Support the xmrv pilot project in spain

jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)
> Please support a research project in Spain concerning a
> highly disabling neuroimmune disease. Help the growing number of
> patients suffering from the extremely disabling neuroimmune disease
> called Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
> and support a privately financed study by a renowned team of
> retrovirus experts in Spain concerning the discovery of the
> retrovirus XMRV associated with this disease
> Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME/CFS is a highly
> disabling disease with strongly growing numbers of patients
> worldwide. It is characterized by debilitating fatigue and a
> multitude of other symptoms such swollen lymph nodes,fever, severe
> headaches, a dysfunctional immune system, pain, nausea, vertigos
> etc., cognitive dysfunction etc. Many patients remain bedbound for
> years and do not recover. So far the cause is unknown. A viral
> aetiology has long been hypothesized. There is no treatment yet to
> aid ME/CFS-sufferers. Epidemiological studies are essential before
> progress can be made in the management of this distressing disorder.
> Patients are further severely affected by the lack of knowledge
> within the medical community, disbelief and rejection within
> society,- including their own families-, and are often left without
> any financial support from public health authorities as no "proof"
> for their disease can be found.
> The "IrsiCaixa"- Foundation together with a special unit of clinical
> retrovirology at the "University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol" in
> Badalona (Can Ruti), will soon start a privatley financed pilot
> study for the identification of retroviral markers for detection of
> the retrovirus XMRV. The XMRV retrovirus has a strong statistical
> association with the Chronic fatigue syndrome and other neuroimmune
> diseases such as Autism, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis , as was
> concluded from an U.S. study which was published in
> the magazine "Science" last October.
> The study will be led by the internationally
> renowned retrovirologist and HIV expert, Dr Bonaventura Clotet. Dr.
> Clotet disposes of a highly qualified research team with proven
> expertise in both molecular retrovirology and in the field of
> pathogenesis of viral infections, which ensures the viability and
> rigorous analysis of the relationship of XMRV with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (like WPI)
> The costs for the study amounts to 33,200 Euros. We yet need to raise
> 15,000 Euros. The rest has already been covered by donations .We
> urge anyone ill or not ill with ME/CFS to help and raise the lacking
> amount and help MECFS-patients, many of whom are desperate.
> If the team lead by Dr Clotet team is able to demonstrate the
> presence of XMRV in ME/CFS patients from a public hospital, the
> Health Authorities will, given the evidence, initiate more
> fundamental studies with public funding, which is so urgently needed.
> The IrsiCaixa Foundation will be the direct recipient of donations
> and ensures they will be fully dedicated to the research project
> described above.
> The bank account number for donations is:
> 2100-0325-41-02001422-05
> And if you are making a donations from outside Spain,
> the IBAN number is : ES27 2100 0325 4102 0014 2205
> Please put as concept "XMRV-SFC study"
> If you need a certificate for tax deduction purposes (in Spain,
> donations have a 30% tax reduction), please send all you data to
> Lourdes Grau, Secretary of the Irsicaixa Foundation.
> Her e-address is

jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)

Estudio piloto para la identificacin de marcadores retrovirales (inmunologicos y virolgicos) en pacientes con Sindrome de Fatiga Crnica.

Dr. Javier Martnez-Picado, Fundacin irsiCaixa/ICREA

Dr Roger Paredes, Fundacin irsiCaixa

Dr. Juli Blanco, Fundacin irsiCaixa/IGTP

Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, Fundacin irsiCaixa

10 Diciembre 2009


La infeccin por el virus xenotrpico relacionado con la leucemia de ratn, concocido por las siglas inglesas XMRV (Xenotropic Murine-leukemia Related Virus), ha estado implicada recientemente en diferentes patologas humanas como el cncer de prstata o el sindrome de fatiga crnica (SFC) (Shlaberg 2009; Lombardi 2009). Todo y que la relacin con el cancer de prstata es todava controvertida (Hohn 2009), parece ser que la asociacin del XMRV con el SFC es ms slida y se confirma con estudios ms recientes. Este hecho ha generado el inters de las autoridades sanitarias norte-americanas o europeas, que han establecido grupos de trabajo para el seguimiento epidemiolgico y la investigacin bsica del XMRV.

