Perrin Technique on DVD


Phoenix Rising Founder
Dr. Perrin is an osteopath in the UK who's developed a technique to reinvigorate sympathetic nervous system functioning and lymphatic drainage in the brain. Among other things he believes that ME/CFS patients have trouble draining toxins from their brains. I meet him at the Reno conference and he seemed like a really nice guy. He's been doing his work for quite a while now.
Here's a DVD on it:


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Perrin theory

Hi, Cort--thanks for finding this--an interesting angle on things. Reminds me that claims for improved lymphatic drainage are made for rebounders too, and those too might be worth trying--I did try one briefly, and may again. I will try the simple massage techniques demonstrated on the video--anything that might help, especially if its free! Best, Chris


Senior Member
Perrin DVD

Has anyone in N.America ordered this? Do his dvds work on US/canadian DVD systems?

Also, if anyone has seen this.. I assume it's sthg a practitioner has to do, right? One can't massage the back of one's own head, right?



work in progress
N. California
dry brushing

Doesn't dry brushing also stimulate the lymphatic system?

Even if not, it sure feels good to get all those dead skin cells off and gone!


windows exterminator
The Perrin Technique---a Treatment and Diagnostic? Test.
First the test.
Using your left thumb probe an area approximately 2 cm above and to the left of your left nipple.
If it hurts even slightly you are diagnosed. You may also have other tender areas on your other breast (men as well as women) a tender or sore spot on your spine ,between the shoulder blades area. You are diagnosed with a screwed up lymphatic system that has deposited all the crud into your tissue and until you get rid of this you'll be stuck where you are or get worse.
Check the web for lymphatics and see where they are and what they are supposed to do.
There are exercises, these you can do/not do lying down,sitting down or standing and you also learn how to self treat.

After help from H and our animals to not try THE CURE
I saved money from my benefits, not trying supplements etc and took the 120 mile round trip to the first session not knowing if I'd be able to drive back,H doesn't drive on big scary roads but can push me up stairs.
I reckoned that I would know if it was working after 6 treatments/weeks.
The almost continual swollen glands (lymph nodes in the neck) were the first to go and never return.( 1st or 2nd treatment) Sleep improved as did mood , all in all there has been a slow continous improvement in all symptoms . No more optical migraines ,the last “smell” was over 6 months ago and almost nearly emotionally stable ha ha . Depression no more. No muscle spasms. The only pain I still get is when walking, left leg mainly , if it gets bad I just stand for a few minutes and it goes.
No more one step forward then two back. When I overdo things a sleep fixes it ,no crash and no return of symptoms that have gone or increase in any I still have.
This is my 3rd Christmas of treatment and now go once per month. Still slowly improving and long may this continue. When I was able to afford it, I added vegepa to my diet, this is helping as well.
This is my osteopath


Senior Member
This is quite exciting to me and I'm very interested in this research, to me it looks more likely than xrmv to actually produce something we can use (since the protocol's already in place, and the research is being done after the fact, so to speak). Also I find it encouraging that it's not big pharma doing the research. I used to go to a massage therapist who was very big on draining lymph, I'm thinking I might see if he's still in the area, and maybe describe this to him. Thanks everybody for all the info and links. It's also explaining to me why having the atlas profilax treatment was so helpful to me and at least one other CFSer on this forum.

aquariusgirl: definitely you can massage the back of your own head, it's just not as fun as having someone else do it! Also, if you have high-speed, you shouldn't have any trouble watching the video online, as I just did; it says on the site that the online video and DVD have the same info.


Senior Member
Central Ohio
I watched the online video. Do you know if the DVD actually goes through his techniques step by step?

I'm curious, as I did lymphatic drainage 2x a week for nearly a year, and although it was enjoyable, I never noticed a difference, and managed to relapse quite severely during that period. So there must be a lot more to it than just lymphatic drainage. I'm very curious


Senior Member
Janis what kind of lymphatic drainage did you do?

I have a problem with swollen lymph glands and often feel like I've been hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Right from the beginning I used rebounding, skin brushing, warm then cold showers etc.

But this looks really interesting...anything that assists detoxification has to be helpful.
And I found this "bio mechanical" explanation as a different perspective on how we may remain unwell to be quite enlightening. I haven't heard of Perrin practioners in NZ, but I have had very helpful treatment from an osteopath in the past.

Thanks for posting the links Tom. :) PS When applying hot and cold (10 mins each right?) to the base of the you start with hot or cold?

