Reaction to D-ribose (CorvalenM)


Recently tried taking d-ribose because I've heard so many do well on it, and my main symptoms are fatigue and body ache. Anyway, i took 5mg of the CorvalenM with breakfast (scrambled eggs and a little bacon) on Saturday morning. At first I was fine, but after about 20 mins I had to go to sleep for 2 and a half hours due to extreme fatigue, and I never have to sleep in the day.

On waking up I actually felt relatively ache free and energetic, but by 5pm I felt a bad crash coming which subsequently has yet to subside, as well as a rather lose tummy. Has anyone else had a reaction to d-ribose like this? Could it be a blood sugar thing, or possibly to do with the magnesium in it?

Many thanks,



Senior Member
I have been taking d-ribose 3x/day (by Doctor's Best brand.) I put one scoop (5 g) into water and drink three times per day. So far I have not noticed any problems from it and it seems to give me more energy (but again I just started it so it is too early to make any final judgements on it.) Mine is just d-ribose and does not have magnesium or other ingredients in it so that could make a difference. Good luck with it and this is another product that I am interested in how others react to it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Dr tetlbaum (spelling) who promotes the d ribose also mentions using acetyl carnitine, q10 and lipoic acid for mitochondrial energy and i think he sometimes consideres nadh? Have u guys done that with the ribose?


Senior Member
I am only on D Ribose as I can't afford to add the others yet.

I'm thrilled with the bit of extra energy the ribose has given me. I noticed it has taken an edge off my overall inflammation and the nausea is not as bad now. I take Dr Best's in the powdered form. I haven't had any side effects on it. I always make sure to take it on food. So glad I found something without side effects and helps.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i have used the powders before but for some reason its hard to get into a regular rountine of taking it, so im looking at trying the chewables which are 1500mg a dose, maybe 2 tabs twice a day??


Senior Member
Dr tetlbaum (spelling) who promotes the d ribose also mentions using acetyl carnitine, q10 and lipoic acid for mitochondrial energy and i think he sometimes consideres nadh? Have u guys done that with the ribose?

@heapsreal I have taken CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid in the past but not sure if it did anything for me (good or bad.) I tried n-acetyl carnitine 2-3x but was unable to tolerate it b/c it made me feel agitated and very nauseous. I am not familiar with NADH? What is it for? I am going to ask my ND about all of these at my appt later this week and am hoping to find a multi-vitamin with most of these things in it so I do not have to take so many individual pills. Most multi-vitamins end up making me nauseous is the problem.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
@heapsreal I have taken CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid in the past but not sure if it did anything for me (good or bad.) I tried n-acetyl carnitine 2-3x but was unable to tolerate it b/c it made me feel agitated and very nauseous. I am not familiar with NADH? What is it for? I am going to ask my ND about all of these at my appt later this week and am hoping to find a multi-vitamin with most of these things in it so I do not have to take so many individual pills. Most multi-vitamins end up making me nauseous is the problem.

I had a similar reaction to acetyl carnitine but it settled with time. I see it recommended at much higher doses than I use which is only 500mg.

Carnitine and q10 I use because studies show most mecfsers have low levels of these and lipid acid and nac as they are strong antioxidants. I don't think we get short term noticeable effects but long term I think these substances probably help as again studies show we have alot of oxidative stress going on. Hopefully just stop or slow down the process of us falling apart. Lol.

nadh or nad help mitochondria make energy. My experience is it does give u a slight immediate pick me up. Now brand make a sublingual nad supplement. This may help reduce nausea.
@heapsreal, i'm trying NADH, haven't really noticed any effect yet but its only been a week. May try q10 and carnitine soon but am worried after the effect the d-ribose had. I find it really weird that it had the opposite effect on me that it is supposed to have and sent me straight to sleep....


Senior Member
I had a similar reaction to acetyl carnitine but it settled with time. I see it recommended at much higher doses than I use which is only 500mg.

Carnitine and q10 I use because studies show most mecfsers have low levels of these and lipid acid and nac as they are strong antioxidants. I don't think we get short term noticeable effects but long term I think these substances probably help as again studies show we have alot of oxidative stress going on. Hopefully just stop or slow down the process of us falling apart. Lol.

nadh or nad help mitochondria make energy. My experience is it does give u a slight immediate pick me up. Now brand make a sublingual nad supplement. This may help reduce nausea.

