Recently I've been experiencing what can be best described as "sleep wave attacks". What happens is that at certain times of the day I feel extremely sleepy for a short period of time. These sleep waves occur usually at the following times.
1-4pm, 6:30-7:30pm (after eating) and 8-9:30pm
I usually sleep in the afternoon or after eating, which sometimes helps resolve some brain fog. But avoid sleeping during 8-9pm period as I wake up within a couple of hours and also never go into deep sleep if at all.
Sometimes I even fail to fall asleep despite feeling extremely sleepy. I also get wake up early 4-6am (sleep at 11-12pm) but then fall half a sleep till around 9-10am.
This started fairly recently it first happened when I started taking Candex but then stopped for a couple weeks and started again.
I was thinking it might be narcolepsy however I don't fall completely asleep more like stage 1 sleep. Nor do I get vivid dreams.
Not sure what I should do about it?
1-4pm, 6:30-7:30pm (after eating) and 8-9:30pm
I usually sleep in the afternoon or after eating, which sometimes helps resolve some brain fog. But avoid sleeping during 8-9pm period as I wake up within a couple of hours and also never go into deep sleep if at all.
Sometimes I even fail to fall asleep despite feeling extremely sleepy. I also get wake up early 4-6am (sleep at 11-12pm) but then fall half a sleep till around 9-10am.
This started fairly recently it first happened when I started taking Candex but then stopped for a couple weeks and started again.
I was thinking it might be narcolepsy however I don't fall completely asleep more like stage 1 sleep. Nor do I get vivid dreams.
Not sure what I should do about it?