At one of the recent Defeat Autism Now! conferences, Derrick MacFabe presented information showing that propionic acid , which he says is produced by clostridia as well as the bacteria that produces acne, disrupts mitochondrial function. I found more information on the internet showing it causes hypotonia.
Here is an abstract showing it severely disrupts the respiratory chain:
I had a gut fermentation profile done years ago at the Biolab in the UK. We were looking for elevated ethanol as a sign of yeast overgrwoth in teh small intestine. I did not have that, but instead had elevated proponol. we didn't know what to do about this so nothing has been done.
I went on a very low carb diet and went from extremely ill to feeling great overnight. I know my fatigue is coming from my gut.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to neutralize this propionic acid ? I feel, that , since it causes hypotonia, I have a vicoius cycle going on. The propionic acid cuases hypotonia which allows the bacteria to grow in the small intestine creating more propionic acid etc.
Here is an http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC437091/
abstract which may show carnitine neutralizes and removes it, if I'm reading it correctly.
Here is an abstract showing it severely disrupts the respiratory chain:
I had a gut fermentation profile done years ago at the Biolab in the UK. We were looking for elevated ethanol as a sign of yeast overgrwoth in teh small intestine. I did not have that, but instead had elevated proponol. we didn't know what to do about this so nothing has been done.
I went on a very low carb diet and went from extremely ill to feeling great overnight. I know my fatigue is coming from my gut.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to neutralize this propionic acid ? I feel, that , since it causes hypotonia, I have a vicoius cycle going on. The propionic acid cuases hypotonia which allows the bacteria to grow in the small intestine creating more propionic acid etc.
Here is an http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC437091/
abstract which may show carnitine neutralizes and removes it, if I'm reading it correctly.