Twiv - This week in Virology, Interview with Prof Myra McClure!


Another interview with Prof Myra McClure, UK scientist who studies XMRV and CFS.

Vincent Racaniello, attended the the 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) his interview with Myra McClure starts at 46 minutes!

to watch.....

I don't like Mc Clure, she reminds me of Wessly. She was still advocating the contamination hoax although it has already been disproven.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Questions on This TWIV99

They mention once again that the FDA/NIH researchers did not find the same virus as the Whittmore Peterson researchers. Whittmore Peterson found XMRV and FDA/NIH found PMRV. As I understand, the Whittmore Peterson study had in its cohort a group of patients originally infected during the Incline Village outbreak. The FDA/NIH had a whole different set of chronic fatigue patients. Is it possible that Polytropic Murine Leukemia Related Retro virus mutated inside one of those Incline Village CFS sufferes and then the Xenotropic version got passed on from person to person in Incline Village AND the patients in the FDA/NIH study were only exposed to the Polytropic version possibly straight from mice or contaminated flu shots or vaccines? Would that explain the differences or is that idea completely off?

One more thing: Why did he say that he did not understand the part of the FDA/NIH paper that talked about glyco gag (was it glyco or gag or both? Cannot remember what they were called) proteins matching lab mice and ask Myra McClure to explain it? Isn't he the same man who claimed that this match could only be accounted for by lab contamination on the last XMRV TWIV (I believe it was TWIV98)?


Senior Member
I can't even bear to listen to that woman's voice again right now.

Thank you to everyone commenting on it here. May be a while before I can work up the strength to listen to it.


Mya - it's one of the often repeated pieces of misinformation that the Science paper was only on Incline Village. In one of the further papers they explained that the cohort was from all over the USA.

I'm in the UK, am XMRV+ and have never been to Incline Village

Please keep thinking through the possibilities (and thank you for doing so) as there will be an explanation for all of this. Just don't think it was come from Myra McClure.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I knew the Whittmore Peterson study was not only involving those from the Incline Village outbreak, but I thought they had many people from that outbreak--something like 25%. Why the different viruses? I think I am going to ask this in a different thread if not already posted here.


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
This woman makes my eyeballs cross. It's all about smoke and mirrors and oh, hey. . .look over there, and sorry I know Vince is a favorite around here but he makes stuff up as he goes along. . .only in my opinion of course so don't throw any tomatoes please.

The ridiculousness of stating that XMRV is real in prostate cancer oh and that's o.k. and no problem finding it in tissue samples. (duh) But not real in CFS and she obviously hates Dr. Mikovits, she not any good at hiding it, just makes my teeth grind. The whole thing is just nuts. Dr. Alter didn't talk about PMRV at the blood conference he talked about the agent D'jure XMRV. And there are not enough sequences to determine if the dang things are P or X. I still believe the entire thing is just to buy more time till they let the public know what's going on.

O.k. I'm going to go be a cranky pants somewhere else and forget I ever listened to this. (grins)


Señor Mumbler

I not exactly on a member of the Dr. Racaniello fan club. I think he's forgotten more about XMRV/HGRV than he knows. He came out early against the CDC study (no positive patient samples as controls) and ever since then seems to have forgotten he ever said it. Honestly I think he tries to be a news show and doesn't tie the pieces together and look at the bloody picture. Many journalists with much, much, much less "knowledge" could have followed and reasonably described the evolving nature of the science without bouncing here and there like a goldfish.

He can impart good information but on XMRV in CFS, for my money.

An then there's the matter of be willing to hang around Alan Dove. I better stop there, I've worn my cranky pants enough for one evening.



waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
Let's put our imaginary "XMRV BLAST" T-Shirts on and be our own fan club. (big grins)

That really is an uber cool ideal.



I not exactly on a member of the Dr. Racaniello fan club. I think he's forgotten more about XMRV/HGRV than he knows. He came out early against the CDC study (no positive patient samples as controls) and ever since then seems to have forgotten he ever said it. Honestly I think he tries to be a news show and doesn't tie the pieces together and look at the bloody picture. Many journalists with much, much, much less "knowledge" could have followed and reasonably described the evolving nature of the science without bouncing here and there like a goldfish.

He can impart good information but on XMRV in CFS, for my money.

