Provision of social support to individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome


From co-cure again.

Now that's what I call good science. Give people who are too sick to take care of all of their necessary daily activites some help and see if they feel less tired and more energetic as compared to controls who received no help!

Does anyone know who Jason is? I'm too tired to research now. What else has he done?


Provision of social support to individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Journal: J Clin Psychol. 2009 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Authors: Jason LA, Roesner N, Porter N, Parenti B, Mortensen J, Till L.

Affiliation: DePaul University.

NLM Citation: PMID: 19902489

The present study evaluated a buddy program designed to provide
support for individuals with chronic fatigue syndr
ome (CFS).

The intervention involved weekly visits by a student
paraprofessional, who helped out with tasks that needed to be done in
an effort to reduce some of the taxing demands and responsibilities
that participants regularly encountered. This model of rehabilitation
focused on avoiding overexertion in persons with CFS, aiming to avoid
setbacks and relapses while increasing their tolerance for activity.

Participants with CFS were randomly assigned to either a 4-month
buddy intervention or a control condition. Posttest results showed
that individuals who received a student buddy intervention had
significantly greater reductions in fatigue severity and increases in
vitality than individuals in the control condition
. There were no
significant changes between groups for physical functioning and stress.

Buddy interventions that help patients with CFS reduce overexertion
and possibly remain within their energy envelopes can be thought of
as representing a different paradigm than nonpharmacologic
interventions that focus only on increasing levels of activity
through graded exercise.

(c) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 66:1-10, 2010.

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Leonard Jason

From co-cure again.

Now that's what I call good science. Give people who are too sick to take care of all of their necessary daily activites some help and see if they feel less tired and more energetic as compared to controls who received no help!

Does anyone know who Jason is? I'm too tired to research now. What else has he done?


Hi if,

Isn't that Leonard Jason who is on the CFSAC? Even tho he is a psychologist, he seems to have understood early on that we are not all just crazy....OK...well.....I'm not....not sure about you :)

Take care,




Thanks busybee. Those are the perfect starting points. He's one of the members of the CFSAC that I couldn't catch the name of. Will try to look into his research further later. He sounds so sane.

Meantime I dream of us all having homecare provided!:):):):):):)



Me Maxine? - yes I'm all crazy, and have a black sense of humour on top of it all - awhooooooooooooooo

but you, you're hysterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrricaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll:eek::eek::D:D:D:p

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Thanks busybee. Those are the perfect starting points. He's one of the members of the CFSAC that I couldn't catch the name of. Will try to look into his research further later. He sounds so sane.

Meantime I dream of us all having homecare provided!:):):):):):)



Me Maxine? - yes I'm all crazy, and have a black sense of humour on top of it all - awhooooooooooooooo

but you, you're hysterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrricaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll:eek::eek::D:D:D:p

Hi if,

I dream of that too. Wouldn't that be amazing if we could get homecare?

You may b all crazy, but you have been paying attention and have a good memory. I guess I will now just be referred to as that hysterical woman on the forum. Hmmmm....wonder if I should change my screen name. :)



I guess I will now just be referred to as that hysterical woman on the forum. Hmmmm....wonder if I should change my screen name. :)


oops - did I mention that I'm an unintentional trouble-maker as well?:(:(:eek::eek:
ah well - now you know.

You do know that I mean very funny, and not emotionally overwrought, don't you?

Will forthwith stop all references to hysteria, and assume all other caring members will as well, at least most of the time.


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Hysterical woman

oops - did I mention that I'm an unintentional trouble-maker as well?:(:(:eek::eek:
ah well - now you know.

You do know that I mean very funny, and not emotionally overwrought, don't you?

Will forthwith stop all references to hysteria, and assume all other caring members will as well, at least most of the time.


Dear Unintentional Trouble Maker,

Oh, good grief, yes, I know that you mean very funny - I am the one who started the whole hysterical woman thing. And I am somewhat serious about changing my screen name to hysterical woman as a tongue-in-cheek statement. However, I am afraid that it might offend some members (especially some new ones) so will probably not do it.




Senior Member
Prof. Jason's interest in ME/CFS started from being a patient himself. IMHO, very often the best people in the field are coming from this perspective (people who live with somebody with the illness often can be very good also).

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Wow Tom, thanks. I wasn't aware that Prof. Jason had personal experience with ME/CFS. And I also believe that the best people to speak for us have seen the devastation of this illness up close.
