Tips for the detoxification of organophosphates (pesticide)


Senior Member
Hi all,

I face some challenges in my new home / environment. There is this agricultural (pesticide) exposure. The house is within 50 meter from agricultural pesticide ( from a fruit growing company).
When I get outside I get instant symptoms, and it puts me in a ME/CFS state. Also blurred vision, MCS , rapid heart beat and even tightness in the chest.

Currently I can't move, it will take a year before I can move.
I keep the windows closed as much as possible, but contamination of my car is unavoidable.

Can there be something done health-wise to detoxify organophosphates better?
I have read about the enzyme paraoxonase, but don't know how to increase it.

23andme result: rs662 PON1: C / C

Thanks in advance for thinking along.



Senior Member
Are you sure they are using organophosphate pesticides? There are other types of pesticide, including neonicotinoids and carbamates.

This paper lists supplement which may increase paraoxonase activity: they include pomegranate juice, vitamins C and E.

Hi Hip,

I actually don't know which type, is there even a way to find out which type's are in the air?

Thank you very much for that paper, great paper! I study the paper later but I am definately gonna test the named supps. Hopefully it makes the situation more bearable.


Senior Member
An article on the pesticide link to ME/CFS is found here.

Thanks again Hip, good information.

One thing is confusing though, they say in the article:

" Some ME/CFS patients with high blood levels of organochlorines achieved remission from their symptoms after a detoxification regimen comprising choline and ascorbic acid".

I ready everywhere that pesticides inhibit cholinesterase, which cause an overload of choline. So taking choline to relieve symptoms of high blood levels of organochlorines can be risky?

Thanks again!


Senior Member
I ready everywhere that pesticides inhibit cholinesterase, which cause an overload of choline. So taking choline to relieve symptoms of high blood levels of organochlorines can be risky?

Organochlorine pesticides are banned in most places, so you are unlikely to encounter these nowadays.

I actually don't know which type, is there even a way to find out which type's are in the air?

Not as far as I know. It might be possible to write to your local council, and see if they can get this information for you, regarding what pesticides they use. Or possibly write to the fruit growing company themselves.


Senior Member
That's good, hopefully the others will be banned as well :)

I have called the fruit growing company before to ask when he sprayed, because when I know that I can close the windows. But no answers, no respond to my questions. He doesn't give any information. :(


Senior Member
That's good, hopefully the others will be banned as well :)

I have called the fruit growing company before to ask when he sprayed, because when I know that I can close the windows. But no answers, no respond to my questions. He doesn't give any information. :(
Hi Jason,

That's bad news. And while Hip is correct in that organophosphates are banned in most areas, the fact is that many places bought huge stocks before they were taken off the market. You could try reporting them...especially if it's still a privately owned farm. I know that our termite man told me Terminix had bought huge canisters of the last round of poisons it this does go on. Just get out of there as soon as you can. Check the internet & find out when spraying is the most likely to take place, bearing in mind that different sprays are used at different times of the year.

Do you have someone you could bunk with for a short time? I assume you're leasing...when is it up? True, there will always be something, all we can do is be aware and that's all you can do. If they're using the organophosphates for mildew, then it can go on all season long. I hope you live where winter comes in all its glory. I just noticed that you live in Europe....I hope it's a country that takes chemicals seriously. Best of luck, and let me know if I can help you out. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Hi Jason,

That's bad news. And while Hip is correct in that organophosphates are banned in most areas, the fact is that many places bought huge stocks before they were taken off the market. You could try reporting them...especially if it's still a privately owned farm. I know that our termite man told me Terminix had bought huge canisters of the last round of poisons it this does go on. Just get out of there as soon as you can. Check the internet & find out when spraying is the most likely to take place, bearing in mind that different sprays are used at different times of the year.

Do you have someone you could bunk with for a short time? I assume you're leasing...when is it up? True, there will always be something, all we can do is be aware and that's all you can do. If they're using the organophosphates for mildew, then it can go on all season long. I hope you live where winter comes in all its glory. I just noticed that you live in Europe....I hope it's a country that takes chemicals seriously. Best of luck, and let me know if I can help you out. Yours, Lenora.

Hi Lenora,

Thank you for thinking along.

Yes it's bad, I even consider moving to a camping somewhere else because my health is declining in various ways now, with coronary events.
I have bought the home :(, it was such a dumb decision to move here. I totally forgot about the fruit growing company.
When I visited the home for the first time last winter, it was okay. That was probably the reason why they put the home for sale in November.

I believe they spraying for mildes yes. Unfortunately my country doesn't take chemicals seriously.

Thanks again Lenora.


Senior Member
I believe this plays a major role in my problems with pesticides, the inhibition of P450 enzymes.
Because when I am exposed to pesticides, the next day I get sick from the same chemicals as I was exposed the day before I am exposed to pesticides, and didn't get sick from it.

The Inhibition of Major Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 Enzymes by 18 Pesticides

Generally, CYPs are more sensitive to organophosphorus insecticides (OPs) than to other pesticide groups. The tested pyrethroid insecticides were potent inhibitors of CYP2D6 and, to a lesser extent, CYP3A4, except for lambda-cyhalothrin. Other pesticides inhibited sporadically only one or a few at the most. Isoproturon and alphacypermethrin were completely inactive in this respect. The inhibitory interactions might be of significance at least in those occupational situations where workers are exposed to higher pesticide concentrations and in determining whether CYPs are involved in the metabolism of a pesticide.