An then there's the matter of be willing to hang around Alan Dove. I better stop there, I've worn my cranky pants enough for one evening.


I agree. Vincent, Alan and Rich were pretty sure that it's just a contamination problem in the Science study. They were completely wrong of course. If you listen to Alan and Rich you know that they think CFS is all psychological but they try to hide their ideological attitude as good as they can. Once again you can see that scientists are not objective although they claim to be.


Senior Member
this conference was supposed to have some late-breaking human trial results from koronis re: KP-1461..the HIV lethal mutagenisis drug..was there any news on that? i have not watched the presentation.

thank you


Senior Member
near Antwerp
Didn't know where to post this. Perhaps its suitable here because of the above discussion. XMRV/PMRV/MLV.

Special Lecture

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D.
Research Director
Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) for Neuro-Immune Disease

"MLV related viruses in neuroimmune disease and cancer:
Is XMRV or PMRV the pathogenic variant or does it take two to tango?"

Friday October 8, 2010 12:00pm to 1:00pm 23-105 CHS

Hosted by the Basic and Translational Research Program Section -Mikovits 100810.pdf


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I remeber that Dr. Racianello said in the last TWIV that in episode 100 there will be a "special guest". Who knows, maybe it will be Judy Mikovits... I'm just guessing, i don't have any info. Then it would make sense to have this guest now.

I also don't feel like i want to listen to M. McClure right now.

The entire discussion about the fact that Dr. Alter said he didn't find XMRV is in my opinion not really important, since Dr. Alter said his study is "highly confirmatory" of the Science study. That's good enough for me.

Oh, and thanks, Berthe.

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Key sentence of this interview

Interesting facts that were said during the interview:

Simon: Do you have the tools to check out MY patients?
She also explained that Simon is a professor of PSYCHIATRIC... (choice of cohort! He does not believe in the Canadian Consensus!)

Myra: We took DNA from patients HE had. A 186 of them.

The man who is unknown to me. In fact, I still haven't got met him yet. Funny how she needed to dissociate herself from him...

That would have revolutionized the way he treats his patients. (not his goal for sure!!! he does NOT want thatt!!!)

I liked the interviewer very much. A couple of times (second part of the interview), he was able to make her say what he wanted to hear instead of confronting her. She had to nod and agree... =-)


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
I'm a Dr. Racaniello fan, but I would make the constructive criticism that the TWiV's where he's talked about CFS have been marred by a lack of knowledge on the part of the panel about the disease itself - clinical presentation, biomarkers, etc. This was especially frustrating in the first TWiV where they talked about the Science paper and kept stopping to ask each other what seemed to be very basic questions about CFS, as if puzzled about what it entails besides "fatigue".

I think the situation has improved somewhat, in that Dr. R. now seems to have a better understanding that CFS is very serious and debilitating and has picked up some facts about it here and there. But I *wish* the next panel in which they discuss XMRV/MLVs would include someone with lots of *clinical* expertise in the disease. Dr. R has so much expertise about virology and viral diseases that he's one of the people best situated to "connect the dots" between what we know about other viral diseases and what we see in ME/CFS.

I did pick up the broad hint that the 100th episode will have a "very special guest" and it seemed pretty clear from context that it would be on an XMRV/MLV related topic. Judy Mikovits would be great, but my guess is that maybe he got Harvey Alter. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.

Not gonna listen to the McClure interview now, I'm too aggravated about other stuff this week. As for Alan Dove, I'm disappointed that he never came back to this board to continue the discussion. I asked him some very serious questions and would like to hear his answers. I subscribed to his blog, to see what he's all about, but a lot of it seems to consist of fairly lightweight, snarky posts or pointers to TWiV episodes.

If he takes the position that a "psychosocial" explanation of CFS should still be on the table as a plausible explanation for the disease, then I'd like to hear that he's thoroughly reviewed the literature on both sides - the psych papers and then the papers showing biomarkers, abnormal exercise physiology, etc. - and based on that, say whether hypotheses about either a biological or a psychological explanation of CFS should both still be given equal weight.


Señor Mumbler
I look forward to the special guest with fingers crossed. Would love to hear Dr. Alter!


Senior Member
I look forward to the special guest with fingers crossed. Would love to hear Dr. Alter!

From the way he said it I'd expect someone more like Alter than Mikovits.

It sounded like a virology big bod, and quite possibly nothing to do with XMRV.