Oral Probiotics to Clear Your Head!


Senior Member
Since my experiments with probiotics and the gut turned out so well, I have been reading more on probiotics in general.
Now, I have had problems with my gums for more than 30 years, lost a couple of teeth too in the process. The dentists keep telling me it is all my fault and that I have poor hygiene. You know, it is all the patient's fault obviously. But I can assure this is not true.
So this time I had a try with oral probiotics (thanks to @Elph68 who had posted this.)
I did not try what he recommended though as it was not at hand but I took another one : http://www.evoraoralprobiotics.com/evora-plus-oral-probiotic/
which contains "ProBiora3, a patented blend of three beneficial bacteria naturally present in healthy mouths, including Streptococcus oralis KJ3® (S. oralis KJ3), Streptococcus uberis KJ2® (S. uberis KJ2), and Streptococcus rattus JH145® (S. rattusJH145)".

I am glad to report that after five days my gums are completely normal and I feel subtle changes in the sinuses, especially the right one. This means that I breathe increasingly from the right nostril, which all my life was a bit pinched (never blocked though). Knowing that this would severely affect the balance between the two sides of the nervous system :balanced:, balance which is impaired in CF/CFS, I think it is worth bringing my results here!
Every morning I play one Sudoku to evaluate my mental clarity. This has nicely progressed in just the five days. AND last night I received a phone call from a distant country that woke me up at 1:30 am. I spoke fluently for an hour in a language that I had not used for twenty years. In fact twenty years ago I spoke that language much less precisely and less easily than last night.
Something is going on!
Good luck to all.
This might be of interest to @adreno , @alicec , @anne_likes_red , @Gondwanaland , @jepps , @JPV ,@Lou , @Ripley @Sidereal , @Wayne sorry if I forgot others!
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Great thread.

The probiotics probably got rid of a low-grade infection or chelated some heavy metals from your brain, which is probably freeing your body from having to deal with that burden.


Senior Member
Vic, AU
The price of this looks crazy? The only one I could find was a 30 count box for $150? Your success sounds fantastic but its an expensive gamble.

Rainbow Light stomach enzymes has been a game changer for me and a bit more affordable, and the stomach is essentially going to determine mouth health for the most part. Xylitol gum is good too.

Edit: Sorry I was way off, no idea why some website gave that price for it, I see if you follow the links on their web page it is not expensive at all; god knows why they don't just present the price to begin with.


Senior Member
@GhostGum did you click on the website link? i am seeing a 30day supply for $14.95 unless i am seeing wrong?
thank you for this great info @Asklipia
i may give these a try! mind if i ask which probiotics you have been using for your gut health? thank you!


Senior Member
thank you @Asklipia
there is a vsl #3 double strength that is prescription. i was able to get insurance to cover some of it.
will look into the others.
acupuncturist said to us BIO-K it is expensive .. she wanted me to take 3 bottles a day! i am lucky to do 1/2 a bottle a day .


Senior Member
As to the EvoraPlus product I have been taking, here is more information.
Basically it says that their product is meant to counteract Streptococcus mutans, associated with tooth decay and forming plaque. The S. mutans gobbles up sugar and turns it into acid which is bad for the enamel (and most probably for other things too!).
They have funded a toxicity study here.
And another study on toxicity and effectiveness here.

The S. rattus competes with the S. mutans, S. oralis and S. uberis produce hydrogen peroxide which could limit periodontal pathogens.


Senior Member
The label for EvoraPlus is seen clearly here. Only 30 mints to be taken once a day. It does says 600 Million CFU Probiora3® for each.
Whereas your iFlora has the same count (for the two daily mints?). Hard to say. Maybe it is best to spread the intake along the day?


Senior Member
My tongue is always coated, so I am concerned about an unbalance in my mouth. I often get congested throat etc, and at nights I am gargling with apple cider vinegar, and salt. That combination helped get rid of a throat issue last year. My doc actually recommend that.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
This is very interesting. I've had tongue soreness and fissures for nearly 20 years--following eight years on a low dose of Zantac and then a course of antibiotics. Endoscopies show nothing unusual in my stomach and long term use of probiotics--of the basic lactobacillus/bifidus strains--as well as daily sauerkraut for the last couple of years have done nothing to change the situation. I've thought a low grade strep or other bacterial strain might be the problem, but who knows...