CYP2C9 activity was extensively inhibited (more than 90% inhibition) by organophosphorus insecticides phenthoate, malathion, profenofos and fenitrothion, whereas more modest inhibition was observed with chlorpyrifos. In addition, relatively extensive inhibitions (82 to 88%) were observed with glyphosate,

CYP3A4, midazolam 1 -hydroxylation and omeprazole sulfoxidation CYP3A4 activities decreased at least to a certain extent after incubation with the majority of the tested pesticides. The effect was the most pronounced with atrazine followed by phenthoate (92% and 89% inhibition, respectively), but also chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion, phenthoate, profenofos, lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate, and atrazine produced modest decreases in midazolam 1 -hydroxylation (65–89% inhibition)

CYP2D6, dextromethorphan O-demethylation Human hepatic CYP2D6 activity was completely inhibited by carbendazim. Moreover, phenthoate, chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, lambda-cyhalothrin, profenofos and fenitrothion caused inhibitions ranging from 55% to 82%. No inhibition of CYP2D6 activity was caused by carbaryl, cypermethrin, alpha-cypermethrin, or glyphosate.


Senior Member
Hi Jason.... The only one I'm familiar with is the organophosphate family....and not b/c I want to be. This plays into the downdraft theory and peoples' lives are at stake. Oftentimes they apparently do a lot of physical damage before the person is saved. That's not a way to live and I wouldn't wish it upon you....or anyone.

Do you have neighbors? I wonder what their experience has been over the years? Interesting little fact here, and yes, it's off topic. But the people behind me smoke and come out to their little porch (no covering really) and light up. Of course they're doing it to protect the inside of their house and their children.

I'm sorry this happened, Jason, and I wish you good luck in finding something this winter. I wonder how much of this stuff they have stockpiled? At least the termite killer didn't smell. And so we learn!

Jason, take good care and we hope to hear that you've moved in the near future. Yours, Lenora.
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@jason30 - sorry to hear you're in a tough spot, literally! You might try high dose vitamin C - this study looks interesting: Vitamin C Attenuates Chronic Chlorpyrifos-induced Alteration of Neurobehavioral Parameters in Wistar Rats

Vitamin C helped me when I was tapering off of lorazepam - and I started taking it round the clock due to this study, which indicated it helped with glutamate-related neurotoxicity: Vitamin C Neuroprotection Against Dose-Dependent Glutamate-Induced Neurodegeneration in the Postnatal Brain

I know that glutamate is unrelated to organophosphates or pesticides but it's another study showing that showing that vitamin C helped the brain with a toxin.

I think it might good to get a HEPA air purifier for your house. It won't eliminate pesticides in the house per se, but it's very good at collecting dust, which tends to collect pesticides, etc. Also you could get a HEPA filter for your car as well.


Senior Member
Hi Jason.... The only one I'm familiar with is the organophosphate family....and not b/c I want to be. This plays into the downdraft theory and peoples' lives are at stake. Oftentimes they apparently do a lot of physical damage before the person is saved. That's not a way to live and I wouldn't wish it upon you....or anyone.

Do you have neighbors? I wonder what their experience has been over the years? Interesting little fact here, and yes, it's off topic. But the people behind me smoke and come out to their little porch (no covering really) and light up. Of course they're doing it to protect the inside of their house and their children.

I'm sorry this happened, Jason, and I wish you good luck in finding something this winter. I wonder how much of this stuff they have stockpiled? At least the termite killer didn't smell. And so we learn!

Jason, take good care and we hope to hear that you've moved in the near future. Yours, Lenora.

I just met the neighbors and soon I will ask them what are their thoughts about it.

Thanks again Lenora.


Senior Member
@jason30 - sorry to hear you're in a tough spot, literally! You might try high dose vitamin C - this study looks interesting: Vitamin C Attenuates Chronic Chlorpyrifos-induced Alteration of Neurobehavioral Parameters in Wistar Rats

Vitamin C helped me when I was tapering off of lorazepam - and I started taking it round the clock due to this study, which indicated it helped with glutamate-related neurotoxicity: Vitamin C Neuroprotection Against Dose-Dependent Glutamate-Induced Neurodegeneration in the Postnatal Brain

I know that glutamate is unrelated to organophosphates or pesticides but it's another study showing that showing that vitamin C helped the brain with a toxin.

I think it might good to get a HEPA air purifier for your house. It won't eliminate pesticides in the house per se, but it's very good at collecting dust, which tends to collect pesticides, etc. Also you could get a HEPA filter for your car as well.

Thanks for the study and good to know. I have some liposomal vitamin c from Mercola which I can try.
Yes I recently have bought a new hepa air purifier for the living room, I am curious if this will help.

I do wonder if a filter for the windows exists which filters pesticides , do you by change knows this?

Thanks for thinking along and the car tip.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@jason30 - see this article which talks about how to remove air pollutants, including pesticides.

Re pesticides it says:

If you have an existing central heating and air system, upgrading your filter to a filter rated at MERV 16 or better will remove 95% of dust from insecticides. Another option is an activated carbon air purifier, which will remove gasses from pesticides from the air.

So something like this product in your window might help: