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Originally Posted by klutzo
Hi all,
Just want to let you know it turned out not to be the B12 protocol that was causing all my nausea, shaking, insomnia, tachycardia, and high blood pressure.
It was my failing pancreas. I spent some time in the ER and had some tests, and results showed that what little is left of my pancreas is digesting fat even less than it did at the start of treatment now, despite more than 600 prescription enzymes per month. That easily caused all those symptoms.
By cutting my calories to 1,000 per day and my fat grams to only 20 per day, instead of the 60 grams my doctor says I should be able to handle with the enzymes, I am slowly feeling better.
And, I've easily been able to start right out taking an entire metafolin tablet, the B-Right, and the ADB12 daily with no side-effects. I will be adding the MB12 soon. The only reason I have not added it yet is that there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, since I am still sleeping late from the extreme weakness from not digesting any nutrients for so long.
I don't want to take B vitamins in the evening because I was taught when studying Naturopathy that they might keep anyone awake if taken that late. I guess I can try putting AB12 and MB12 under my lip at the same time......never thought of that.
My focus is on my pancreas now, since I won't be doing any protocols on this plane of existence much longer if my doc can't get the darn thing to function better.
However, I wanted to let you know, since it was not fair to blame this program for the symptoms in my case. This is not meant to imply that anyone elses' problems are not valid. I am sure they are. We are all different.
Hi Klutzo,
I had a friend who cared for a friend of his with pancreatic problems before he died. If you IM me on it we can talk about what he found that worked for her.
I am sorry to hear of the severity of your problems. I'm afraid this comes under the co-morbidity problem heading. It's good to know that it isn't the vitamins causing a problem. 20 gr isn't much fat. How does one's pancreas get into this condition?
There is no problem taking both kinds at the same time. It might even work better.
Senior Member
The pancreas in CFS and Lyme
Hi Fred,
According to Dr. Byron Hyde's CFS study, pancreatic failure is the #3 cause of death in CFS. Also, due to extreme dominance of the sympathetic over the parasympathetic nervous system, Lyme patients who are seeing knowledgeable doctors are told to take enzymes, because this ANS imbalance will produce both maldigestion and malabsorption. Then there is Dr. Sarah Myhill, who has written an excellent paper on how the presence of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in the small bowel of almost all CFS patients (this has been found in FMS too) can get bad enough to stop the pancreas from producing enzymes. The treatment for that involves 3 things, two of which I am deathly allergic to, so there is no point in pursuing it, except to shore up my immunity as best I can. I have also used herbals.
In my case, my GI doctor believes that my obvious gallbladder symptoms were ignored for years because my tests kept coming back normal. 80% of Lyme patients lose their gallbladders. The pathogen love cholesterol. After almost ten years on OTC enzymes, plus being told I had gastroenteritis over and over in the ER when tests came back normal, my doctor ran a special test to prove I had gallstones called an EGD with biliary microscopy. It cost as much as the gallbladder surgery that I had immediately, when the test proved I was full of tiny stones. These stones had been backing up in the ducts for years, and when I ate and my pancreas made enzymes, the enzymes could not get out and ate my pancreas instead. Since the enzymes could not get out, I took more and more OTC enzymes. After the gallbladder was removed, my symptoms improved for awhile, but then came back full force, which is when I was diagnosed with severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency,a condition that takes an average of 20% off your lifespan, even when properly treated. The symptoms of the condition are pretty gross, so I won't list them here. If anyone has a similar history to what I just described and a strong stomach, PM me and I will describe what would be happening if you had this problem.
Thanks for letting me know I can take both forms of B12 at once. I will PM you about your friend.
Senior Member
What were your gallbladder symptoms?
What is the name of the test you got?
Yesterday, 01:37 PM
Senior Member
Hi Klutzo,
when the test proved I was full of tiny stones
You have my attention. I had my gall bladder out in 1995. The surgeon commented on how unusual it was. He said it would have made a good black jack. The bladder was a bladder no more but quarter inch thick scar tissue completely packed with sand sized gallstones. I had one extremely severe unidentified episode with 6 or 7 NDE experiences (very interesting though) one terrible night, and then a little later a clearly identifiable gall bladder attack that landed me in the ER at 1 am. I had it removed 3 days later and it helped a lot. I would be interested in finding out the symptoms. The gall baldder itself may have suffered physical trauma in a car wreck from the seat belt catching me under the ribs on the right side. A constant pain for 23 years in my left back under the shoulder blade intensified with the surgery and disappeared after 10 days. The only presurgery test I had specificly for the GB other than some blood tests was ultrasound imaging which looked strange but indicated it should come out. Starting in about 1989 my liver enzyme blood tests were high.
Gall bladder questions have come up at another forum. WOuld you be willing to post your story there?
it is
Symptoms and tests
Hi Jenbooks,
My gallbladder symptoms were stabbing upper right quadrant pain going around to the back under my ribs, swelling of the stomach, esp. on the right side, bone deep chills that kept me awake all night, shaking and nausea, and steatorrhea, starting about an hour after eating dinner or waking me up from a sound sleep. Most GB attacks start between 11 pm and 1 am, which is the time when the GB cleans itself out. I could not sleep on my right side at all, and some foods were guaranteed to provoke an attack, esp. eggs. 95% of all gallbladder sufferers react to eggs.
