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Polymicrobial Infection- Bacterium-Mediated Epigenetic Modification contribute to Pathogenesis


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
/Interesting article discussing bacterium-viral interaction to cause disease. Of course EBV is mentioned./

Polymicrobial Infection and Bacterium-Mediated Epigenetic Modification of DNA Tumor Viruses Contribute to Pathogenesis

J. M. Doolittle,a J. Webster-Cyriaquea,b,c

ABSTRACT The human body plays host to a wide variety of microbes,commensal and pathogenic.In addition to interacting with their host, different microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, interact with each other, sometimes in ways that exacerbate disease. In particular, gene expression of a number of viruses, including Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is known to be regulated by epigenetic modifications induced by bacte- ria. These viruses establish latent infection in their host cells and can be reactivated by bacterial products. Viral reactivation has been suggested to contribute to periodontal disease and AIDS. In addition, bacterium-virus interactions may play a role in can- cers, such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, gastric cancer, and head and neck cancer. It is important to consider the effects of coexisting bac- terial infections when studying viral diseases in vivo.



Senior Member
If you put this together with the new paper on ATP's effects on beneficial gut bacteria (thread here) it all starts to come together.

We have imbalances in our gut microbiomes
Many have reactivating viruses
Mitochondrial problems and reduced ATP
Problems (and mutations) with things that turn genes on and off --methylation, phosphorylation etc ...

So we seem to have microbiome, recurring infections, methylation issues ...

It seems we may be on the right track by:
1. assessing then bringing into proper balance the gut microbiota and fixing the "leaky gut" (intestinal lining)
2. testing for and then treating latent infections
3. dealing with methylation, phosphorylation (and the other "ations")
4. testing for and supplementing nutrients that we have become deficient in because of all the above.

Maybe we are finally starting to get somewhere???