Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear - Hooper and Williams - Spring 2010
Stephen Ralph's post to co-cure of Jan 2 10
Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear - Hooper and Williams - Spring 2010
(if I'm a Canadian, quite uninformed about the PACE Trials - and while my heart and thoughts are with you UKers, my brain and body are not up to following too closely right now. But this developing list looks like it could be of use to all of us if we have medical practitioners that need some "proof" that ME/CFS is a"real" organic disease.
(SRPrior to the publication of the MRC PACE Trial results in the Spring of 2010, Professor Malcolm Hooper and Margaret Williams will be releasing a series of linked documents addressing central flaws in the PACE Trial.
These documents form part of a more substantial document that has the provisional title Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear.
This document has a dedicated web page at:
This web page will contain an easily accessible Contents page so that people can surf and then select whatever section (or part of a section) they may wish to look at.
Although he and Margaret Williams have previously addressed some of the issues contained in the substantial document, Professor Hooper thinks it essential for there to be a single, comprehensive narrative of events and information leading up to and involving the PACE Trial.
Stephen Ralph's post to co-cure of Jan 2 10
Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear - Hooper and Williams - Spring 2010
(if I'm a Canadian, quite uninformed about the PACE Trials - and while my heart and thoughts are with you UKers, my brain and body are not up to following too closely right now. But this developing list looks like it could be of use to all of us if we have medical practitioners that need some "proof" that ME/CFS is a"real" organic disease.
(SRPrior to the publication of the MRC PACE Trial results in the Spring of 2010, Professor Malcolm Hooper and Margaret Williams will be releasing a series of linked documents addressing central flaws in the PACE Trial.
These documents form part of a more substantial document that has the provisional title Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear.
This document has a dedicated web page at:
This web page will contain an easily accessible Contents page so that people can surf and then select whatever section (or part of a section) they may wish to look at.
Although he and Margaret Williams have previously addressed some of the issues contained in the substantial document, Professor Hooper thinks it essential for there to be a single, comprehensive narrative of events and information leading up to and involving the PACE Trial.
Magical Medicine: How to make a disease disappear
Professor Malcolm Hooper and Margaret Williams Spring 2010
Documents already published that form part of the larger PACE Response document:-
1. Interstitial cystitis and CFS (26th August 2009)
2. More evidence of inflammation in ME/CFS (14th November 2009)
3. The role of viruses in ME/CFS // XMRV (21st November 2009)
4. The MRC's secret files on ME/CFS (10th December 2009)
5. Statements of concern about CBT/GET for the Judicial Review (12th December 2009)
6. Can the MRC PACE Trial be justified? (17th December 2009)
and now this latest one:
7. Documented involvement of viruses in ME/CFS (30th December 2009)