Test Results from Dr. Peterson


Phoenix Rising Founder
Someone who wants to remain anonymous provided these test results from Dr. Peterson. They give an idea of what he tests for (and what he finds)

  • interferon Gamma=124 pg/ml normal = <20
  • IL-10=48 normal =<85
  • Il-2=36 normal=<46
  • Il-4=95 normal=<70
  • Il-6=106 normal =<24
  • Il-8=520 normal=<14 damn this one is so high
  • Il-12=350 normal =<240

RNase L

  • RNaseL activity assay is slightly elevated at 51 normal is =<50
  • RNaseL protein Quant=1.2 normal <2

TNF Alpha, circulating levels=51 normal=<27 pg/ml

All Amino Acids are on lower end but few of them almost non-existing

Blood test for lymphoma&leukemia negative

NK Cells

  • NAtural killer cells absolute count=160 normal=120-410
  • Effectivness od NK cells=28% out of 100%
  • % NK cells 11.45

T+B Gene Rearrangment PCR= Negative


  • hsv1&2 positive antibody
  • EBV Ab VCA IgG=>8 very high normal=<0.9
  • EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG=>8 normal=<0.9
  • HH6V positive antigenemia (active infetion)
  • NO CMV
  • NO HH7V
  • Enteroviruses:
  • b-1 positive 1:8 high
  • b-2 positive 1:8
  • b-3 positive 1:32
  • b-4 positive 1:8
  • b-5 positive 1:8
  • b-6 positive 1:16
  • PoliovirusAb, Cf,Q=negative

IGF-1=437 (high) normal=100-267 (body is trying to repair someting)
Immunoglobulin M Qn,serum=341(high) normal=40-230

All autoimune negative like:
  • RNP
  • Sjogrens
  • Antiscleroderma
  • Smith
  • Anti-DNA

Mycoplasmas all 4 major ones negative

WBC 4.7 very low normal for man 4.5-10.5

PSA normal=1.1 despite having chronic prostatis due to entercoccus

"You recent MRI demonstrates a deep draining vein at the right frontal lobe what is possibly small thrombosed right posterior deep draining vein"

clog veins???

my cholesterol is high 240

"your recent Great Smokies test demostrate abnormal flora per attached, gut diosbosis" leak gut, but I knew that from previous test

He said my gut is broken and overgrowth with pathogens.


Senior Member
Brighton, United Kingdom
Wow this guy has more than one active infection...poor person whoever he is. I wonder where on earth one would get those tests in the UK and what this guy was prescribed?


Senior Member
what peterson tests for...how then does he treat?

what does he recommend for treatment based on these test results? i test positive for much of the same...so curious to know how peterson treats.

i've been recommended to try valcyte....still mulling it over. i'm afraid of side effects.

tx, lisa


Senior Member
I have used valcyte (for 9 months). It did help me. I am on oxymatrine for enteroviruses. It is helping me too. You can read my posts that detail that journey on the HHV-6 forum. www.hhv-6foundation.org
Best, Timaca


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
Wow this guy has more than one active infection...poor person whoever he is. I wonder where on earth one would get those tests in the UK and what this guy was prescribed?

I imagine the answer is - you couldn't. Even though I am still 'under the hospital' and see Consultant (infectious diseases) twice a year I know for a fact none of this testing is done. NHS doctors cannot perform anything other than standard bloods without due cause. The due cause would be I suppose some 'sign' of ongoing infection. A bit chicken and egg if you like. No tests - no signs. No signs - no tests. But, I suspect all this about to change post- XMRV. Eventaully I imagine we will all be be put into subsets of patients according to bio-markers. Or is that just wishfull thinking?


Patient in training
Here is my NK cells results:

NK Cells CD-56 absolute count: my result: 100 Normal: 120-410
% T-Cells in the blood (CD-3+): my result: 82.3% Normal: 45-76%
% NK cells in blood (CD-16, CD-56/CD3) my result: 6.6% normal 6-20%
% specfic cells lysis: my result 12.4 % normal 6-20%
% Lytic activity my result 18.8% normal: 3-33.3%
Total T-cell (CD3+) absolute count my result 1200 normal 750-2310
Lytic unit30% (LU30) my result 19 normal 8-170


Thank you so much for posting this. Wish we could clone Dr Peterson & send the clones all over the world!


Senior Member
A bit chicken and egg if you like. No tests - no signs. No signs - no tests.
That may be true. But the question is, what are they signs of, and more importantly, what do they lead us to? We already know that some CFS patients have immune abnormalities. And some patients feel better and some worse after antiviral treatment. But there is no clinical evidence that CFS patients, with or without immune abnormalities, can be helped with antiviral treatment.

It's understandable that desperate people want these tests/treatments. If it only makes them feel better, maybe it's still worth it. But I do have an issue with clinicians who dispense these tests that lead to nothing proven.


