Simplified Methylation Protocol with a Midwest Doctor - Brewer, Vrchota, Berndtsen,?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I think that is what I need to do next. As long as I have been ill, I think it would be wise to take Rich’s advise and find a doctor to oversee it. I would like to find someone who does telephone consults and who will accept tests from my local labs (for those that do not require a specialty lab). If anyone has experience with a Midwest doctor, I would appreciate information.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I think that is what I need to do next. As long as I have been ill, I think it would be wise to take Rich’s advise and find a doctor to oversee it. I would like to find someone who does telephone consults and who will accept tests from my local labs (for those that do not require a specialty lab). If anyone has experience with a Midwest doctor, I would appreciate information.

Hi Bluestem,

The best I could do was an internist who would do testing and try to keep me from getting into trouble. He also did testing that demonstrated most all of the other explanations people offered were totally wrong. Mostly he was amazed and said that he had never seen anybody come back from so far over the edge, with congestive heart failure and tissue breakdown and non-working metabolism. He had no idea where to start except with tests. I started the ENZY MeCbl the next day after the blood draw. Three weeks later I walked in the office and EVERYBODY could literally see the difference at first glance. I told him what made the difference. He looked at the results and said that except for the hormone tests they were all irrelevant now. A year later he oversaw my discontinuance of most of the meds I was on. I'm still with him and now instead of looking like a typical patient I'm a maintenance patient who looks too healthy to be there. Good luck in finding a doc with any actual knowledge in all this. I was lucky to find an open minded doc.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I think that is what I need to do next. As long as I have been ill, I think it would be wise to take Rich’s advise and find a doctor to oversee it. I would like to find someone who does telephone consults and who will accept tests from my local labs (for those that do not require a specialty lab). If anyone has experience with a Midwest doctor, I would appreciate information.

There's another forum about doctors that might be a good place to look. Also, a Senior Moderator, Ema, is familiar with the midwest and might know someone.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Thanks for replying, @Freddd. I live in a very rural area and the chance of finding an internist willing to take this on is low. My integrated med GP could probably handle it, but she is 1.5 hours away, won't do telephone consults, and insists that I come over there for all tests. If I am having an unexpected negative reaction to the protocol, I cannot be driving myself 1.5 hours. That is why I am hoping to find someone farther away who will do telephone consults.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I'm not going to be very much help unfortunately. My LLMD/internist doesn't do phone consults and probably isn't what you are looking for anyway.

There is always Guyer in Indy but I think he is expensive. We don't hear a ton about him on these boards anymore...I wonder if people had bad experiences?

I have a couple of friends that see Dr Sivieri in DC but that may be further than you want to go. He has a program where you can pay a yearly fee though for email consults as needed.

The Midwest is pretty sparse. I wish I had more to offer!



Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I used to have a lot of contacts in Cleveland and Chicago but they are all retired or dead now for the most part. Sorry, no suggestions.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
@Freddd, I hope that means that you are just not making new contacts, not that there are no new doctors with knowledge of methylation in the Midwest.

@Ema, I checked out Guyer a few years ago and he is way out of my price range. That may be why we hear little about him.

DC is farther than I want to go. The Midwest does seem to be a medical wasteland.


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
Hi Little Blustem,

A woman in one of the health groups I follow recently started seeing Dr. Berndsten, and she's said good things about him. If you want, I can give you her name so you can get more details.