Post all articles, blogs, etc on CFIDS XMRV here please


Senior Member
We need to have one thread that has the web addresses for any articles, blogs, websites, etc. that talk about CFIDS/ME, XMRV, WPI, etc. so that we ALL can respond in mass to the writer. The more people who respond, the louder our voice is.

Thus far we have been pretty good about attacking in large numbers the sites/articles/etc. that speak to CFIDS/ME/XMRV, but many of those articles are buried within other threads and it is just a hit or miss that we see them.

Or if this isn't a great idea, then start a NEW THREAD with the contact info on the new article so that we all can see it. Again, do NOT bury it in other threads where others don't see it. Make it as clear to find so that we really can hit hard and fast.


Senior Member
This is what I mean by having a blog hidden within another thread. By chance I fell upon this one and went and gave my two cents.
I don't mean to demean the poster of this blog location, just trying to point out that we need ONE single thread to post all articles, blogs, etc. so we can all see and react. Thanks guys for posting this link though.

They ain't got much new or much science in their report though - looks like we're one of their main sources. (((MUFFIN'S COMMENT: With the HUGE brains on this site, using us as a main source is not a bad idea)))

Go tell 'em whatever you feel they need to know...

TY Mark --I posted my comment