It's completely offensive to characterize people going to real CFS doctors as desperate. Dr. Peterson, Dr Bell, Dr. Klimas, Dr. Levine run these tests because the results help them help people. None take CFS as something that can be cured with a certain protocol. All look at the test results and try to find how to the disease has manifested in them and try to treat those manifestations. Antiviral treatment doesn't help everyone. But I know several people who it has helped a great deal, including my husband and me. So we shouldn't look for viruses because not everyone is helped? Even though some people are? And to look for viruses is a sign of desperation? And the doctors are unethical for doing so?

I would hate for someone to take your advice and not get this kind of in depth clinical work, because in it lies the possibility for help.

I have an issue with clinicians who don't do these kind of tests and instead turn people out onto the streets saying, I can't help you. I also have a real issue with someone casting aspersions on the very doctors who have given over their careers to helping CFS people when so few do because nothing is proven. My husband couldn't get any help from anyone because there were no proven treatments for EBV. Until Dr. Peterson.


Senior Member
But there is no clinical evidence that CFS patients, with or without immune abnormalities, can be helped with antiviral treatment.

This statement is absolutely bewildering.

I agree with Anne: folks, please don't buy into this bizarre statement. Honestly, many people around here have been put into remission with little more than "take two valtrex and call me in the morning." Okay, it's not that easy, but for many it's not too much harder.


Patient in training
That may be true. But the question is, what are they signs of, and more importantly, what do they lead us to? We already know that some CFS patients have immune abnormalities. And some patients feel better and some worse after antiviral treatment. But there is no clinical evidence that CFS patients, with or without immune abnormalities, can be helped with antiviral treatment.

It's understandable that desperate people want these tests/treatments. If it only makes them feel better, maybe it's still worth it. But I do have an issue with clinicians who dispense these tests that lead to nothing proven.

Dr Peterson, Klimas and company are the ones that have done the most research in the field. I'd rather pay 2000$ for thorough testing to see what's wrong than to pay 2000$ (for couple months) in vitamins and supplements that have been anectotally told to help. Everybody is different here and as you can see, my NK cells are low and the person cited in post #1 is fairly normal but there are other problems. I bet that Dr Peterson could put us in 2 different subsets. Some people in this forum will stay as far as possible from traditional medicine, and will go towards herbs and homeopatics. Has it been proven? Not that I know of. Would I do it? Nope. Not for me.

When the right treatment will be found, I suspect that people will leave their current therapy to try something that will make them better. At least there is hope.


Senior Member
So we shouldn't look for viruses because not everyone is helped?... And the doctors are unethical for doing so?
We all experiment with treatment that we think may help, essentially running a trial with a sample of one. And each may find something helps or not. I went through all drugs in my cabinet and tried them before. I think Canadian Consensus recommendation on the subject is an excellent one: try things by all means, as long as it doesn't cost much, and wait till proven if it costs a lot or involves side effects.

The problem with viral test/treatments is that the cost and side effect are not trivial and there has been controlled trials that failed to prove efficacy. Yet, some doctors continue to dispense them. Maybe because they truly believe in viral causes and not convinced by the evidences. Maybe because the patients demand them. I have no idea why. Are patients desperate? I certainly was in 2008 while lying in bed all year long contemplating how I was going to end it all. (Incidentally, I considered Valcyte then and was in contact with Montoya's office.)

Now, the biggest problem I have with doctors dispensing viral test/treatment is that they could actually be hindering the progress of the patient, however well intentioned they may be. The patient may demand it but the doctor should work with the patient and offer the treatments that offer the patient the best chance. It's not his roll to experiment with expensive tests and potent drugs with no scientific evidence.


Senior Member
I'd rather pay 2000$ for thorough testing to see what's wrong.
But you already know what's wrong if you have a CFS diagnosis. Why would you pay another $2000 for something that doesn't add anything? If you mean what *causes* CFS, that's the subject of scientific research, not something that a doctor should decide on his own.

I bet that Dr Peterson could put us in 2 different subsets.
The subsets, whether it is 2 or 7 subtypes, are only a speculation that doesn't lead to anything proven either. In fact, it can only lead patients into imagining certain things apply/don't apply to them because they are type 1 and not type 2, etc.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
The problem with viral test/treatments is that the cost and side effect are not trivial and there has been controlled trials that failed to prove efficacy. Yet, some doctors continue to dispense them. Maybe because they truly believe in viral causes and not convinced by the evidences. Maybe because the patients demand them. I have no idea why. Are patients desperate? I certainly was in 2008 while lying in bed all year long contemplating how I was going to end it all. (Incidentally, I considered Valcyte then and was in contact with Montoya's office.)

Now, the biggest problem I have with doctors dispensing viral test/treatment is that they could actually be hindering the progress of the patient, however well intentioned they may be. The patient may demand it but the doctor should work with the patient and offer the treatments that offer the patient the best chance. It's not his roll to experiment with expensive tests and potent drugs with no scientific evidence.

You are way off base saying things like "failed to prove efficacy" and "no scientific evidence," because that is just plain false.

Valacyclovir placebo-controlled trial:


Senior Member
You are way off base saying things like "failed to prove efficacy" and "no scientific evidence," because that is just plain false.

