My imagination tends to be a copy of something else I've seen though so my inner world is places we've visited or favourite film/TV locations our own house back in the 70's/80's etc. Although we aren't adults in our wonderland, we're teenage twins and I call her by her childhood nickname (rather than mum!).
very you've managed to do this! Thats a powerful tale.
I had a dream a while back, that I remembered for inexplicable reasons. Particularly vivid, odd, and also magical.
I just go there in my mind, rather often. To relax, or to imagine I will run into my Dogs. I believe the dogs are frocking there, all the time. And the people I love, who are not here, well, they are in the nearby forest. Just "over there"....
In the dream:
Foxes were sleeping on boulders. Flocks of bald eagles occupied a big oak tree. Bears and lions were all around us, as I "let my husband drive the car"...(we are in a car, driving on a Ridgeline with vistas, on a dirt road, with all these creatures surrounding us.
And not surprisingly, this dream place is similar to a real place I once visited, not too far from here, a huge ranch. and a fox was there, sleeping on a boulder. The place was so remote, this fox did not know it should be concerned or afraid of a bunch of humans who showed up.
If felt like heaven on earth, to be there in this place. So the dream seemed like pure Heaven, too.