Suggestions for starting pilates?


Senior Member

I've heard some people with CFS have benefitted from doing gentle pilates. I bought a book and tried to follow some of the (beginner!) exercises but found them too difficult - I can't do half the movements, and find them too tiring.

Does anyone have some suggestions of a better way to start out? Any recommendations for YouTube videos etc that are doable for a beginner with CFS?

Thank you!


Senior Member
I used to do advanced, kick-ass Pilates before I got sick and had a subscription to PilatesAnytime. They are one of a few online Pilates programs where you pay a monthly fee (I think it is about $18) and then have access to a huge library of classes with different instructors, different lengths of time, levels of difficulty, props, etc. As I recall, they also offered (in the past--not sure if this is current) a two week trial membership that you could cancel if you decided it was too much for you.

And they have specific resources for beginners: This could be useful because there are directions for modifications and ways of working with the classes depending on your health and limitations.

There are a some other good online programs---Pilatesology is another that some people like a lot.

I've also found some good classes just googling Youtube pilates.

Good luck!


Senior Member
Thank you @Jyoti !
Since posting the above I found this site which was exactly what I was looking for. Exercises designed for chronically ill people, by a lady who is chronically ill herself as well as being a physiotherapist and pilates instructor.
I've bought the e book, it has four sections - core exercises, bed exercises, sitting exercises and standing exercises. You can either try to build up through the levels, or mix and match depending on what kind of day you're having. I started with the core exercises last night and they are at a level I can cope with, and well explained for a beginner. Really pleased!
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Senior Member
Hey--@keepswimming--that is WONDERFUL. It sounds perfect. I bet she will be a good resource for many of us.

Thank you, yes I'm really pleased! She also offers virtual classes (bed pilates!) and one to one sessions, and it looks like she has plans to offer videos on her site soon 😊 I will see how I go with the e book for now but good to know there's more options if I want them!