@heapsreal, thank you for the info. Do you mean that 500 mg of acetyl carnitine made you agitated/nauseous but you continued it and both these side effects went away? Do you notice a benefit from it?

I agree with you re: CoQ10, NAC, ALA, etc, that we probably won't notice an immediate benefit but could be helping us in the long-run and slow the process of us completely falling apart LOL.

NADH is a new one for me and I am going to research it. Did you mean that it made you nauseous but the sublingual form did not? Sorry I have so many questions, I am like a sponge and want to learn everything I can about people's experiences with different supplements.

Have you ever taken Acai berries or liposomal glutathione (liquid)? I am taking those now along with D-Ribose and some other things. It is so hard to know what is helping but at least none of them are making me nauseous which is what usually occurs.

Thanks again :D


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
@heapsreal, i'm trying NADH, haven't really noticed any effect yet but its only been a week. May try q10 and carnitine soon but am worried after the effect the d-ribose had. I find it really weird that it had the opposite effect on me that it is supposed to have and sent me straight to sleep....

i think especially so us cfs/me creatures are very individual, what helps one wont for another etc, some have to start low in doses etc.

With nadh it needs to be taken on an empty stomache and wait 30min before eating, doses that are made seem to vary alot from 2.5mg to 20mg. u should feel exttra energy within an hour or 2?? SO maybe keep increasing the doses some. Then theres nad which i have tried NOW brand which is disolved under your tongue, dont have to wait for food or use on an empty stomach etc. the energy from it i guess is like how people get a hit from coffee.

the acetyl carnitine over stimulated me at first, i only took a morning dose, from memory i think i took it every second day until i was tolerating it and then daily, didnt go above 500mg. It was ok within a few doses, maybe for yourself its going to take longer. Maybe u could try a powder or lower dose formula at first and slowly increase?? It sounds like its increasing energy but just too much, so its doing something for you, now u just have to play around with the dose until u find the right way for u to take it??



Senior Member
@heapsreal Thanks for the follow-up info and I am seeing my NP later today and am going to ask her about all the supplements you mentioned. I have enough questions for her for five appts but hoping to squeeze in as much info as I can!


Senior Member
Anyone have d-ribose side-effect of exhaustion/fatigue? I just upped my dosage and like a zombie there after. I wondered if the extra ATP is causing a detox, or a shift to TH1 which always makes me sleepy and zombie like. Anyway cutting back on daily dosage and feeling better- @burgeo10 : is this what you had?


Senior Member
It's common for D-ribose to make people tired if they take a large dose all at once. Taking it in smaller doses throughout the day usually resolves this problem. Also, Dr. Myhill reported that taking it with coffee in the morning (for those who can tolerate coffee) enhances its effect. I have found this to be true for me.
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D-ribose can cause hypoglycemia. The larger the dose, the worse the effect. Try taking it in smaller doses, under the tongue (per Dr. Myhill), and directly after eating some carbohydrates. The carbs will help to balance the sugar rollercoaster.

D-ribose will help relieve some of the achiness because it is involved with post-exercise recovery in the body. It helps with ATP recycling (energy). You will need to take it every handful of hours to keep the effect going. A loading period of 5g 3x/day per 3 weeks and then 5g 2x/day thereafter is recommended here.

Please also keep in mind it may only treat symptoms and not the cause.


Senior Member
@Alea Ishikawa and @zzz : I took the advice from both of you thank you. I am starting smaller- putting just a pinch in my green tea every morning and afternoon. It was still knocking me out with weakness and fatigue... then realized I had gotten off my routine with supplements for the week it was giving me side-effects: I forgot to take it with magnesium and CoQ10! WOW did that make a difference!!!!!

For some reason though just a pinch has an enormous effect on me- but NOT an energetic feeling, at least not right away. Feel drowsy for the first 20 minutes then I feel fine thereafter.

What it does that no other supplement does, is take my immune system out of that fight and flight nervous, over-worked feeling I get, esp. right before a viral crash! It steadies me so I am not running on NERVOUS energy.

Still taking anti-virals also and maca and broth too.

@Alea Ishikawa : I am not sure D-ribose just treats the symptoms of CFS since Dr. Chia has it listed on his list for alternative therapy for enteroviruses. I read some where that he believes that d-ribose replenishes the cell because the cell is continuously ravaged by the virus and drained of energy. Can't remember where I read that.