Research on a drug for Long Covid


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Another article here. I dearly hope this becomes available
Thanks for that link @Insomniac

Like you, I'm hoping for a breakthrough as well, but have my doubts, partly because of ingrained skepticism born of hard experience re the medical community, and partly because no one can agree on the genesis and etiology of Long Covid, and a ot of the medical community is still denying its existence. So as usual, they're all bickering among themselves and loudly defending their hypotheses.

And then there;s the little voice that keeps telling me that yes, even tho probably half of that community accepts the actual existence of Long Covid, I can practically guarantee that there will be no benefits accruing to Our Crowd ....

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
So as usual, they're all bickering among themselves and loudly defending their hypotheses.

the trailer I watched earlier, the long covid victim ended up at Mayo with a POTS Diagnosis, also considered obscure, and then the exercising treatment is included in her overall strategy.

I"m still considering the next sector of the project called- Scrubbing My Kitchen Floor....