Thankfulness Thread for 2010


Phoenix Rising Founder
Sometimes (oftentimes!) it's hard to keep in mind what to be thankful for but there are always things and it is helpful to be reminded of them - to keep them upperfront in our minds.

Thankfulness is a realm of being that is a joy to exist in.

Its always a good idea to cultivate this realm and it does take cultivation. We are wired to look for what's wrong and what's not working, not is working or what there is to be thankful for.

I'd like to start off 2011 with a list of things to be thankful for that we can build on. I'll post them on the Front Page as we go into 2011. There are no right or wrong answers -they can be about CFS or they can be personal. This is only for positives!

Here are some of mine:

I am thankful for everybody who has participated in these Forums - I have learned from everybody. (That is actually a declaration of mine - that I intend to stand on - that I have learned from everybody - those who are here and those who are not).

I am very thankful for everyone who has contributed to Phoenix Rising - and there is a long list - because they allow me to do what is in my heart

I am thankful to Dr. Mikovits for showing such compassion for people with ME/CFS.

I am thankful to Annette Whittemore for her vision and her huge commitment to improving the lives of people with ME/CFS.

I am thankful to Wanda Jones for showing up in our lives.

I am thankful for Suzanne Vernon's vision and her huge commitment to making a difference in this disorder.

I am thankful for Kim McCleary's commitment and her work in helping to come to pass the CFSAC committee, the Disability Ruling, the Media Campaign, the many fascinating research projects, for hiring Suzanne Vernon :D, the Research Initiative, the Research Network, the Biobank, the CFIDS Link, the webinars... is only for

I am thankful for Aftermath for prodding the creation of the these Forums.

I am so thankful for Jody's many hours helping to build them.

I am thankful for the moderators for sticking with the Forums and dealing with difficult situations and moderating with grace and patience.

I am thankful to the UK crowd that left for helping me to understand the depths of their situation.

I am SOOO thankful to my Father and my family for their understanding and their support



Phoenix Rising Founder
I am thankful to Nancy Klimas for her support of the ME/CFS community in so many ways over the years

I am sooo thankful for Lenny Jason and his probing questions at the CFSAC meeting

I am thankful for Koan's graceful presence on the Forums when she was here (and honestly I miss her). Although we used to clash horribly sometimes I also miss Dr. Yes's humor.

I am thankful for Georges humor, Merry's compassion and steadiness, Frank's and Tuha's creative commitment, Mark's mind :) and balance, Consegua's passion and commitment to his daughter, Dolphin's focus and all the work he does, Helen's commitment and Turnip video's, Sasha's support, lancelot's passion, Freddd's creative approach to CFS treatment, Kurt's courage :), CBS's profound commitment, RichVank's generosity, gginngues support. Bob's evenhandedness, Diesel's inquisitiveness, Willows and Oceanblues probing intelligence, Kelvin's hilarious and uplifting blogs, carrigon's openness and heart, browneyedgirls support for PR and her book club, Dreambirdies wonderful support, LaurelW's amazing steadiness despite her health and her video's, all the wonderful video's over the past year, Cloud's commitment to helping others, Jenbooks experience and support, Victoria's compassion and her wonderful blogs (I hope things are continuing to look up), Kim's very important role in helping build the Forums - I'm sorry she's gone......LJS's guts, omerbasket's passion,

...The problem is that there are so many people and I'm just quickly looking through the threads ......