The tests I had that came back normal were 3 ultrasounds of the gallbladder and 2 HIDA scans of the gallbladder.
The test that finally showed the stones is an EGD with biliary microscopy, which requires you to be under anesthesia and the passage of a lighted tube down into your stomach. It has biopsy attachments. In this case, they inject something into your IV that makes your gallbladder emit fluids. If they see crystals, they know you have stones. I was told that small stones like I had cause the most trouble.
Hi Fred,
Since your GB ended up being like a big scar, I would bet that car accident injured it a lot.
I would LOVE to hear about your NDEs. Anything metaphysical is right up my alley. I will PM you on that since it has nothing to do with this thread.
I will post the info on another forum if you give me the URL, etc.
I will PM you the symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency. Do not read them while you are eating!
A very good web site for the truth about gallbladders and how they are not really an unnecesary organ is
40% of people continue to have problems after surgery, esp. middle-aged females, and as my acupuncturist said, a gallbladder problem is really a liver problem. If you have an imbalance between bile and cholesterol, your liver can still produce stones, which can come down and get stuck in ducts, requiring surgery and causing symptoms. I take silymarin in my multivitamin daily now to help my liver. I am hoping the TMG will help it also, since it is used in naturopathy to treat fatty liver.
Originally Posted by klutzo
Hi all,
Just want to let you know it turned out not to be the B12 protocol that was causing all my nausea, shaking, insomnia, tachycardia, and high blood pressure.
It was my failing pancreas. I spent some time in the ER and had some tests, and results showed that what little is left of my pancreas is digesting fat even less than it did at the start of treatment now, despite more than 600 prescription enzymes per month. That easily caused all those symptoms.
By cutting my calories to 1,000 per day and my fat grams to only 20 per day, instead of the 60 grams my doctor says I should be able to handle with the enzymes, I am slowly feeling better.
And, I've easily been able to start right out taking an entire metafolin tablet, the B-Right, and the ADB12 daily with no side-effects. I will be adding the MB12 soon. The only reason I have not added it yet is that there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, since I am still sleeping late from the extreme weakness from not digesting any nutrients for so long.
I don't want to take B vitamins in the evening because I was taught when studying Naturopathy that they might keep anyone awake if taken that late. I guess I can try putting AB12 and MB12 under my lip at the same time......never thought of that.
My focus is on my pancreas now, since I won't be doing any protocols on this plane of existence much longer if my doc can't get the darn thing to function better.
However, I wanted to let you know, since it was not fair to blame this program for the symptoms in my case. This is not meant to imply that anyone elses' problems are not valid. I am sure they are. We are all different.
Hi Klutzo,
I had a friend who cared for a friend of his with pancreatic problems before he died. If you IM me on it we can talk about what he found that worked for her.
I am sorry to hear of the severity of your problems. I'm afraid this comes under the co-morbidity problem heading. It's good to know that it isn't the vitamins causing a problem. 20 gr isn't much fat. How does one's pancreas get into this condition?
There is no problem taking both kinds at the same time. It might even work better.
Senior Member
The pancreas in CFS and Lyme
Hi Fred,
According to Dr. Byron Hyde's CFS study, pancreatic failure is the #3 cause of death in CFS. Also, due to extreme dominance of the sympathetic over the parasympathetic nervous system, Lyme patients who are seeing knowledgeable doctors are told to take enzymes, because this ANS imbalance will produce both maldigestion and malabsorption. Then there is Dr. Sarah Myhill, who has written an excellent paper on how the presence of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in the small bowel of almost all CFS patients (this has been found in FMS too) can get bad enough to stop the pancreas from producing enzymes. The treatment for that involves 3 things, two of which I am deathly allergic to, so there is no point in pursuing it, except to shore up my immunity as best I can. I have also used herbals.
In my case, my GI doctor believes that my obvious gallbladder symptoms were ignored for years because my tests kept coming back normal. 80% of Lyme patients lose their gallbladders. The pathogen love cholesterol. After almost ten years on OTC enzymes, plus being told I had gastroenteritis over and over in the ER when tests came back normal, my doctor ran a special test to prove I had gallstones called an EGD with biliary microscopy. It cost as much as the gallbladder surgery that I had immediately, when the test proved I was full of tiny stones. These stones had been backing up in the ducts for years, and when I ate and my pancreas made enzymes, the enzymes could not get out and ate my pancreas instead. Since the enzymes could not get out, I took more and more OTC enzymes. After the gallbladder was removed, my symptoms improved for awhile, but then came back full force, which is when I was diagnosed with severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency,a condition that takes an average of 20% off your lifespan, even when properly treated. The symptoms of the condition are pretty gross, so I won't list them here. If anyone has a similar history to what I just described and a strong stomach, PM me and I will describe what would be happening if you had this problem.
