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Rife Machine vs PEMF Mats (Bemer and iMRS2000)

Austin, TX
I have borrelia and mold exposure. My U.S. doctor recently recommended the PEMF Bemer mat to me. I began to research and saw that there is also the new iMRS2000 PEMF mat from another company that has received high reviews.

Someone who is helping me research asked "What is the difference between these mats and a Rife machine?". I have been trying to find an answer today, but I am still not quite clear. Can anyone help me with this? I just read this article which recommends a DC PEMF machine which kills pathogens and repair tissues, among other things: http://www.lymebook.com/pulsed-electro-magnetic-fields However, I don't know if the PEMF mats fall in this category or if this is more of a Rife machine. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
Hi Abporter,

A Rife machine emits electromagnetic frequencies, anywhere from 0 Hertz all the way up to millions of Hertz (Megahertz). The more expensive machines send the frequencies through the air using a plasma tube, whereas cheaper devices send the frequencies through hand-held metal tubes and foot plates. Different frequencies have different effects, but one of the most common uses for Rife machines is knocking out pathogens.

PEMF devices also use electromagnetic frequencies, but they are more like a "magnet." Whereas Rife machines are more like a "radio." They're completely different technologies, but it's difficult to explain the difference! :nerd:

The article you posted adds to the confusion. It didn't mention a specific device, but I'm pretty sure that the author is referring to the Doug Coil, which is usually classified as a Rife machine, rather than a PEMF device. I guess it can be looked at as a PEMF device, but it's not used in the same manner as the PEMF mats like Bemer and iMRS.

It depends on what your goal is. If your main objective is attacking borrellia, then the Rife machine would probably be what you're looking for. Although Rife machines are usually not enough to cure Lyme by themselves, some people have seen great results with them. For more info, these Yahoo groups are worth checking out:


The PEMF mats are usually used for pain relief, insomnia, inflammation, etc. They're pretty expensive, but you can rent them to see if they help. There are also cheaper PEMF devices. This website has a list: http://drpawluk.com/products/
abporter, did you get the imrs2000 mat? Did it help? Sainrecovery are you still using the mat with good results?