ETA There are 6 short clips on Youtube (also on his website but I find Youtube easier to view)
here: [video=youtube;_qVMTMdVS_s][/video]


Senior Member
This sounds great.I have a small trampoline and jump on it whenever I can as it's also good for lymph drainage.


Senior Member
Hi everyone

I did this for quite a while and didn't get any benefit. I have a friend also who doesn't seem to have made much progress. Im sure it may help some people but just saying for balance.



windows exterminator
Start with the cold then the hot.
It's not just the masage to help drain lymph it's also what I call the neck strech thing which is what it felt like to me for over a year. When you start the toxin the hit the liver to get cleaned up, I would mostly sleep ,occassional snore,for 2 days then feel better.
It can be a slow process , almost 3 years for me to date, but I would look backwards and ask myself "Am i feeling better than before" and the answer has been yes every time. That's really the only way you can judge if it's helping you.;)


windows exterminator
Hi , I keep forgetting the body temperature unstable symptom.
When I started using ice for inflamation etc., I could still loose body heat in a flash, so, what I did was go to bed under a nice thick duvet wearing T shirt shorts, cover the ice pack with a thin T towel and appy the pack when I was covered up and be able to ditch the ice if my body temp started to drop.
10 minutes is a guideline timescale if your healthy so when using ice a suck it see timeline suited to the individual is better.
You may still be comfortable at 15 to 20 minutes when wrapped up.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Hi Tom,

I am very interested in this protocol. I live In Australia and would like to try this. I emailed them but got no response re how my osteopath could learn this technique.

I dont know the way to go with it. Should I buy the DVD for the pracititioner or the one for myself for home use. Would I be able to do it my self. It all sounds very feasible. I had a car accident that brought my illness on.


windows exterminator
Hi Susan,
If you can mail me your osteopaths email address I'll ask my osteopath to contact yours and see if anything can be fixed up. It may be possible thru' a video conferencing link for your osteo to see the technique and ask questions etc.
Worth a try and would be better than trying to learn it from a dvd.

Got some friends in your part of the world, they've not learned strine yet.


Senior Member
Central Ohio
Janis what kind of lymphatic drainage did you do?

I have a problem with swollen lymph glands and often feel like I've been hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Right from the beginning I used rebounding, skin brushing, warm then cold showers etc.

Hi Anne likes red, sorry for the slow response. Interestingly enough, I also used to have lots of swollen lymph nodes, a whole string of them up my neck making me worry I had Hodgkins or lymphoma. Going totally gluten free brought them down, leaving only a few staying large for years. Neural therapy helped reduce further.

The lymphatic drainage was a technique that was very gentle and slow, worked on the clavicles and shoulders and neck. I don't know if it has a special name -- the therapist just called it lymphatic drainage. I also bought a lymph draining machine that I never use (because it's messy and tires me) that involves light and electricity. It does work. I've had people experience toxins moving out of their breasts afterwards. I bought it from Dr. Charles at the PanAmerican School in Nevis, West Indies. Also do frequent yoga stretches to open lymph. Never got much in the way of benefits from skin brushing though.

Hope you start feeling better soon.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Training a therapist.

Hi Tom,
It is my husbands Osteopath....I have no seen her....not many in this country. He has talked with her and she asked for any material to read. I know if I have lymphatic drainage massage, I am in so much pain for about 4 days. This might work better. He will see her on Tues and I will get back to you. Many thanks for your generosity.


windows exterminator
Hi Susan,
I mailed my osteo and she will be happy to talk to yours. A video conference demonstration would be out however, this would probably have to come from Perrin HQ at a request from your osteo.
She's also checking out the dvd angle.
contact my osteo via this link.

Keep Well.


Senior Member
I'm interested to hear about hoow transferable this knowledge is, as I have been considering working on this with a local therapist. Officially, he's a massage therapist, but he's very keen on lymph drainage, and also knows how to do moxibustion, plus he uses other techniques.


windows exterminator
Hi Sunday,
Have your therapist check ot the videos
The reason that it's all osteopaths has to do with the head and spine . They give these a real good look at plus lots of questions on the initial visit.
They check out the spine for flexibility especially the thoracic vertebrae.
They do a cranial massage to help the flow of cerebral spinal fluid as it seems like there is a problem with this, as well as lymphatic drainage massage.
I'm not qualified to comment on whether the technique would be transferrable to other forms of therapists.