The Slightest Touch HURTS


Senior Member
Like don't touch me! OMG. I think I don't even realize half the time how much pain I'm really in until a friend touches me. My friend just lightly squeezed by arm and the back of my neck, in like a comforting gesture. And just that light touch hurt like hell. Any time anyone touches me, it's like screaming pain. Like don't hug me, don't touch me. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I didn't say anything, but I think I flinched from it when she touched me. I hate looking like I'm disgusted or something when someone touches me, but it's like seriously, it hurts like hell.

Anyone else go through that?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi Carrigon, I have had this symptom off and on. One time a friend clapped me on the back and it was all I could do not to turn around and punch his lights out, I was in so much pain. He never even knew there was a problem. Theses days the only permanent touch sensitivity is in my feet, but just yesterday I think I finally found a diagnosis for some of my foot problems: burning feet syndrome. This was a self diagnosis from the internet, so can't be considered official, but since I have several medical conditions that might be related or causal, I think its a good bet.



Senior Member
The burning feet is usually gout. Believe it or not, I didn't realize it for years and then found that's what it actually was. Cut out red meats, eat cheese, and cherries. For some reason cherries work on it. And drink lots of water.

I don't want to become a born-again Lyme disease evangelist, but burning feet is apparently one of the classic symptoms of Lyme disease. When I was at the clinic in Germany all the other patients talked about it, I seemed to be the only one who never had it.

Also the pain from being touched can come from Lyme disease. My doc said borrelia attacks the myelin sheath and makes it inflamed, so that the nerves are getting compressed (even though the bacteria cannot actually damage them). The mildest level of inflammation causes numbness, the next level causes tingling/pins and needles and the severest causes intense pain. Some people vary between these states in affected parts of the body as their symptoms severity fluctuates.


Senior Member
Yes, I go through that.

There are times when I cannot even lay down or sit down because the pressure on my body causes too much pain.

There are times when I cannot wear clothes because that slight touch causes too much pain.

I had always thought it was the fibro.


Señor Mumbler
The CFS/Fibro lines blur. You've probably checked all these boxes but FWIW:
- Most Rheumys (ana a pain doc I saw) would consider this fibro.
- Some I've seen seem to think it's required?! A good Rheumy is worth their weight in gold and may be easier to find than any other type of doc to "manage" this flavor of pain but a neuro may help as well.
- My rheumy is great and treated me before I met enough tender points to consider me having a "pure" fibro Dx. Now I do.

My pain isn't THAT widespread and is mostly deep into the muscles.

Best wishes,
Philadelphia, PA
I get this when I've eaten processed flour... pasta, bagels, msg etc. My skin hurts to the touch and will last from 8-24 hours. No doctors have been able to explain it. Could it be food or allergy related?


Senior Member
Like don't touch me! OMG. I think I don't even realize half the time how much pain I'm really in until a friend touches me. My friend just lightly squeezed by arm and the back of my neck, in like a comforting gesture. And just that light touch hurt like hell. Any time anyone touches me, it's like screaming pain. Like don't hug me, don't touch me. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I didn't say anything, but I think I flinched from it when she touched me. I hate looking like I'm disgusted or something when someone touches me, but it's like seriously, it hurts like hell.

Anyone else go through that?
what your describing is called allodynia i would advise that you get it properly investigated incase there is something else causing it


Senior Member
I get this when I've eaten processed flour... pasta, bagels, msg etc. My skin hurts to the touch and will last from 8-24 hours. No doctors have been able to explain it. Could it be food or allergy related?

it's very lightly from what your describing that it is, most of those foods your naming contain Gluten, have you been checked for Celiacs? if you get the blood test done for this it is important to know that if you haven't had any food containlng gluten before the test you may get a negative resualt even if you do have it. The test measures the bodys reaction to gluten no gluten no reaction. It is also quite an unreliable test so don't take a negative resualt as gospil. anything else your getting this reaction to get tested to see if your allergic hope this helps


Senior Member
burning feet syndrome can be caused by alot of things there a list here there is alot of vitamin deficency on it have, you been checked for celiacs, melabsorbtion syndrones etc, diabetes is on the list as well, know of people who where told they had CFS only to find out they had diabeties years later, anyway whats causeing your problem is probably on this list best of luck
I have pins, needles and stinging all over my body plus skin is raw.....extremely painful any suggestions for help...cant keep living like this. Wish it were just my feet!!!