Testing for MLV's!


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
Considering that XMRV and MLV's as found in the recent Lo, Alter paper are 96 point something % (I think) identical to each other - is the current diagnostic test from VipdX for XMRV likely to pick up MLV's also?

Enlighten me please!


Senior Member
It's on as a new annoucement on their website now Francelle


ANNOUNCEMENT: August 23, 2010

Human Gamma Retrovirus Test Now Available

VIP Dx is pleased to announce the availability, beginning Monday, August 23, 2010, of the WPI licensed serology test to detect antibodies to Human Gamma Retroviruses that include XMRV and other human MLV-related viruses.

Both the XMRV PCR/culture test and the XMRV serology test offered by VIP Dx use methods that will detect all known human MLV viruses.

Please contact customer service for more information at (775) 351-1890 or (775) 682-8510 or e-mail us at info@vipdx.com.


Senior Member
Redlabs Belgium is testing now only the culture and the western bloth test at the moment.

The serology test is not available yet at Redlabs Belgium, when available it will be testing antibodies of XMRV and other MLV`s. Just like the serology- test VIP dx is doing now.


Senior Member
Why do they still offer the PCR/Culture test?? Isn't the new Serology test the most accurate? I'm confused why you would do the PCR/Culture test @ $450 when the Serology is $249.


Senior Member
i agree. can they tell viral load by PCR/culture?

maybe its possible to have the virus and not make antibodies?


Senior Member
Why do they still offer the PCR/Culture test?? Isn't the new Serology test the most accurate? I'm confused why you would do the PCR/Culture test @ $450 when the Serology is $249.


Antibody test (serology) shows an immune response to the XMRV/MULV.


Culture test shows the virus was grown outside of your body in a dish in a lab and your own cells infected other cells giving them XMRV/MULV, proving it's infectious. This is more labour intensive and so costly...hence the price diffference.

So culture is the virus alive in a dish, the physical virus and serology is your bodys response to it. Two different things. Which is why VIP DX offer the test to people interested in having both pieces of evidence. ;)


Senior Member
Will the outcome of this test show only negative or postive or will it be broken down and identify whether it is XMRV or CFS 1, CFS 11 etc. ?


Senior Member
shannah...good question. i emailed VIP to ask..i think i will hear back on monday and will post it here.


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
No, not FDA approved at this time. All test are considered research or experimental at this time. Licensing refers to patents on the testing procedure that other labs have to pay the licensed a fee for each test they administer.

Right now these tests are all about learning who has and doesn't have the virus and if it's a threat. Each person who pays the fee to know is helping push the science further. As for getting the test or not getting the test. How bad do you want to know??? (big grins) I can wait till November or so then whatever's available I gotta know. (grins)


Senior Member
WPI just licensed vipdx to do the test, you must see them as two seperate entities.
when months ago the culture test was released by vipdx, the site at that time also said that WPI had been giving an exclusive license to VIpdx to do the testing.
has nothing to do with government approval.


Can anyone tell me what test is best? Serology? PCR? Culture? Do they pick up all MLVs? Does anyone know if Redlabs Belgium offers tests that pick up all MLVs?
I'm confused too and want more info. If I paid and got a positive serology, would I gain anything by having the additional positive result (by culture)? I want to save money but only if it's reasonable. If I get a positive serology and find out that docs won't prescribe ARVs without positive culture, for example, then I will be regretting not getting both. That would be extreme but I don't want to have to spend the money later plus the extra $150 plus the extra effort. It would be nice to save some money now too if the 2nd positive won't gain much over the 1st positive.


Senior Member
Antibody test to be available in a month or two?

A very prominent reference lab is developing an antibody test. It is my understanding that the focus on antibody detection is because the developers feel that the presence of antibodies are more stable than detectable viral particles at this time.

(We are) developing tests to detect the presence of XMRV in blood and tissues.
  • These tests will detect anti-XMRV antibodies in blood, as well as viral RNA and viral DNA in blood and tissues.
  • These tests are in use in our research laboratory, but are not currently validated for clinical use. We anticipate it will take a few months before these tests are available for assaying patient samples. At that time, (the lab) will notify its clients, as well as provide additional information on its website.
This information was dated two months ago.

I'm editing out the name of the lab as I have been told that the developer of the test, while very sympathetic to the needs of CFS patients and the severity of our illness, is "not really used to or enjoying the attention" associated with the controversial aspects of CFS, especially the politics.

I'll post as soon as I learn that the test is available or if I learn of a release date (assuming that 30 other people haven't already beaten me to it).

FWIW, calling or e-mailing the developer or the lab before the test is available is unlikely to accomplish anything except to divert attention and resources from the task of developing the test and will likely delay the release of the test. I am pretty sure that there will be a press release.

Lastly, it is my understanding (although it is not reflected in the above text) that the antibody test will detect MLV's.
Wow. Well thanks for that update. Sometimes a "few months" can be a long time. Hopefully progress is being made every week. Maybe I won't order the vipdx kit yet.


Still working on it all..
Melbourne, Australia
Just to add a bit to the info Frank gave last month re REDlabs in Belgium. They offer two tests for XMRV:
detection of the XMRV in culture which "includes detection of other MLV-related viruses by PCR" (340 Euro's)
and "detection of MLV-related viruses by PCR" (108 Euros)

They don't have the XMRV serology test as yet.

There is also this study from the WPI recently:
Distribution of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus (XMRV) Infection in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Prostate Cancer.


Just to add a bit to the info Frank gave last month re REDlabs in Belgium. They offer two tests for XMRV:
detection of the XMRV in culture which "includes detection of other MLV-related viruses by PCR" (340 Euro's)
and "detection of MLV-related viruses by PCR" (108 Euros)

They don't have the XMRV serology test as yet.

There is also this study from the WPI recently:
Distribution of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus (XMRV) Infection in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Prostate Cancer.

Thanks, Tony. Which one of them is the most reliable do you think?

When I do the culture test, is the result final then? How high are the chances for wrong pos/negs? Why is everyone waiting for the antibody test? For example if you choose the antibody test and the results are negative, does it make sense to do culture or PCR to back it up? Will a doctor prescribe AVs only for certain tests and will the insurance cover it only for certain tests?