I'm happy to check this out. These mouth issues have been just one more low-grade misery to add to the mix. It would be nice to cross something off the list! :rolleyes:


Senior Member
@Bansaw and @Kathevans ~ I also have had a coated tongue and a tongue that has some fissures and is geographic. The tongue is not painful however. I have not done well with probiotics, I suspect because of a histamine intolerance that I have.

Recently I have tried 2 things that have certainly taken away the coated tongue. I have been taking 1/2 to 1 ounce of Fage plain non-fat Greek yogurt a day (I seem to tolerate that amount histamine wise) and some Pom juice. Coated tongue is gone! I noticed that rather quickly....less than a week. The tongue fissures are still there but we'll see what happens with time. I always take a 1/2 ounce of yogurt in the morning with an ounce or 2 of Pom juice. Then sometimes throughout the day or certainly with dinner, just a smidgen of yogurt and a bit more Pom juice....

I would be interested to hear your reports of anything you try. I've not had any gum issues....
Oh, and I should add.....my brain is clearer too.....unless I eat a food that doesn't work for me....or one of my viruses reactivates.....

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perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@Asklipia, I'm so glad you posted this. I'm going to get my order of EvoraPlus today.

I have a question. About how long do they take to dissolve?

I ask because I wear a dental device at night for apnea. It has an upper tray and a lower tray that connect through a hook.

I'll need to get the EvoraPlus dissolved before I put in my trays to get the full coverage of the probiotic in my mouth. Thanks!


Senior Member
@Asklipia, I'm so glad you posted this.
I have a question. About how long do they take to dissolve?
It all depends on how hard you suck on them. Obviously, the longer it takes, the more chance you have to not swallow the product immediately (not that it does not do something lower down… You never know…).
What I do is : I brush my teeth after the last time I eat something. Then, when I go to bed, I suck a little on the pill to give it a chance to go everywhere in the mouth, then I park it in one of the 4 corners of the mouth, between the teeth and the cheek. I rotate the place every night. Ex : Today upper right side, tomorrow upper left side etc… Generally in the morning there is just a little left.

Something nice to report : I had noticed when took probiotics for the gut that unknown dogs in the street were madly attracted to me and licked my hands with all their might. I thought the bacteria were coming out in the lymph at the end of my fingers! It explains a lot about dog behaviour (eating other dogs' crap etc…).
Note that dogs have nice clean tongues.

Now that I take this Evora product, my husband jumps at me and kisses me with delight at every opportunity!!! Like ten times more than before!!!! And I did not suffer from bad breath, so this is out as an explanation. Oral probiotics might be a MUST if you want to find partners for a frolick. Maybe a nice name for a new one : PROLICK PLUS:rofl::balloons::rofl:!

Curiouser and curiouser! I suspect that a lot of that psychological stuff is just sensible bacteria management.

Also I have started the BLIS K12 yesterday (the Florassist Throat Health). I noticed this morning it is relaxing my shoulders, A LOT. I suspect that Dowager's hump, and thyroid problems might just be a bacterial problem too.

Last but not least : both probiotics seem very good for my mood. I am hopeful, playful, and full of energy!
Good luck to all! Please report on your experiences!! :hug::):hug::balloons:


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Asklipia,

We haven't 'crossed threads' much since red light therapy, almost forgot how fun you can be! I ordered the oral probiotics, will report results later.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
I've had any number of theories about my mouth--my latest that it might relate to B2 deficiency or B-12, for that matter; or be bacteria related as I said above. To that end, I've upped my zinc dose. But I like this idea of probiotics. I believe all my troubles began with a downhill gut slide...so to speak. Years of zantac (such a no-no) and antibiotics (before we knew that it was wise to follow them up with the good guys).

@Asklipia You figure large in parts of the "B2 I Love You" thread. Nice to see you here and be the beneficiary of more good results from your experimentation. Did re-establishing your B2 levels have lasting effects on your health--sleep and pain levels? I'm still in early days with this, only 1/2 FMN so far, but slowly increasing and already some absolutely positive sleep results. Thanks!