Something i thought i'd share


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
You definitely have to pick and chose your way thru the links. Some of the ones on herbs are good, but I haven't checked them all, and I' definitely be cautious about recs for Rx meds, etc, without clear testing and evaluation..... I think that's pretty much a given ....

I think it's a general rule that everything posted or linked in these threads needs to be checked out in view of your symptoms, your own awareness of your tolerance for vits, supps, herbs, meds, etc, and backed up by your own research before you dive in ....

All the members here can do is share stuff that they found helpful, and hope it'll help someone else, with the caveat that it's a starting point for your own research, not the finish line for the Holy Grail ...