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Tick bite


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Panicking over a tick bite as I already have severe M.E.

Any advice, please? Should I take antibiotics? I have amoxicillin here.

When my mother got a tick bite, the doctor prescribed antibiotics "just in case".

Her doctor's logic makes sense to me, since the risk of waiting for a tick-borne bacterial infection to show up in blood tests is the risk of the bacterial infections becoming much much harder to treat in the future...

But which antibiotics would be appropriate in this instance?


Senior Member
doxycycline,within 72 hours...,if you have removed the tick immediately and your still scared a single dose for prevention would be enough as far as I can remember......you can google it what is recommended ..not sure when they give it for 2 weeks .


Senior Member
What does your Dr. recommend. Good luck. Lenora.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Should I take antibiotics? I have amoxicillin here.
I'm not sure amoxicillin is the best ABX for tick bites, but I'm not sure. It's a fairly limited one, and not as strong as I'd imagine might be used for potential repercussions of a tick bite. But I really dont know for sure :confused::confused::confused: ....

It could be that even a weaker and non-targeted ABX might be better than nothing.

Do you have the telltale red bullseye rash where the tick bit?

ABX's can screw around with you, too, or at least they do with me and a few others I've read in these threads ...


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
These are some recommendations from Dr Marty Ross: https://www.treatlyme.net/guide/antibiotics-for-acute-tick-bites

About antibiotics he says, "The best antibiotic to use is Doxycycline because it treats Lyme and can treat the other tick borne infections like anaplasma, ehrlichia, babesia, bartonella, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever if they are present. For an adult I recommend 100 mg 2 times a day.

If someone cannot take doxycycline, the alternative antibiotics include amoxicillin, cefuroxime, and azithromycin. However, there are no studies showing the proper dose or duration of these alternatives.

I do not recommend herbal antibiotics of any kind for an acute tick bite because there is no research evidence showing they work for an acute tick bite.

My recommendations for treatment duration are based on my clinical experience of what works and the one mouse study showing 20 days prevents Lyme disease in infected mice."

Though if you can I would read the full page from his site.
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vision blue

Senior Member
What did you end up doing? For me its the inverse. Didnt see a tick but got weird symptoms followed by a rash followed by anotger circular rash followed by more weird symptoms. Doctor offered antibiotic but so far i havent done it as the cost of screwing up my very very hard fought for gut microbiome has a high cost. Trying to do some tests now but its slow going. Im
Probably already past the point where i coukd clear it up quickly sbd easily but perhaps easier tbsn if i waited 2 more months


Senior Member
I reluctantly took doxycycline, on the advice of my doctor, and then followed up with high doses of probiotics. No change in my ME baseline.
I reluctantly took doxycycline, on the advice of my doctor, and then followed up with high doses of probiotics. No change in my ME baseline.

And no negative symptoms associated with doxycycline? I just discovered a tick that was positive for Ehrlichia ewingii, but haven’t had symptoms in two weeks. Considering cipro kickstarted my journey of the living dead and a life with symptoms, taking an antiobiotic again is a concerning prospect. But at least doxy is not a fluroquinolone.

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Senior Member
U.S., Earth
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