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The “Elephant in the Room” Awakens: The Severely Ill with ME/CFS After Maeve’s Tragic Death


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The “Elephant in the Room” Awakens: The Severely Ill with ME/CFS After Maeve’s Tragic Death

by Cort Johnson | Sep 30, 2024 | Homepage, Severe ME/CFS | 5 comments



Leaving the severely ill to the vagaries of their local medical establishments is cruel and untenable. Clear guidelines on medical websites and efforts to educate doctors are needed. Particularly needed are guidelines for treating the severely ill at home when they are unable to eat/drink. The educational funding embedded in Long COVID Moonshot bill could go a long way in this regard.

The fact that it is exceedingly rare for young people, in particular, to become so ill has surely led some in the medical profession to react with disbelief and neglect. The very severely ill, though, provide a telling story about a disease once slighted as “the yuppie syndrome”. Although studies have shown ME/CFS to be significantly more functionally impairing than such diseases as heart disease and multiple sclerosis, etc. most people still don’t get it about “chronic fatigue syndrome”. The severely ill provide an unforgettable reminder of how impactful this disease can be.