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Robert Tennyson Stevens; Cheney's Asheville buddy?


Senior Member
Austin, TX
Anybody know about Stevenson & his iris-reading, body language-reading, turning illness to health thing??:p


Senior Member
Austin, TX
OK, so it's called Bio-Optic Holography. He apparently reads irises & can tell you about emotional health, & if you have an ailment, can read your response to questions about your emotional life that will unlock/shift give a break through for healing. Claims to know everything from why/how cancer happens to some people & even why some people react to mold. It was an interesting evening, to say the least. His informational hand out didn't really adequately describe what he tries to do, but his website might be more forthcoming: www.masterysystems.com


Senior Member
I really have to wonder if Dr. Cheney would get mixed up with someone who sounds a bit "quacky" (for lack of a better word). I admire and respect Dr. Cheney and though he is thinking and working outside the medical protocol envelope, he still is TOPS in CFIDS research and has been since the Incline Village outbreak (along with wonderful Dr. Peterson).
I may look into this guy just for info. Curious now.