Valacyclovir placebo-controlled trial:

He is a guy who believes CFS is caused by herpe virus, holds 5 patents on CFS diagnosis/treatment and makes living with antiviral treatment of CFS patients in Beverly Hills. Maybe he should get together with WPI guys and decide which.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
He is a guy who believes CFS is caused by herpe virus, holds 5 patents on CFS diagnosis/treatment and makes living with antiviral treatment of CFS patients in Beverly Hills. Maybe he should get together with WPI guys and decide which.

Your ad hominem and red herring attacks are not welcome. The controlled trials speak for themselves, his patents are irrelevant to the discussion, and his office is in Beverly Hills MICHIGAN.


Senior Member
Your ad hominem and red herring attacks are not welcome.

The controlled trials speak for themselves
Anybody can publish a paper I suppose. Do you know where it was published and/or replicated? pubmed is only a repository as I understand, and I can't find any discussion about the paper anywhere. Ordinarilly I would dismiss a claim right away if there is any conflict of interest. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong in this case since we started the discussion.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
Anybody can publish a paper I suppose. Do you know where it was published and/or replicated? pubmed is only a repository as I understand, and I can't find any discussion about the paper anywhere. Ordinarilly I would dismiss a claim right away if there is any conflict of interest. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong in this case since we started the discussion.

It was published in the journal In Vivo and I don't think there have been any replication attempts. Almost every drug trial has a conflict of interest because they are done by the drug maker who stands to profit from their product. Dr. Lerner's patents don't mean much, they are "method" patents and anybody can read it and apply the information it contains. He says his patents are available for licensing but to my knowledge no one has licensed it. I am not sure what you'd be happy to be "proven wrong" about -- there is evidence that antivirals work, both in controlled trials and anecdotal evidence. It's just not usually a cure, possibly because the viruses we're talking about are only a co-factor and not the primary cause.


Senior Member
Anti-virals - From the source.

The problem with viral test/treatments is that the cost and side effect are not trivial and there has been controlled trials that failed to prove efficacy. Yet, some doctors continue to dispense them. Maybe because they truly believe in viral causes and not convinced by the evidences. Maybe because the patients demand them. I have no idea why. Are patients desperate? I certainly was in 2008 while lying in bed all year long contemplating how I was going to end it all. (Incidentally, I considered Valcyte then and was in contact with Montoya's office.)

Now, the biggest problem I have with doctors dispensing viral test/treatment is that they could actually be hindering the progress of the patient, however well intentioned they may be. The patient may demand it but the doctor should work with the patient and offer the treatments that offer the patient the best chance. It's not his roll to experiment with expensive tests and potent drugs with no scientific evidence.

Poet in SF,

I am a patient of Dr. Montoya's (just sat down with him earlier this month) and I can say from personal experience that no one should simply "consider Valcyte" or any other anti-viral without thorough testing and the close supervision of a doctor familiar with the use of these meds in CFS patients. CFS patients respond to anti-virals quite differently from those with healthy immune systems. At this stage, everyone - including Dr. Montoya - is still learning quite a bit about optimal doses, potential complications in CFS patients, and titration schedules (his early studies taught him a lot about dosage and response in CFS patients).

Unfortunately, there are not many docs in the US that are capable of doing the necessary tests nor the appropriate follow up and dosing schedules. That said, Dr. Montoya is still finding that approx. 70% of patients he treats with antivirals (a carefully screen subset of all CFS patients) have significant improvement in cognitive symptoms. I for one had and have maintained a steady rate of improvement across a number of parameters. I have a strong research background in assessment and have been tracking my response closely.

I'd be more than happy to discuss this with you in a PM. For me, anti-virals have turned the trajectory of my health around in a consistent and very encouraging manner. I must say that before starting, I was strongly positive for the symptoms that indicate - and was serologically confirmed to have - high levels of viral activation as well as other infectious agents. I also have had tissue samples examined via electron microscope to further substantiate infection). Dr. Montoya and I recently discussed the essential nature of extremely careful dosing and monitoring. Do not do this (anti-virals) on without knowledgeable supervision. And do not assume that Valcyte is THE anti-viral for you.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't follow through with an appointment to see Dr. Montoya (I do appreciate that he has a huge waiting list and can be expensive). He is a wonderful doc who's care, compared to everything else I have tried, has made the biggest difference in my health by far.

I have the data to document my improvement. I was planning on posting the key measures (and some of the other very good advice I have received from Dr Montoya ) to the forums soon (2-3 weeks). Look for it under the thread I started on acyclovir in December (just trying Valcyte would have been a major mistake for me as my constellation of co-infections does not warrant it - Dr. Montoya would not have prescribed it for me). I started on doses that were so low (and increased levels in similarly small increments) that I required the oral solution rather than the tablets as it is impossible to accurately cut even the lowest dose tablets into my starting dose.

My sincere best wishes to you (and everyone else here) in your efforts to regain your health.