Pathogens In Blood Supply - Mikovits/Lipkin Spring 2011


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Pathogens in the blood supply: Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Ian Lipkin speak
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Time Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:00pm - 5:00pm


Location New York Academy of science, New York


Created By XMRV Global Action


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Senior Member
Pathogens in the blood supply: Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Ian Lipkin speak
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Time Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:00pm - 5:00pm


Location New York Academy of science, New York


Created By XMRV Global Action


More Info

That makes me feel a bit better that Judy will be there (hand in hand, no gun to her head I hope).


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Recent headlines indicate that the blood supply may contain other organisms, such as Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus (XMRV), that are not currently being identified in these routine screens. This symposium will diagnose the current problems, reveal recent advances in the testing and screening of the blood supply, and will explore future directions.

So it doesn't seem too much of a leap to conclude that this is not just a general comment and that there have been some advances recently regarding the testing and screening of blood for XMRV (as we already assume), which won't be revealed for another 4 months. Good news I suppose, but what exactly did that promise of transparency mean?


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Maybe they're just assuming that by march there will be new knowledge which they can share. That should be a pretty safe bet with the BWG and the Lipkin study going on for some months. But since we haven't heard anything concrete from the BWG and they have been working since the release of phase I results (the testing of the spiked samples, i guess that was phase I?), i guess they must have made some advances in the meantime already.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
There's no reason to believe nothing will be revealed until March. Where are you getting that?
What they've posted 'promises to' "reveal recent advances in the testing and screening of the blood supply".

I think the word "reveal" may be revealing. :hug:

You can't reveal something that is already public knowledge.

And if you were going to present a summary of the latest state of play, and didn't yet know for sure whether you would know anything by that date, you would say you were going to "present" or "summarise" the "latest state of play" regarding testing and screening.

It would seem incautious to talk of "recent advances" that haven't happened yet on the basis that they would be "recent" at the time you will be presenting them, and on the assumption that you will have made such advances by that time. Especially in such a highly uncertain field.

Furthermore, any advances made would have to be thoroughly reviewed, vetted, patented and published, with the extra scrutiny appropriate to the extreme seriousness of the issues around blood supply protection. Before going public you would have to go through that whole process. That would all probably take something like 4 months anyway, judging on the speed these things seem to be moving at present. So my firm guess is that they are making this announcement now because they've recently figured out those advances and the 4 months is the time scale before they will be solid enough to be ready for public announcement.

Aside from which, we know that there was a big meeting of all the major players at which all were sworn to secrecy, and nothing has been announced about that; there's a sense in the tea leaves that breakthroughs have been made recently, lots of information should now be in, and that information is being kept somewhat more quiet than expected; and there is already a timetable to unload a big info-dump on us round about April-May 2011 anyway at a conference planned round about that time.

I'm not saying nothing else will be revealed till March, I very much hope it will be and I hope we get something re: BWG Phase II on Dec 15, and something from Dr Singh asap (preferably with lots of videos ;);) ) but my reading of that announcement is to theorise that advances made recently will be firmed up and prepared over the coming months and unveiled in March.


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
something from Dr Singh asap (preferably with lots of videos ;) )

You old horn dog you. (big grins) I agree with Mark in that it's pretty much a done deal. 1st there have been more and more bits and pieces that just can't be held up like the patent information. Dr. Lipkin has been working with this virus since April. If he hasn't figured out that it's an infectious retrovirus with pathogenic qualities by now then he's not very smart. I also agree with the Patient Advocate regarding the use of Lipkin for the "BIG STUDY" is just a way for everybody to save face and move on. This way the CDC can't snipe at the NIH for going around them and stepping on their toes but everybody can say "hey, the smart guy found it so it must be true" and then get on with the next stage i.e. the damn clinical trials. (big grins)

I kinda figured that it was all sewed up when the NIH took their CFS web site off line and put a little blurb about checking back later for the new ME/CFS web site. Why take the whole thing down if you are just going to add a blurb here and a blurb there. You take a whole site down there are major changes usually.

Like Mark points out the big info dump will be March/April/May. These day's it's more likely that everybody is just moving things around and putting things in place. Dotting the i's and crossing the t's. This is definitely not going to play out the way HIV did. The NIH pretty much seems to be spinning things nicely. Even the article on Dr. Lipkin was a set up by Fauci to make it look one way when all the time it's another. Not a week after that article we have the announcement that Lipkin and Mikovits are/have planned a speaking engagement together. (get your tickets now, grins)

So it's all about wrapping things up and putting them in motion at this point. Course that's just one dogs slobber.


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
They're not going to sit on 100% of everything until March. I guarantee you that. Leaks are already springing everywhere, quite a few more independent publications are coming out in the next few months, and the heat is on the blood products people to make/announce a decision in two weeks' time.

My reading of the announcement of this talk for March is that *by* March, not *in* March, this issue will be in the public eye and the talk will be about information that has already been made public. Let's check back in March and see who's right about that. :sofa:


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
(big grins) Hey Urbantravels, you would be right. Sorry if the readings got tangled. But yeah, there should be a decision to ban blood donations this Time around although, they could wait and call another meeting in February and do it then. Looking at the positive studies that are being offered up as evidence this time around and the fact that they are including the Cheney study which was actually done by VIPdx (read WPI) that they are poised for a ban at this time but likely with caution that it "could" be a problem not that it is a problem.

I think you are right, in that the studies will be published well before March, probably January, February and those will likely put the nails in the coffins and establish a firm link before March. I do think, and it's just one dogs slobber, that the official "public" announcement/press conference won't come until April or May. But yeah we the patient population are soon to be put out of our misery. (grins, of waiting)

See we are on the same page it's just I can't read the dang page half the time. (grins)