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Psychologist David Marks Condemns Lightning Process as a ME Treatment


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Psychologist David Marks has strong words against the Lightning Process as a ME treatment.

Here I review research by the Wessely School on the Lightning Process (LP). LP is a pseudoscientific cult founded by Phil Parker, a Tarot reader, specialist in auras and spiritual guides, and an osteopath. It has triggered a spate of shoddy evidence and false claims that brings a new low level to the checkered history of ME/CFS research and care, and takes the Wessely School with it to rock bottom.



Senior Member
"The developer of LP Phil Parker describes it in these words: LP “Is a training programme that teaches you to change the way your nervous system controls your body. Its empowering tools involve gentle movement, meditation-like techniques and mental exercises

With practice you’ll learn how to switch on pathways which promote health and switch off ones which aren’t so good for you….With practise you can use them to change the way your nervous system works, switching on pathways which promote health and switching off ones which aren’t so good for you.”

I'm almost speechless.


Senior Member
The implication is that ME is a mental disorder and they can effectively treat it.

Nothing's changed then just the wording. I didn't hold high hopes for the change in NICE guidlines. If this is pushed on the patient we'll be two steps back. The lunatics have really taken over the asylum.