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The Definitive Word on COVID-19


Senior Member

(with thanks to @Wally)
This reminds me a little bit of another bunch of sneaky virus buggers that we suspect are behind me/cfs. Are viruses getting smarter and going for broader attacks on their hosts? I wonder if we will get a better understanding of how viruses operate as we try to tackle this one. Silver lining anyone?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Hmmmmmm ....

Doesnt make sense, unless I stop thinking, and then it becomes crystal clear, then I start thinking again and again, it doesn't make sense, but then I think I'm thinking too much and suddenly, it makes perfect sense, but then I think about how much sense it makes, and it stops making sense because, you know, I'm thinking again,, after which it occurs to me that thinking's overrated, and BINGO !!! it makes sense again, but then I start wondering, "Is thinking really overrated ???", and before I know it, it stops making sense, so I go back to knowing that it doesn;t make sense, but then I wonder how I know that and my brain stutters badly and starts looking frantically for the exit ........

After which, it makes just brilliant sense and I wonder why didn't I think of all that ?

Meanwhile my brain is hitchhiking to Truth Or Consequences, NM. Hopefully, it'll drop me a postcard. SO far, I haven;t really missed it ....
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