The ME/CFS Pocket Money Research Fund


Senior Member
From: Dan Moricoli

(Please re-post)

If nothing else, we have learned that our governmental agencies will not
soon provide the money required for desperately needed research consistent
to the prevalence of our disease. We also know that it can take a year or
more for traditional funding sources to go through the grant writing and
acceptance procedures before such research can begin.

Working together, we can dramatically increase ME/CFS research to more
quickly ease the suffering we endure. This is precisely what the ME/CFS
Pocket Money Research Fund ( is designed to do.

It's a fund which seeks to unite we who are isolated by our disease. We
whose needs have been ignored by all but a few of our physicians,
governmental agencies and far too many of our family and friends. We, who
because of our illness, can barely, if at all, work to provide for ourselves
and our families.

We must, in spite of our reduced financial capacity, dig deeper and
sacrifice a little more, to help ourselves.

We can, however, take heart in our numbers.

The most commonly accepted prevalence rate for ME/CFS used by researchers and the IACFS is 0.42% of the general population. Applied to just Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States that's over 5,000,000 afflicted individuals. Sadly, less than one in five of us has been
diagnosed. However, if we 853,000 who know we have the disease join together in common cause, we have real financial strength.

If each of us were to donate just the local equivalent of $10 to the ME/CFS
Pocket Money Research Fund, $8,534,010 would be raised.

And, if we push just a little harder . . . and each of us get just one
friend or relative to contribute a like amount, $17,068,020 would be raised.
"That's real money which can make a real difference in a big hurry"
according to Dr. Nancy Klimas, M.D.

Whatever pocket money you can bring yourself to spare, in whatever currency, will help us help ourselves. Whatever effort, you can make to urge others to join us, will help us help ourselves.

Your contributions to the fund will also bring us closer to forming not just
a worldwide community, but a growing worldwide presence whose numbers our
governmental agencies will soon no longer be able to ignore.

Please, take a moment right now . . . and look into your pocket or purse.
Count out the money and consider how much you can spare to help yourself
overcome the ravages of our disease you endure. Then make a donation via
PayPal to the ME/CFS Pocket Money Fund at:


If you prefer to write a check in your local currency, make the check
payable to The ME/CFS Pocket Money Research Fund and mail it to: The ME/CFS Pocket Money Fund, c/o Seacoast National Bank, 3001 PGA Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 USA

All donors are individually recognized by country on the fund's website. To
learn more about the fund and how your donation will be used, and by whom,
go to

You can also help by forwarding this message to everyone you know who has
the your disease or may be in a position to help. To learn more about what
else you can do to support the fund in your local area, check out, and sign
up for, the Ambassador program(

You can also take one other very important action to help us help ourselves
. . . forward this email to every organization or website you know of and/or
subscribe to and ask them to post the fully activated version of this image
on their website. Those that advise us that they have done so, will be
recognized as Sponsors on the fund's website.

The computer code needed to post the fully activated 120 X 240 pixel image
(which can be viewed at Other sizes are
available upon request.:

width="120" height="259" border="0" usemap="#Map" />
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="-117,-133,120,192"
4> &hosted_button_id=9831994" target="_blank" />
<area shape="rect" coords="0,191,214,333"
href="" target="_blank" />

Together, we can change the world.

Dan Moricoli



I'd like this thread to be a sticky thread:

The following thread already is:
Support the Whittemore Peterson Institute

I agree with Tomk. Cort and Aftermath, while you're thinking of how to reorganize a bit to keep things clear and easy to find (one of the many lovely aspects of the forum to date), maybe you could add, with stickies

>a thread that is fundraising sites only - no discussion
>a research thread - no discussion, maybe even with sub-categories even - xmrv, heart, azt.........
> how tos of advocacy - no discussion - there are a couple existing posts that would be good - how to write to senators, how to advocate effectively, carla-ni's site, probably dreambirdie's list that she attached to her 60 Minutes letter if she agrees

Know I had other similar ideas, but the fog has swallowed them.

I'm not sure if it would be best to have these stickies at the top of each appropriate thread or if it would be better to have a sticky section that then has all these subcategories.

I'll copy this post to the nuts and bolts as I've added to Tom's idea
