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Petition 122600 to the German Bundestag: Healthcare, Scientific Research and Political Support for ME/CFS Sufferers!


Senior Member
I really don't want to be pessimistic, but considering that MEAction has gathered around 20,000 signatures in other actions - as far as I know over a longer period than 4 weeks? and with better social networking? - I see little chance that this creates 50,000.

When I look at some of the comments, I feel hopeless, because they show "the bigger problem", which is not so easy to fight against (and which is not limited to ME, although I have the impression that there is a lot of prejudice against ME).


Senior Member
An update from the petitioners:

October 22nd, 2021
After a little less than ten days, #SIGNforMECFS passed the 10,000 online signatures mark this morning. We are very grateful for the support. Thank you very much! The best news is: With the current development, achieving the quorum of 50,000 signatures would be a real possibilty, as a mathematician has immediately calculated and illustrated (Twitter). For this, it is crucial that our petition continues to receive as much support as possible and, in particular, continues to be shared and disseminated on all channels.

We are particularly pleased that in recent days a number of prominent individuals have publicly supported our petition and called on people to sign it. These include Judith Holofernes, Katrin Langensiepen (MEP), Smudo, Marina Weisband and others. This support from society and politics is so valuable not only because it contributes to the success of our petition, but also because it sends us ME/CFS sufferers the kind of signals we have had to wait for in vain for so many decades: we are no longer invisible and no longer forgotten.



Senior Member
In addition to 57,766 signatures online, 35,267 signatures were collected on lists.

The final result is 93,033 signatures collected in 28 days.