Desde un punto de vista formal, los datos existentes no permiten establecer todava una relacin causa-efecto entre el XMRV y el SFC, por tanto es absolutamente prioritario la obtencin de datos epidemiolgicos globales y el anlisis de las relaciones causales que permitan definir si el XMRV es un agente etiolgico de esta patologa.

El estudio que se propone pretende iniciar el camino en esta direccin. Los grupos de investigacin de la Fundacin IrisCaixa disponen de reconocida experiencia en el terreno de la retrovirologa molecular (identificacin y anlisis de secuencias virales) y en el terreno de la patognesis de las infecciones virales (especialmente a nivel immunolgico) que garanticen la viabilidad del proyecto.



1.- Confirmar la asociacin descrita entre la presencia de XMRV y el SFC

2.- Establecer una relacin entre la infeccin por XMRV y las disfunciones inmunes descritas en estos pacientes


3.- Desarrollar las tcnicas de aislamientos de cepas virales primarias de XMRV y su anlisis genotpico y fenotpico.

4.- Desarrollar las tcnicas de anlisis serolgico.



Se prevee un estudio piloto en 10 pacientes afectados por SFC y 10 individuos sanos (grupo control) reclutados en la Fundacin IrsiCaixa.
A cada individuo se le extraeran 40 ml de sangre que sern utilizadas para la separacin de clulas y plasma. Las muestras sern analizadas inmeditamente o criopereservadas para anlisis posteriores.

Objetivo 1. Identificacin de secuencias virales

El material gentico de los retrovirus se encuentra en forma de RNA en las partclas virales y en forma de DNA en las clulas. Por tanto se extraer DNA a partir de muestras de las clulas y RNA a partir de las muestras de plasma (que potencialmente contiene partculas virales). Las secuencias virales sern amplificadas a DNA con primers especficos de la regin gag i env del XMRV tal y como se describe en Lombardi et al (Lombardi 2009).
Los fragmentos amplificados sern secuenciados y analizados para definir la diversidad respecto a virus descritos en otras localizaciones geogrficas.

Objetivo 2. Anlisis inmunolgico

a.- Recuento linfocitario: Las diferentes poblaciones linfocitarias se pueden encontrar alteradas en multitud de situaciones patolgicas, incluyendo infecciones virales. Por esta razn se determinarn los valores absolutos de Linfocitos totales, Monocitos, Clulas NK, Clulas B, Clulas T, tanto CD4 como CD8.

b.- Determinacin de marcadores de activacin celular en diferentes poblaciones. Adems del nmero absoluto de clulas, las situaciones patolgicas alteran la funcionalidad de los linfocitos que puede ser medidad por diferentes marcadores de superficie. Entre ellos la expresin de CD25, CD69 y receptores NCR en las clulas NK, la expresin del IgM, IgD, CD38. CD27, CD1c en clulas B, o la expresin de CD45RA, CD45RO, CD38, HLA-DR, CD57, CD95 en clulas T, tanto CD4 como CD8.

c.- Determinacin en la respuesta a diferentes estimulos y sensibilidad a la muerte celular. Las alteraciones funcionales tienen generalmente consecuencias en la capacidad de las clulas para dividirse y/o sobrevivir. Estos anlisis se realizarn en clulas B y clulas T (CD4 y CD8)

Objetivo 3. Cultivos virales

Los aislamientos virales se obtendrn a partir de sobrenadantes de clulas sanguneas estimuladas para producir virus y cocultivadas con la lnea celular LNCap (susceptible a la infeccin por XMRV) como se describe en Lombardi et al (Lombardi 2009)

Objetivo 4. Serologa XMRV

Para determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra las proteinas externas (Env) e internas (Gag) del XMRV en los pacientes afectados de SFC, las muestras de plasma sern evaluadas en ensayos de xestern-blot y citometra de flujo sobre clulas LNCap infectadas.


jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)
A team led by retrovirologist Dr Bonaventura Clotet intends to conduct a pilot study following stringent parameters WPI, to avoid errors in methodology as in the case of the English.
The problem is that health authorities do not want to fund and we need about 15000 euros.
It would be an opportunity to demonstrate the presence of XMRV in Europe from a European Reference Public Hospital and therefore if he was the XMRV would be forced to finance larger studies.

