Question about 23andme results

I just got my 23andme raw data.

1. What is the best way to analyze the raw data?

2. when I loog at the data i see for example, this line:
rsid chromosome position genotype
rs12564807 1 734462 AA

How do I know if this SNP is on one allele (heterozygote mutation) or onboth alleles (homozygote mutation)



Senior Member
1. Run it through to pull out the methylation and detox SNPs.

2. You have to know which allele letter is the mutation. So AA could either be +/+ or -/-. If it says AC, that's always going to be +/-.

If you use the Firefox browser, you can install an app called SNPtips, which makes this much easier. Wherever there is an rs number listed online, it will have a link showing your results and then links to the research for the results. So then, you can easily look up the research, and see which one is the risk allele.

Luckily, has already done this research for you. So you would only need this if you're looking up SNPs that doesn't cover.