supplements for sale. a lot of these are are from the yasko protocol. i seem to have become hyper reactive to all supplements, so i'm not going to take these listed below. if interested, please email me in a private message. i did not list prices here. but if folks are interested in any, we'll negotiate from there. i'll be more flexible with some than others.
==== supplements for sale, from the East Coast of the US ====
(ideally i'd like to sell these, so if you are interested, let me know and i'll look up what i paid for them, or their going rate, and then we can negotiate the price. if i can't sell them then i will consider donating, but hope recipient can pay shipping costs. A FEW I WROTE "HAPPY TO DONATE" BY THE SUPPLEMENT. I HOPE TO GIVE THOSE TO PEOPLE IN NEED.)
Two Dr. Amy Yasko books re: autism that some folks with ME/CFS are following, as per Rich Van K's Simplified Protocol (both books marked up with underlining and notes)
- Puzzle of Autism
- Genetic ByPass
Whey Protein, Jarrow brand, 1 1b (454 grams), unflavored protein.
1 full container unopened and also, separately, a half full container
No expiration date -- likely less than one year old
PaleoCleanse Functional Detoxification Powder, Designs for Health brand
Dietary Supplement
756 grams
Opened but none used
no expiration date -- likely one half a year old
2 bottles of
Yasko's recommended
Super K with Advanced K2 Complex, Life Extension brand
Opened bottle: 39 out of 90 pills left
Unopened bottle: 90 softgel
Expiration 5/10 -- likely opened 1 yr ago
Magnesium Malate, Source Naturals brand
Yielding 833 mg Malic Acid
1,250 mg, 180 tablets
Opened and only about 4 tablets gone
Best if used by 2/12
Sphingolin, Ecological Formula's brand.
Myelin Basic Protein
60 caps
Vinpocetine, Dr. Perlmutter's brand
Opened: 52 caps used, 60 veggie caps
best if used by 8/10
Sage, Viable Herbal Solutions
90 veggie caps, 600 mg each
Unopened: No expiration date
Bought last year.
B-12 Patch
1000 mcg of Vit B12 and 200 mgc of Selenium
Unopened: No expiration date
Bought last year.
CoQ-Gamma E, Allergy Research Group rand
60 softcaps
Ex date 12/09 (but that was when I bought them!)
Progest, Emerita brand
Natural progesterone cream
2 oz
Never used, not once.
Expiration date: 06/11
L-Glutamine, Source Naturals
500 mg, 100 caps
Expriation date: 8/11
NADH, Source Naturals brand
5.0 mg, 30 tablets
expiration 3/11
opened: 3 taken. All the rest are individually sealed in foil.
Branch Chain Amino Acids, Life Extension
Opened: 90 caps, 54 left
expiration date 7/08
5-HTP, Vitacost brand
100 mg, 60 caps
expiration date 7/09
Lactoferrin, Jarrow Formula
60 caps, 250 mg
opened: 55 caps left
expiration date 5/10
Ora-Adren-80, Douglas labs
100 caps, unopened
Exp 4/11
Dibencozide Coenzymated B12, Source Naturals
Sublingual, 60 tables
Burbur Detox, NutraMedix
1 fl oz (30 ml), about 3 ml used?
Expiration 1/09
Ashwagandha, Jarrow Formulas
225 mg, 120 veggie caps
Expiration 6/10
ATP, Holistic Health Consultants (Yasko)
60 tabs, unopened.
Experiation date: 2/10
Fenugreek, Nature's Way brand
100 Caps, Certified 610 mg
Expiration date: 12/12
Copper Caps, TwinLab
100 caps, 2 mg each, about 5 gone?
Expiration date 1/12
Sodium Chloride (normal salt tablets, not buffered tablets)
expiration 12/10
cost me $73 for 1000 tablets
500 or so left, 1 gm tablets
Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin Discount Center brand
120 Softgels
Expiration date 03/31/11
opened: Almost full bottle (will count if anyone is interested)
DHA 100 mg Neuromins, Vitamin Discount Center brand
60 softgels: 30 left
Expiration date 08/28/09
Ayur-Boswellia Serreta, Holistic Health Consultants brand
90 caps
expiration 03/2010
Vitamin D-3, Source Naturals brand
100 caps, 2000 IU each capsule (52 caps left in bottle)
(bioactive form)
Expiration 7/12
Intrinsic b12/Folate. Metagenics brand
60 caps. 24 left
opened 2 yrs ago, expiration date unreadable but I think it is 06/10
FolaPro, Metagenics brand
60 caps, 18 left
opened 2 yrs ago, expiration 12/09
Adrenal Health, Gaia Herbs brand
60 caps, 36 left
Expiration date 12/11
Ginko Biloba, Weil brand
90 caps, 22 caps left
60 mg each
Expiration date 08/10
L-Tyrosine 500 mg, Jarrow Brand
100 caps, unopened
Expiration 01/2011
Ora-Adrenal-80, Douglas Labs
100 caps, opened and 89 left
expiration 4/11
Policosanol, Source Naturals brand
20 mg
60 caps, 52 left
expiration 3/12
GrapeSeed Extract, HHC brand
100 mg
30 caps, 25 left
expiration date 09/30/09
EstroBalance with absorbable DIM, Enzymatic Therapy
30 tablets, unopened
L-Carnitine Fumarate, brand (NSI)
500 mg
60 caps, 40 left
Cholacol, Standard Process brand
90 tablets, 52 left
opened 2 yrs ago?
No expiration date
Cranberry (standardized) Natures Way brand
120 tablets, 39 left
expiration date 02/2010
Isocort, Bezweken brand
240 pellets, likely 239 left
Expiration 04/13
Skull Cap, Viable Herbal Solutions
60 caps, likely more than 55 left
Expiration date: none given
Likely bought 1.5 years ago
Gymnema, Viable Herbal Solutions
60 caps, 44 left
Expiration date: none given
Likely bought 1.5 years ago
Spirolina (organic) powder (need to put it in caps yourself or take as a power)
1 pound, at least three quarters of a pound left
like 1 yr old, not sure of expiration (I'll check if anyone is interested)
RNA Nerve Calm: half full bottle (opened 4/1/09, no expiration date, but I think RNAs are only considered good for a few months)
RNA Bowel Support: three quarters full bottle (opened about 1.5 yrs ago, no expiration date, but I think RNAs are only considered good for a few months)
- Ora-Pancreas: 18 left (likely 3 yrs old)
- Super Digestive Enzymes: 9 left (likely 3 yrs old)