

Senior Member
Asking about rest as treatment, but maybe it would be better in a dif sub?

Wake up, feel like crap, roll over couple times, crash i think, feel better, fall back asleep, wake up feeling pretty ok. I am in bed now all the time, only leave to poop. i get on computer sometimes, watch live cams sometimes, talk to family sometimes. last week it was obv when I was over doing it. I could feel it, and only after a couple mins. Now, I only feel that after extensively more activity(or fresh in the morning when anything sets me off). is this adrenaline, or just came out of the wave in a new base? before i'd have adrenaline, but it was much more obv and would lead to a heavy crash. now, pretty sure that's not happening. I can still push beyond my limits, but could they go from essenially nothing to much more? what about earlier in the day when I feel terrible then it goes away after I think or roll over? that is crashing right? am I just in a constant state of adrenaline now?

Should my goal still be to be resting in bed no stimulation? It sucks but I need to try and hit that marker? Or am I fine in relaxing on computer/slowtv etc now a good chunk of the time? Do I need to try and treat myself at my worst moment, right when I wake up? Only reason I feel better is because adrenaline? Is my base my morning when it's all crap, but i can't tell the rest of the day because of adrenaline?

Just can't tell if i'm worse or better. i feel better, way better than the last 3 weeks, but more symptoms now.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
We had someone on here a while back say he got better after many months by resting in bed for 45 minutes doing no activity at all followed by 15 minutes of very light activity.

I think I remember he did it for maybe 9 months before he got better--but he did get better!!!

You could try something like that but adapt it to you--where for now, you might do just 5 minutes of activity an hour including the essentials. So if this hour you had a toilet break you would wait til next hour to talk to someone or look at your computer. (Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated!!!)

I know it's tedius but where you just started to crash so badly in the last 3 weeks doing this now may help you turn the corner that much sooner. So many of us made ourselves worse by continuing to push.


Senior Member
Thanks as always @Judee :)Ok, I had actually tried that in the 3 weeks but it didn't work. I tried 2 min on 30 mins off. now all of a sudden, I can go for...i don't know a lot longer. like, an hour maybe 2 before I need to rest. I can still overdo it, like I did today, but the crash isn't as bad. I think i'll try and get back into that routine to see what happens, it's just really weird to swing so wildly. I am also terrlble in the mourning and still picking up symptoms, so confusing.

just really weird because I didn't build to here. I still can't walk or get out of bed, and still need strict pacing with family talk, visual tv stuff(like slowtv) etc. but i can now surf for an hour or two at least without getting tired, still a lot better than two weeks ago. Just hope it's not fools gold. Like I still haven symptoms? Just not constantly/as easily thrown into the pit of despair.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Oh, that's good news and so encouraging. In that case, I would say to have some type of timer on your computer that tells you when it's time to rest. Maybe for 15-20 minutes every 60-90 minutes.

I know it's difficult to shift gears like that. It sometimes seems to short circuit my brain if I have to. Anyway just work out what works best for you.

Also mornings are horrible for most of us. Something another member said recently made me realize that I actually procrastinate on going to bed because in the back of my mind I know I'm going to wake up feeling much, much worse in the first half of the next day.