Please help with this study to know the truth.

ES27 2100 0325 4102 0014 2205
"Study XMRV"
Greetings from Spain


Senior Member
Espero que usted consiga la financiacin que usted necesita para esto.
Saludos de Nicaragua.

jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)

[QUOTE = oerganix; 47503] Espero que usted Consiga la financiacin que usted necesita para esto.
Saludos de Nicaragua. [/ QUOTE]






NOW THAT THE ENGLISH HAVE NOT able or willing Replica STUDIES OF WPI, let's try a serious FROM SPAIN.

STRONGLY THAT WE NEED FOR FINANCIAL AND health authorities have refused funded the study.

Thanks for your collaboration,


Espero que usted consiga la financiacin que usted necesita para esto.
Saludos de Nicaragua.

Can you translate the methodology for me please perhaps we can comment on methodology before this study
Can you translate the methodology for me please perhaps we can comment on methodology before this study

A translation follows:

Primary objectives
1-To confirm the described association between XMRV and CFS
2-To establish a relationship between XMRV infection and the immune dysfunctions described in these patients

Secondary objectives
3-To develop isolation techniques of XMRV primary viral strains and its genotypic and phenotypic analysis
4-To develop serologic analysis techniques


We foresee a pilot study with 10 SFC patients and 10 healthy individuals (control group) recruited by the IrisCaixa Foundation.
40 ml of blood will be extracted from each individual and separated into cells and plasma. Samples will be analyzed immediately or cryopreserved for later analysis

Objective 1. Identification of viral sequences
Genetic material from retroviruses is found in ARN form in viral particles, and in ADN form in cells. ADN will be extracted from cells and ARN from plasma (which potentially contains viral particles). Viral sequences will be amplified to ADN with specific primers from the XMRV gag and env regions as described by Lombardi et al (2009). Amplified fragments will be sequenced and analyzed to define diversity with respect to viruses described in other geographical locations.

Objective 2. Immunological Analysis

a- Lymphocytic count. The various lymphocyte populations may be altered in a large number of pathological situations, including viral infections. For this reason, absolute values of total lymphocytes, monocytes, NK cells, B cells, T cells (CD4 and CD8) will be determined.
b- Determination of cell activity markers in different populations. In addition to absolute number of cells, pathological situations alter lymphocytic functionality, which can be measured by different surface markers. Among which the expression of CD25, CD69 and NCR receptors in NK cells, IgM, IgD, CD38. CD27, CD1c in B cells, or CD45RA, CD45RO, CD38, HLA-DR, CD57, CD95 in T cells (both CD4 and CD8.)
c- Determination of response to different stimuli and sensitivity to cellular death. Functional alterations generally impact the cells capacity to divide and survive. These analyses will be carried out in B and T cells (CD4 and CD8)

Objective 3. Viral culture

Viral isolates will be obtained from supernatant? of blood cells stimulated to produce viruses and cocultured with the LNCap cell line (susceptible to XMRV infection) as described in Lombardi et al (2009)

Objective 4. XMRV Serology
To determine the presence of antibodies against external and internal XMRV proteins (Env and Gag) in CFS patients, plasma samples will be evaluated with the xestern-blot and flux cytometry tests over Infected LNCap cells.


That's great Raul. 10 patients seems like a rather small number though. I hope they choose the correct patients.

jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)
Dr Bonaventura Clotet, internationally
renowned retrovirologist and HIV expert
The "IrsiCaixa"- Foundation together with a special unit of clinical retrovirology at the "University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol" in Badalona (Can Ruti), will soon start a privately financed pilot study for the identification of retroviral markers for detection of the retrovirus XMRV. The study will be led by the internationally renowned retrovirologist and HIV expert, Dr Bonaventura Clotet. Dr Clotet disposes of a highly qualified research team which ensures the viability and rigorous analysis of the relationship of XMRV with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). The costs for the study amounts to 33,200 Euros. We yet need to raise 15,000 Euros. The rest has already been covered by donations. If the team led by Dr Clotet is able to demonstrate the presence of XMRV in ME/CFS patients from a public hospital, the Health Authorities will, given the evidence, initiate more fundamental studies with public funding, which is so urgently needed. Please help this research that is so desperately needed for patients. Thank you.
The bank account number for donations is:
> 2100-0325-41-02001422-05
> And if you are making a donations from outside Spain,
> the IBAN number is : ES27 2100 0325 4102 0014 2205
> Please put as concept "XMRV-SFC study"

