Pancreatic Enzymes


Senior Member
Hello :Retro smile:

Could anyone who is taking Pancreatic Enzymes explain how they are different than a general Digestive Enzyme supplement? I have been taking Digest Gold (Enzymedica) and Betaine (as needed for low stomach acid)......but are Pancreatic Enzymes different somehow?

I suffer from, bloating (gets worse when eating, but can happen when I eat nothing at all, get SEVERELY bloated somtimes like I am 6 months preggo!) GERD, stomach acid problems (take Betaine as needed, can't take it all the time, I think my stomach PH fluctuates a lot).

Do pancreatic enzymes help ME/CFS patients in any particular way?

Thank You


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Anyone use Pancreatic Enzymes?

Hi MoonIsBlue,

I've taken pancreatic enzymes for many years, and find them to be very helpful for general digestion. I occasionally take them between meals if my body feels "burdened". Apparently, pancreatic enzymes, if not used for digestion in the GI tract, will venture out into the body, and digest different kinds of "materials" that may be burdening the body.

This material may be undigested food particles resulting from poor digestion and leaky gut syndrome, but it can also be cancerous tumors. I've read about a Dr. Kelly who claimed to have cured many people with cancer just by having them take large amounts of pancreatic enzymes on an empty stomach.

I've been consuming fairly large amounts of raw goat milk kefir recently, and have found that my whole digestive system seems to be a lot more calm, even to the point of being a bit happy. :Retro smile: If you don't have access to raw goat milk, kefir can be made with any number of other foods, such as vegetables, soy milk, regular store milk etc. I would recommend anybody dealing with digestive discomfort to consider researching kefir products.

Good luck in finding something that works to help with some of your symptoms. Despite taking pancreatic enzymes and another digestive supplement with betaine, I too was dealing with a lot of bloating before I started the kefir, but this has improved significantly in the past few months.

All the Best, Wayne


Senior Member
Thanks for the reply, Wayne! I think I'll try taking the Pancreatic Enzymes on an empty stomach and see what happens.

I used to drink store bought Kefir, but it contained a lot of sugar. I do drink Goat Milk whenever it is on sale but it isn't raw goat milk kefir. I've read about "Kefir Grains" online but I simply don't have the energy now to try it. Seems like a lot of work. There is a coconut milk Kefir I've been trying to get my local grocery stores to carry but so far no luck.