The Patient Side: Clinical Director Dr Deckoff-Jones Talks


Phoenix Rising Founder
The XMRV finding has put the spotlight for the past year on the research side of the WPI (or the Center for Neuro-immune Disease) but thats just half of the equation. When the Clinical side of the Center opens sometime in May it will bring an entire new entity to the ME/CFS Communityan integrated clinic/research facility.

In this interview Dr. Deckoff-Jones talks about other the side of the WPI the Clinic side. We find out how large it is (its quite large!), what they hope to accomplish (quite a bit), how they plan to do it and how she hopes it will change the face of CFS treatment. Check it out in

Dr. Deckoff-Jones Talks.


Senior Member
Changing the face of treatment sounds marvellous - perhaps a template for all.