Soy and Irregular Periods


Senior Member
My doctor finally had my periods regular after me suffering most of my life with irregular bleeding. And I was staying away from soy because soy definitely brings it on in me.

So, the food program I belong to where I live, they gave us this huge quart of soy milk this past week. And by then, I was out of most everything in here, end of the month. So, even though, I knew I should have thrown it out immediately, I ended up drinking it. Within three days, bang, bleeding again, all irregular again. I can't have soy.

So now I have no clue when I'll get it all regular again. I feel sabotaged. I never would have personally bought it. It was given free. And I was out of milk and everything else in here. Knew I shouldn't have drank it, but I did. And now I'm suffering for it.

Soy is not the miracle food it is portrayed as. It has also been linked to Hashimoto's and infertility. It's something that was pushed on us all by the food industry. It can actually lower absorption of B12, D, and a bunch of other things. So you actually need more vitamins. And it is an endocrine disruptor that does cause irregular periods. Soy is not our friend.


Senior Member
It does the same to me early and much heavier bleeds. I can eat very small amounts of tofu once a fortnight or say a teasponn of soy sauce in a recipe for two once a fortnight but i too am very wary of it.


Senior Member
Hi Carrigon sorry to here you've had to go through that, personaly i'd never touch soy because i've read alot of the research on the bad effects it can have. I presume you know that soy raises estrogen levels, which is most likely the reason for it's effects on your bleeding.

i was wondering if your doctor has run tests for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone; and LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH(follicle stimulating hormone) the last two are produced by the pituitary glad and control estrogene levels. there's a link about theses tests here and why they should be done if they haven't already

All the best


Senior Member
I had severe uterine cramps tonight, too. And still staining. That's it for me. If I see another thing of soy, it's going in the garbage or I'll give it away.

I did have those tests run last year. They said I was high in testosterone, even though I'm female. And actually lower in estrogen. And yet, any estrogen in my food and I bleed like crazy. It's all messed up. But the soy definitely ruins me. And too much milk products can have a similar effect on me, but usually not as severe as the soy.


Senior Member
Hi Carrigon did your doctor follow up on your test results? i've done a search on for you, i entered menstrual irregularities and raised testosterone levels in a female it came up with 3 possibilities, Polycystic Ovary syndrome, 3?-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase deficiency and Cushings syndrome link here

If you click the read more button after the name of the illness it will give you a discription of it, so you can see if it fits your symptoms.

Get your doctor to run tests for all of these, the last 2 are quite rare so they probably wont of even considered them and i know of a women who was diagnosed for years with CFS and it turned out to be Polycystic Ovary syndrome

All the best


Senior Member
I have both Polycystic Ovary and Hashimoto's, so it's like the two just mess me up. What my doc really thinks is, the aspartame gave me a pituitary tumor that is causing all this. But I'm refusing to let anyone do anything about it. I'm not letting anyone mess with something that small. But what she said made alot of sense. And I later consulted with an aspartame poisoning specialist doc who confirmed alot of that. It did all start on me with aspartame in the 80's. I was fine till the aspartame. Can't prove it, though, and they have since "lost" most of my medical records.


Senior Member
Hi Carrigon, they've proved that aspartame can cause pituitary tumors in rats so diffinatly possible in humans, and pituitary tumors are proved to cause hashimotos, haven't found anything that say's that they can cause PCOS but pituitary tumours can cause Cushings aswell as hashimotos that are commonly mistaken for it, so it all makes sense. Have they ever done any scans to see if there is a pituitary tumor? I can understand not wanting a surgon near something so small, but they do have a very high cure rate for it. If it's diagnosed properly they can often treat the lack of hormones or over production of hormones with meds which may help you, but obviously your call, still nice to know the wrongdiagnosis software is giving out the right kind of results.

All the best and i hope things get better for you soon and bin that soy


Senior Member
My doc refused to let me do the MRI without the dye, and I can't do the dye. So, I can't get it done right now. My insurance was willing to pay for it and I even found a place that does the open MRI and she still refused. She said that without the dye, it wouldn't show up. So for now, I'm just plain not getting it done.

We tried birthcontrol pills for the hormones last year, but they made me too sick. I think I'm better off trying to regulate it with herbs and diet.


Senior Member
Hi Carrigon, if it was me i would be getting a second opinion from an expert in Pituitary tumors immediatly! if you do have a pituitary tumor and it's not treated they can continue to grow with disasterous results. Not sure on why you can't have the dye, but there are other scans that can be used like CT, and it can sometimes be diagnosed by blood tests.

This site has lots of information on pituitary disease

Here is a list of expert pituitary physican where you can seach for one in your area if you click on the view profile button it gives their contact details.

You can also contact the Pituitary association directly through phone or email here

My opinion is that your doctor is risking your health by not doing everything possible to find out if you have a pituitary problem, and i would be contacting these experts in it to see if they can help

All the best


Senior Member
Thanks for the links. I'm allergic to all the dyes, as in death allergic.

Alot of people walk around with pituitary tumors their entire lives and never even know it.

I chose for now, not to keep pursuing it because I'm sick to death of dealing with doctors and tests. I have alittle more quality to my life when I stay away from all that. But I do think that after all these years, I have real answers. I think the aspartame gave me a pituitary tumor nearly immediately after my first ingestion of it in the 80's. It immediately triggered fibromyalgia, POTS, internal bleeding and a million other things in me. Aspartame is a poison. And that old PKU warning they used to put on it was for people who cannot genetically handle any of it, that would be me. But they never told the public how to tell if you were PKU and shouldn't have it. All this directly contributed to my becoming CFIDS/ME and nearly dying in 91. I think the aspartame put enough cracks in my blood brain barrier to let in Lyme and other things that would normally not make someone this disabled. I did catch something in 91 that did me in. But I believe aspartame is what let it in the door. I am a former athlete. And I used aspartame everyday of my training for years as I got sicker and sicker. And we were told that aspartame was safe, so it wasn't something I investigated back then. But looking back on it all now, I can clearly see every symptom of aspartame poisoning.

Aspartame poisoning is permanent. It permanently damages the central nervous system, the eyes, the brain, every organ system in your entire body is effected. Doesn't matter if you stop using it, it has already done the damage. It causes fibromyalgia, it causes POTS, it causes MS, too. Aspartame does alot of things.

Aspartame is now hidden in thousands of food products. And all they keep doing is pumping out drugs to treat the symptoms of the poison. Dry eye medication: Aspartame dries up the fluid in the eyes. Lyrica: An anti seizure medication because aspartame lowers the seizure threshold. Overactive bladder medications: Aspartame causes irritated bladder. The list goes on and on.

There is no mystery to what causes fibromyalgia. It is aspartame poisoning. The pain comes from aspartame drying up the synovial fluids. And basically just poisoning you. It causes CFIDS/ME because it puts enough cracks in your blood brain barrier to let in other pathogens. It opens the door.

So yeah, after all these years, I have my answers. XMRV may just be another hitcher, but the culprit that starts it all is the aspartame. And that's why they've been covering it up for years. They have created the perfect patients. People who will never, ever be well and people who will have to spend all their money on medical forever.