The Perrin Technique---a Treatment and Diagnostic? Test.
First the test.
Using your left thumb probe an area approximately 2 cm above and to the left of your left nipple.
If it hurts even slightly you are diagnosed. You may also have other tender areas on your other breast (men as well as women) a tender or sore spot on your spine ,between the shoulder blades area. You are diagnosed with a screwed up lymphatic system that has deposited all the crud into your tissue and until you get rid of this you'll be stuck where you are or get worse.
Check the web for lymphatics and see where they are and what they are supposed to do.
There are exercises, these you can do/not do lying down,sitting down or standing and you also learn how to self treat.
After help from H and our animals to not try THE CURE
I saved money from my benefits, not trying supplements etc and took the 120 mile round trip to the first session not knowing if I'd be able to drive back,H doesn't drive on big scary roads but can push me up stairs.
I reckoned that I would know if it was working after 6 treatments/weeks.
The almost continual swollen glands (lymph nodes in the neck) were the first to go and never return.( 1st or 2nd treatment) Sleep improved as did mood , all in all there has been a slow continous improvement in all symptoms . No more optical migraines ,the last “smell” was over 6 months ago and almost nearly emotionally stable ha ha . Depression no more. No muscle spasms. The only pain I still get is when walking, left leg mainly , if it gets bad I just stand for a few minutes and it goes.
No more one step forward then two back. When I overdo things a sleep fixes it ,no crash and no return of symptoms that have gone or increase in any I still have.
This is my 3rd Christmas of treatment and now go once per month. Still slowly improving and long may this continue. When I was able to afford it, I added vegepa to my diet, this is helping as well.
This is my osteopath