Thanks for letting me know I can take both forms of B12 at once. I will PM you about your friend.
Senior Member
What were your gallbladder symptoms?
What is the name of the test you got?
Yesterday, 01:37 PM
Senior Member
Originally Posted by klutzo
Hi Fred,
According to Dr. Byron Hyde's CFS study, pancreatic failure is the #3 cause of death in CFS. Also, due to extreme dominance of the sympathetic over the parasympathetic nervous system, Lyme patients who are seeing knowledgeable doctors are told to take enzymes, because this ANS imbalance will produce both maldigestion and malabsorption. Then there is Dr. Sarah Myhill, who has written an excellent paper on how the presence of viruses, parasites, and bacteria in the small bowel of almost all CFS patients (this has been found in FMS too) can get bad enough to stop the pancreas from producing enzymes. The treatment for that involves 3 things, two of which I am deathly allergic to, so there is no point in pursuing it, except to shore up my immunity as best I can. I have also used herbals.
In my case, my GI doctor believes that my obvious gallbladder symptoms were ignored for years because my tests kept coming back normal. 80% of Lyme patients lose their gallbladders. The pathogen love cholesterol. After almost ten years on OTC enzymes, plus being told I had gastroenteritis over and over in the ER when tests came back normal, my doctor ran a special test to prove I had gallstones called an EGD with biliary microscopy. It cost as much as the gallbladder surgery that I had immediately, when the test proved I was full of tiny stones. These stones had been backing up in the ducts for years, and when I ate and my pancreas made enzymes, the enzymes could not get out and ate my pancreas instead. Since the enzymes could not get out, I took more and more OTC enzymes. After the gallbladder was removed, my symptoms improved for awhile, but then came back full force, which is when I was diagnosed with severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency,a condition that takes an average of 20% off your lifespan, even when properly treated. The symptoms of the condition are pretty gross, so I won't list them here. If anyone has a similar history to what I just described and a strong stomach, PM me and I will describe what would be happening if you had this problem.
Thanks for letting me know I can take both forms of B12 at once. I will PM you about your friend.
Hi Klutzo,
when the test proved I was full of tiny stones
You have my attention. I had my gall bladder out in 1995. The surgeon commented on how unusual it was. He said it would have made a good black jack. The bladder was a bladder no more but quarter inch thick scar tissue completely packed with sand sized gallstones. I had one extremely severe unidentified episode with 6 or 7 NDE experiences (very interesting though) one terrible night, and then a little later a clearly identifiable gall bladder attack that landed me in the ER at 1 am. I had it removed 3 days later and it helped a lot. I would be interested in finding out the symptoms. The gall baldder itself may have suffered physical trauma in a car wreck from the seat belt catching me under the ribs on the right side. A constant pain for 23 years in my left back under the shoulder blade intensified with the surgery and disappeared after 10 days. The only presurgery test I had specificly for the GB other than some blood tests was ultrasound imaging which looked strange but indicated it should come out. Starting in about 1989 my liver enzyme blood tests were high.
Gall bladder questions have come up at another forum. WOuld you be willing to post your story there?
it is
Symptoms and tests
Hi Jenbooks,
My gallbladder symptoms were stabbing upper right quadrant pain going around to the back under my ribs, swelling of the stomach, esp. on the right side, bone deep chills that kept me awake all night, shaking and nausea, and steatorrhea, starting about an hour after eating dinner or waking me up from a sound sleep. Most GB attacks start between 11 pm and 1 am, which is the time when the GB cleans itself out. I could not sleep on my right side at all, and some foods were guaranteed to provoke an attack, esp. eggs. 95% of all gallbladder sufferers react to eggs.
The tests I had that came back normal were 3 ultrasounds of the gallbladder and 2 HIDA scans of the gallbladder.
The test that finally showed the stones is an EGD with biliary microscopy, which requires you to be under anesthesia and the passage of a lighted tube down into your stomach. It has biopsy attachments. In this case, they inject something into your IV that makes your gallbladder emit fluids. If they see crystals, they know you have stones. I was told that small stones like I had cause the most trouble.
Hi Fred,
Since your GB ended up being like a big scar, I would bet that car accident injured it a lot.
I would LOVE to hear about your NDEs. Anything metaphysical is right up my alley. I will PM you on that since it has nothing to do with this thread.
I will post the info on another forum if you give me the URL, etc.
I will PM you the symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency. Do not read them while you are eating!
A very good web site for the truth about gallbladders and how they are not really an unnecesary organ is
40% of people continue to have problems after surgery, esp. middle-aged females, and as my acupuncturist said, a gallbladder problem is really a liver problem. If you have an imbalance between bile and cholesterol, your liver can still produce stones, which can come down and get stuck in ducts, requiring surgery and causing symptoms. I take silymarin in my multivitamin daily now to help my liver. I am hoping the TMG will help it also, since it is used in naturopathy to treat fatty liver.