I see a psychiatrist because he's the best doc around with sleep meds.
I actually got a letter from him indicating that I don't suffer from primary depression or any other psychiatric disorder. I keep it handy for such occasions.
So if you have/do go, for whatever, to a psychiatrist and it's a positive situation you might considering asking for such a letter. Some docs just believe what they want to believe but this has helped me more than once.
Best wishes BEG. I hope this will lead to a positive outcome.
Yeah, I actually saw one because of work issues drew me into depression, because they did not want to accommodate me!
I guess I was lucky, he believed in my illness and was very supportive and thought I was very intelligent, he chalked up my depression due to my illness!
BEG, perhaps you should find out what his/her viewpoint is on ME/CFIDS/CFS first?
Best of luck!
Interesting that people get "medical" care from these Docs. They have gone thru medical school, right?
So I guess they just have more of an interest in the brain, without actually operating on it.
PS So sad that some Drs still think of this disease as phsychological!
PSS My PCP office called today and about when I went to see another Dr (in Boston) and my blood pressure was high. They wanted me to come into the office to due a follow up, at the PCPs, but I don't want to pay the $30 Copay, I just blew them off, and said I would have it checked somewhere else, but have no intention. (My PCP copay used to be $10, but now she is a Tier 3!)
Perhaps I should not be so quick to dismiss this? I have had high readings in the past. I just feel that the medical community has done so little to help us out, that I don't really care if I die of something like this. Perhaps I should have asked if there would be a charge for this?
I have a Dr appt, my primary for CFS, in mid October, but they never do blood pressure, I think I will request!