Spirituality your stories ....


Senior Member
York, England
Buddhist teaching is amongst many things understanding that everything changes and that staying calm until it does is beneficial.

I took this on about 25 years ago and it's helped me deal with my illness. Although I'm still waiting for the big change when I'm free of the illness lol.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Rituals can be helpful. I got into doing some of those. Long ago, with some others, but recently, mostly its just me.

So I asked for help. With this illness, we need support. And asking is actually a method!

Alot of interesting things happened. Those things keep me going. Because I know this is not the whole story. Not at all.....


Senior Member
Mine are unusual! I never really understood when younger about praying to a complete stranger guy who lived hundreds of years ago...but after my mum died and because we were very close as she'd been my carer and teacher for longer than most parents are for non-autistic teens and young adults I really felt it.

I thought very literally back then so because she told me about stuff about reincarnation and that she'd always be with me (in spirit form) and I just had to talk to her I always have done.

Years after getting on internet I quite by chance discovered a group of people who 'created Tulpas' (originate from Tibetan Buddhist religion) ..basically imaginary friends that became sentient...with my highly literal mind I instantly saw it as a way to give my mum's spirit an 'inner body' and place to live (they call it wonderland') for me to imagine adventures together when I can't do much else.

My imagination tends to be a copy of something else I've seen though so my inner world is places we've visited or favourite film/TV locations our own house back in the 70's/80's etc. Although we aren't adults in our wonderland, we're teenage twins and I call her by her childhood nickname (rather than mum!).

I started doing yoga and meditation as well when I got less mobile although sometimes even that's too exhausting these days, I do think I've become more spiritual as I've got older, probably because it's been easier for me to research it with unlimited online access to literature on it from around the world. I think I understand more abstract stuff than I was previously able to through probably still behind what's 'normal' for a person my age and I was much older than most before I even reached an age I could understand stuff like that.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
My imagination tends to be a copy of something else I've seen though so my inner world is places we've visited or favourite film/TV locations our own house back in the 70's/80's etc. Although we aren't adults in our wonderland, we're teenage twins and I call her by her childhood nickname (rather than mum!).

very fascinating...how you've managed to do this! Thats a powerful tale.

I had a dream a while back, that I remembered for inexplicable reasons. Particularly vivid, odd, and also magical.

I just go there in my mind, rather often. To relax, or to imagine I will run into my Dogs. I believe the dogs are frocking there, all the time. And the people I love, who are not here, well, they are in the nearby forest. Just "over there"....

In the dream:

Foxes were sleeping on boulders. Flocks of bald eagles occupied a big oak tree. Bears and lions were all around us, as I "let my husband drive the car"...(we are in a car, driving on a Ridgeline with vistas, on a dirt road, with all these creatures surrounding us.

And not surprisingly, this dream place is similar to a real place I once visited, not too far from here, a huge ranch. and a fox was there, sleeping on a boulder. The place was so remote, this fox did not know it should be concerned or afraid of a bunch of humans who showed up.

If felt like heaven on earth, to be there in this place. So the dream seemed like pure Heaven, too.


Senior Member
Imagination can be a powerful thing! The twin thing I'd got the idea from finding a photo of my mum at 15 years old...when I put a photo of myself at that age next to it (and made it B&W) of course we looked identical in the face. I knew her childhood nickname as I'd found an old school report of hers and a little autograph book her friends and teachers had signed when she'd left school in the 50's.

I tend to use a shortened version of her nickname as mine on forums (Kit) but I usually wait until see whether other people on the forums are using their names or using more random sounding names first.

'Inca' was my last dog who passed away many years ago now.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
'Inca' was my last dog who passed away many years ago now.

our dogs- we love them so much, and they are by definition- going to leave sooner than we wish. Inca is a great name! We had a Tobias MeatHound the III; Randy Weather (a real problem)'; Alphonse (her son, by a wolf male) and Bodhisattva.

I knew her childhood nickname as I'd found an old school report of hers and a little autograph book her friends

there is something ...really special...about Nick Names.

I always wanted to have one, and never did, really. But later in my life, it did sort of happen.

Rufous is a nick name. Arose due to the red hair.......spelling variable.


Senior Member
Imagination can be a powerful thing! The twin thing I'd got the idea from finding a photo of my mum at 15 years old...when I put a photo of myself at that age next to it (and made it B&W) of course we looked identical in the face. I knew her childhood nickname as I'd found an old school report of hers and a little autograph book her friends and teachers had signed when she'd left school in the 50's.

I tend to use a shortened version of her nickname as mine on forums (Kit) but I usually wait until see whether other people on the forums are using their names or using more random sounding names first.

'Inca' was my last dog who passed away many years ago now.
Such a lovely thing to do Inca with you and your mum ..
It's incredible how stricking family resembelence can be .
I Adore old photos ....


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I Adore old photos ....

Hi @Emmarose47 -- I heard many years ago that if you take a mirror and put the edge of it right down the middle of the face on a picture, you will see a whole face being reflected back. But the whole face is actually only a reflection of one side of the face (I hope that makes sense).

Though each side of our face looks almost identical to us, there's actually almost always subtle differences. And when you do the above "trick", vuella, you'll actually see family resemblences you've never noticed before. Since you adore old photos, you might just have some fun with this little trick.


Senior Member
Hi Wayne
Oh that's v interesting ...
I have a very unsymmetrical face like my mother so could be interesting ...

I really love old photos of places and how people lived esp in poverty ...
It really puts into perspective what so many of us have today .
I have an incredible and huge book called ' lost England 1800s to early 1900s


Curmudgeonly Cantankerous Luddite
North Eastern PA - USA
Hi I'd love to hear if spirituality has increased for you since having m.e CFS ...
How it helps give strength ...purpose ...
Freedom ..

Happy to share mine but off to bed now ..

I don't know about increase so much as there is the potential for something beyond "just getting infected", with regards to this body.

While this site I came across last year doesn't specifically mention soul replacement, there is quite a bit in it that is very relevant to the body's experience.


The site is more from a pagan perspective than the perspective that I originally started my path out with, which was more "new age" and "wellness" oriented.

Regardless, there was quite a bit that resonated with regards to what the body has gone through.

This is the only site I am aware of that specifically deals with the subject of replacement reincarnation -
