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Trophy Wall - ME/CFS Community's Winnings in Online Contests - List in post #2


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Hi everybody

In this thread we will list the winnings of the ME/CFS community in online contests.

You might be surprised, but at least as long as governments and the public have not yet started to give more, this is one of the best sources for much needed funding for our organisations. It's money that's available rapidly and without us having to pay out of our own pocket.

Prizes in some of these contests are in the 6-digits range or higher (US Dollars!) and we have already had some nice successes. Given the size of our community, some millions of people affected by ME/CFS worldwide, there is a huge potential there for us.

We have also started a Facebook group here http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/groups/115200951912652/, where people who are interested in helping to raise money in this way can sign up, so they can be informed about upcoming and current contests. Visit this thread here on Phoenix Rising for further information about the Facebook group or for discussing it. We explain the group in post number 1 of the thread.

At this moment, the community has already raised over 200'000 US Dollars this way, in a period of only a bit more than one year!


Senior Member


July $20,000

CHASE Community Giving (http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/)

PANDORA (http://www.pandoranet.info/), $20,000


May $90,000

CHASE Community Giving (http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/)

CFIDS Association of America (http://www.cfids.org/), $25,000

Whittemore Peterson Institute (http://www.wpinstitute.org/), $65,000

Aug $5,000

Citgo Fueling Good (http://fuelinggood.com/)

PANDORA (http://www.pandoranet.info/), $5,000 gas prize

Sept $100'800

Vivint Gives Back Project (http://www.vivint.com/givesbackproject)

Whittemore Peterson Institute (http://www.wpinstitute.org/), $100'000

(Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct7TU1hs-n8)

Viking Cause of the Month ( http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ )

Invest in ME (UK) 200

John Lewis Charitable Giving ( http://www.facebook.com/JohnLewisRetail?sk=wall )

Invest in ME (UK) 600

Nov $80,000

CHASE Community Giving (http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/)

Cfsknowledgecenter ( http://www.me-cfscommunity.com/ ) $25,000

Massachusetts CFIDS Association ( http://www.masscfids.org/ ) $25,000

IACFS/ME ( http://www.iacfsme.org/ ) $25,000

CITIGO Fueling Good (http://fuelinggood.com/)

Cfsknowledgecenter ( http://www.me-cfscommunity.com/ ) $5,000 gas


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

Yes, eric, I have been thinking the same thing. This is something we can do, obviously.

There are a couple going on now. Just to let you know, PANDORA has a new and improved website. This page shows the grants received, including the two you mentioned: http://p-a-n-d-o-r-a.org/received.php The website is still in creation, but it is good enough now that we would prefer people go here instead of the old one.



Senior Member
Eric S., I love this Trophy Wall! It shows the fruits of our labor.

I also think of the donations/matching funds received through Vivint as "contest money." The WPI got over $23,000, the National ME/FM Action Network got something like $2,300, the IACFS/ME between $800-900 (I think), and the Nightingale several hundred. So the everyone who voted or donated should be very proud of their efforts.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Thanks. And hopefully it will help people see that with a reasonable effort (a couple of minutes per day) we can make a real, significant difference. This is money than can change how much our organisations can do for us and how much research can be conducted that will eventually lead to better treatments. With more participation there is even more to get.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Thanks, Frenchtulip, we will add that one. I have agreed with Tuha that he will check the list we have on the Facebook group once a week or so and then always keep this one here updated. So sometimes it might take a couple of days for a contest to appear here.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Hi Ggingues

Not that i know of. I don't think there has been any contest where an ME/CFS charity was in the race that ended in the last couple of weeks. But it's Tuha who's keeping the list in post #2 here updated. He's copying the list from the original list over here http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/groups/115200951912652/ at the Facebook Fundraising Group. You can find the list in the documents section there. But the Chase Community Giving will start soon and hopefully we will get something to add to the list there...



senior member
Concord, NH
Hopefully our worldwide sufferers get into the action of the Chase contest and help us win some money to help us all out!



Senior Member
There was a new update of the new success in some contests- look at post 2. During the last 2 yearswe were able to get for ME/CFS organisations around $295,000

If you would like to help us - join this ME/CFS fundraising group where you will see some current contests
The most of the time you will spend just 2-3 minutes, so its really easy

This fundraising group participated effectivly with other ME/CFS groups by bringing arround $275,000 to the ME/CFS organisations during the last 6 months


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
2012 winnings so far by the ME (ME/CFS) Fundraising Group on Facebook:

Oct $400
  1. Patchwork Road http://www.facebook.com/PatchworkRoad
  • ME/FM Action Network www.mefmaction.com/
Sept $30,000
  1. Chase Community Giving http://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving
June 200 pounds
  1. Small Charity Week http://www.facebook.com/smallcharityweek
May $500
  1. Veribo http://www.veribo.com
  • ME/FM Action Network www.mefmaction.com/
Mar $5,000 and $250,000
  1. Colonial First State (3AW competition) $5000
  1. Home Depot Foundation ( http://www.facebook.com/homedepotfoundation?sk=wall )
Feb $25,000
  1. Home Depot Foundation ( http://www.facebook.com/homedepotfoundation?sk=wall )


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Total earnings so far in 2012: $311, 220.

Total earnings in 2011: $286, 823 (approximately -- the figures above for the year don't match exactly those in the Facebook group doc.)

Total earnings in 2010: $ 20,350

Number of members of the ME (ME/CFS) Fundraising Group is 168. It appears from the votes generated in contests that less than a thousand (only a few hundred?) patients worldwide participate (out of an estimated 17 million ill). Many votes come from family and friends of patients. Others have looked more closely at the numbers of votes in various contests than I have, so I'd welcome their input and corrections.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Is not the ME (ME/CFS) Fundraising Group a Facebook group? I will not have anything to do with Facebook, but I vote in other fundraisers. There are probably others like me, so this Fueling Good contests should have more participants. Off to vote!