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Quick Question on Narcolepsy for anyone with the Diagnosis


Senior Member
Hello All,

I just had a quick question for someone with classic Narcolepsy, meaning someone who can fall asleep easily during the daytime hours...............my question is...........if you are diagnosed and you exhibit those symptoms, are you at risk of losing your license to drive?

Very curious about this, thanks,



Senior Member
Sth Australia
I wasnt diagnosed but I definately had the issue of suddenly falling asleep at any time to the point I think I could of got a Narolespy diagnoses, it seems to be something a ME flare can trigger off for me. (I was that exhausted I even once fell asleep while trying to do the dishes, head in the sink!).

This impacted my driving and while trying to drive to very part time work (I was forced to do so under Centrelink threat of having all the dole I got cut off), I ended up smashing two cars (I was nearly falling asleep every time I stopped the car to give way. I ended up at a give way, probably dozing, car rolled forward and slammed into the one in front. I also was nearly falling asleep while trying to work out how to get to the address I was going too). So I personally do not recommend driving if you have that issue, you could hurt yourself or another or worst.


Senior Member
It depends on where you live. The bottom of the following article lists links to find what the rules are for your state.



My sleep neurologist has the following poster in his office:

“When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.”

Will Rogers

A close relative of mine was killed by an impaired driver. It's not just a legal issue.
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Senior Member
Yes I realize its a very serious issue. I personally don't have this issue but was interested to know the legal side of it after doing some reading on Narcolepsy. Thanks for the link Barb and thank you for your story Tania. Very frightening and a good example of how serious impaired driving can be.


Senior Member
I have a friend here in Illinois whose doctor has limited her drivivg to mornings. It understandably gets frustrating for her.

She was on Xyrem which helped her at first and then went off while she was pregnant. When she started again it stopped being as effective. It was when she was on the Xyrem that she was able to drive.

I have seen her have sleep attacks, some not noticable and some which were when she would have the cateplexy along with it.

There's a forum called Talk About Sleep which has a section for narcolepsy as well as other sleep disorders. Interestingly, there's also a section for Fibromyalgia. I can't remember if me/cfs is included.

I haven't been there for a long time and heard that the layout is different. When I get the URL, I will post it.

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