jose luis

Barcelona (Spain)
Curriculum Dr Clotet

Bonaventura Clotet, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Clotet, who provided coverage of the 4th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, is chief of the Internal Medicine HIV Unit at the University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Barcelona, Spain. Since 1994, he has also served as the director of the Retrovirology Laboratory at the "irsiCaixa Foundation," a leading institute for the research and treatment of HIV in Europe.
A prolific writer, Dr. Clotet has authored and co-authored more than 200 articles, which have appeared in international peer-reviewed scientific publications focused on infectious diseases and HIV, and more than 20 medical books. Since 1998 he has also been a reviewer of submitted papers for the following journals: AIDS, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases and The Lancet. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care, AIDS and Current HIV/AIDS Reports.

Apart from his clinical work at the University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Dr. Clotet is involved in many professional societies, such as EuroSIDA, the European AIDS Clinical Society, and the International AIDS Society-USA. He is part of the organizing committees for several drug resistance workshops and the International AIDS Conference, and he is an active member of the expert commission for the evaluation of research projects in the National Programme of Health and National AIDS Programme.

Dr. Clotet received his medical degree in 1976 from the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona and completed his post-graduate training in internal medicine and infectious diseases at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in the investigation of surrogate markers for connective tissue diseases.

AdvertisementDr. Clotet has received research funding from the following concerns: BECA FISss, Commission of the European Communities Biomedical and Health Research (BIOMED II), FISss, Fundacion Glaxo Wellcome, Fundacion para la investigacion y la prevencion del SIDA en Espana, Maraton de TV3, Ministeri d'Educacio i Cultura, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Plan Nacional de I+D and Proyectos I+D. He has also served as a consultant for Abbott Laboratories, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline and Roche Labs.


Senior Member
Spanish Health Dept. Supports Blood Bank and CFS XMRV Search

Spanish Health Department supports Blood Bank and CFS Unit in XMRV searchShare

Today at 9:14pm

Recently, the Spanish Health Department communicated that its administration had made the decision to support the study that the Blood Bank and the CFS Unit of the Vall d'Hebron are going to make to determine the prevalence of retrovirus XMRV in the healthy population as well as in CFS patients. Finally the administration has taken interest in retrovirus XMRV, even if it is only to establish statistical data, as it is to establish in what percentage affects the population. The CFS league agrees that the results that throw these studies are reason for joy for the Whittemore Peterson Institute, with forward meaning for its discovery.

The IrsiCaixa Foundation also is on the verge of initiating a study on retrovirus XMRV, but in this case under a very different slope. They want to study the retrovirus itself, and to identify, if it is possible, how it is transmitted, it grows, one multiplies, what treatments can be effective to fight against him, etc. Irsicaixa has been able to support financially a part of the investigation, but they need to complete the total amount. Like we did days ago with the study of the Hospital of the Vall d'Hebron, we asked that everybody delivers a small attack so that, because now there are important scientific studies to be performed.

The IrsiCaixa Foundation, with the unit specialized in Clinical Retrovirology in the University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol de Badalona (Can Ruti), shortly initiates a pilot study for the identification of retroviral markers (immunological and virological) for the detection of retrovirus XMRV. Retrovirus XMRV has a forceful statistical association with CFS and other neuroimmune diseases such as Autism, Fibromialgia and Multiple Sclerosis, as described in the first American study published in Science month in October.

The validation study will be led by one of the main retrovirologists on national and world-wide, expert scale in HIV, the Dr Clotet. Doctor Clotet has an equipment of investigation of recognized experience, as much in molecular retrovirology as in the land of the pathogenesis of the viral infections, that guarantees the viability of the project and the rigorous analysis of relation XMRV with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


Patient in training
This is awesome news. Good luck to Dr Clotet and his team. And thank you!