and we should be warned of that when reading his material. I do not endorse some of his views but most of what's in the blog posts I posted dont pose a conflict for those with ME I believe, at least generally speaking.