White Crawley Pinching Holgate Spencer
Are all known immediately for their pro psychiatric views on 'CFS/ME'
I imagine the rest of them on that list are just as corrupt. Even more sick is that Crawley woman advises the treatment of children!

I remember back in 2001 I think, I read the AYME charity statement saying they thought the working party report was
'fair and balanced'. I got a copy of it, and it says that all children with CFS/ME should be refered to a psychiatrist. That's fair and balanced for psychiatrist, for sure - but outrageous for patients.
England really is a terrible, crul place to live compared to other Western developed countries when it comes to health care. I wish I'd be born in the USA where they have rights and choice through private health.
If healthy, I and everyone else from this hell hole would have better luck in Somalia armed to the teeth and take our chances. What was the chances of being born into a medical scandal that's stolen 2, 3 + decades of our lives and not even allowed 1 tablet to help with symptoms unless you write to an MP (Senator) or go to court? Amazing.
Collectively these people have destroyed my life, and everyone elses in this country. Despair embraces the fallen - and the guilty cough on their arrogant taunts. They simply want and need us patients to die. This is Nazi doctrine: marginalise, watch the minority suffer - blame the minority, refuse to treat them and make them go away.
When is this blind rhetoric going to stop? Never.
All we can hope is with an XMRV blood test, many many patients will sue local NHS trusts for misdiagnosis of 'CFS/ME' when they had a neuro immune disease that government experts called a
'Life Style Choice' with no evidence patients with XMRV were mentally ill.
Simple Gestapo tactics. Their idiotic labelling of 'CFS/ME' has created a huge legal issue here, as they have openly stated so many discriminatory and bigotted words against patients - they cannot reverse engineer history.
This is they only positive point. So many of us: remember, have written down, collected, stored, published, disseminated ''quotes'' from these death bringers. That will be their downfall. Their hateful words, will be their demise.
If they had kept their mouths shut it would have worked, but they are quoted as calling people with ME/CFS: disgusting, pond life, self deceptive, guilty, whiney, etc.
Those words should never be spoken by any doctor in public about their patients. There is no 'excuse' why and how they ever would use these words either.
If we aren't allowed to know who is going to the MRC meeting. We need to again, diligently write this down.
Everthing, and I mean everthing they do against us needs to be saved.
We must mirror those from the holocaust who chased after, and brough to justice the sadists in WWII who vanished into the community and all over the world. These people will do the same, and 'retire' very very quickly and keep their heads down.