Research database of over 3,000 research publications on ME and CFS


Senior Member
Research database
This database consists of the summary data (including abstracts) of over 3,000 research publications on ME and CFS, extracted from MEDLINE and the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Click on the file you require to open it, or right-click to save onto your computer. (If you are asked for a password, just click cancel.) Please contact us if you need an alternative format.
(Caution: some of these are very big files which will take several minutes to download via a dial-up internet connection, and may not open properly on older, slower computers.)

The database is intended to be an easily accessible record for researchers, healthcare professionals and patients who study the illness or who are involved with the management of patients. The latest update is to 31st May 2010, incorporating the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (to volume 14, issue 4, 2008) (link here) and MEDLINE-listed papers back to 1956.

Research Publications 19562010
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MS Word 7,901 KBResearch Publications 2010
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MS Word 386 KBResearch Publications 2009
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MS Word 687 KBResearch Publications 2008
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MS Word 757 KBResearch Publications 2007
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MS Word 544 KBResearch Publications 2006
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MS Word 811 KBResearch Publications 2005
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MS Word 655 KBResearch Publications 2004
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MS Word 553 KBResearch Publications 2003
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MS Word 551 KBResearch Publications 2002
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MS Word 587 KBResearch Publications 2001
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MS Word 607 KBResearch Publications 2000
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MS Word 539 KBResearch Publications 1999
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MS Word 533 KBResearch Publications 1998
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MS Word 662 KBResearch Publications 1997
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MS Word 583 KBResearch Publications 1996
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MS Word 563 KBResearch Publications 1995
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MS Word 469 KBResearch Publications 1994
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MS Word 361 KBResearch Publications 1993
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MS Word 237 KBResearch Publications 1992
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MS Word 277 KBResearch Publications 1991
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MS Word 295 KBResearch Publications 1988-1990
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MS Word 225 KBResearch Publications 1956-1987
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MS Word 126 KB


Senior Member
Medline is fine but I am not familiar with the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and if it is any good.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
I think I am right in saying that the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been absorbed into another publication.

I have encountered problems refering medical professionals to this database.

ME Research UK changed the format for its database of CFS papers several years ago. Prior to this, the papers were all listed on the site and not within files.

I cited this database as a resource on CFS papers on "Dr Crippen's" blog (it has since closed) and was badly bitten by a poster who claimed to be a medical professional, who posted that when he opened the first files, he was presented with papers which were not CFS specific and also papers published in journals that were not Medline listed - CAM type journals.

I suspect it may be the case that some papers have been included because the search field used to compile the data has picked up on "chronic" and "fatigue" rather than the more specific "CFS" or possibly on references to CFS in papers on other conditions.

This is an issue which I intended to take up, at the time, with ME Research UK, because if one is citing this database in media or journal responses or to medical professionals then one wants to be confident that all papers contained within it are CFS specific and I am afraid that this was not my finding when I actually checked the new format database, myself, following the somewhat disparaging response received from the poster on "Dr Crippen's" site about the database.

Whether this is still the case, I don't know, but if it is, it maybe needs attention.


Senior Member
I think I am right in saying that the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been absorbed into another publication.
Well, the archive of the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now owned by another publisher. But new editions are no longer being printed. As I recall, Haworth Press were bought over (or a part of them anyway) and the new publisher decided to discontinue the JofCFS. There was some interesting articles in it over the years as well as some stuff that wasn't very exciting.

Snow Leopard

South Australia
Research Publications 1956–2010
pdf 8,459 KB

I found that list a few days ago. It is not exhaustive, but still extremely comprehensive and should not be missed by anyone doing a literature review!

The following keeps somewhat up to date also:

Re Journal of CFS - no longer being published and hard to access using typical academic journal subscriptions. I have most of the articles saved though.


Senior Member
I found this a few days ago. It is not exhaustive, but still extremely comprehensive and should not be missed by anyone doing a literature review!

The following keeps somewhat up to date also:

Re Journal of CFS - no longer being published and hard to access using typical academic journal subscriptions. I have most of the articles saved though.

Thanks for that link Andrew...easy to access.


Senior Member
Co-Cure has lots of abstracts and some full papers: (goes back 15 years although don't know how thorough it was over that period).

Ellen Goudsmit Ph.D. does quarterly reviews of the literature with some commentary (probably less now than the past): (goes back over 10 years)

ME-Net has lots of abstracts and some full papers and Ph.D. theses (in the Netherlands, a Ph.D. thesis can be a collection of 10 (say) published papers!)