(Ongoing study) "Infectious Triggers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"


Tom Kindlon to CO-CURE Apr 26

[sb: I hadn't seen this before and found nothing in advanced search. Is this related to the spinal tap study Cort participated in and wrote about? I don't see XMRV or retrovirus in the project terms, but the funding started this March.

Does anyone know anything more?]

http://tinyurl.com/32accoy i.e.

Project Number: 1R21AI088765-01

Contact Principal Investigator: SCHUTZER, STEVEN E



Abstract Text:

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a
major disabling illness of unknown etiology. It directly impacts more than
four million Americans. Infectious agents have been highly suspected but
none have ever been validated. Obstacles to their discovery have been lack
of a broad approach that can both detect the presence of multiple microbes
in a single sample and detect novel or variants of microbes. This has been
further hampered because more than 99% of all microbes cannot be cultured
and may go undetected.

In contrast to past limitations, we will use a new
approach that can surmount these obstacles. The discovery of potential
pathogens in cerebrospinal fluid
of CFS would be field-altering in terms of
approach to the study of the disease and possible early detection,
prevention and treatment. This could be the gateway step to generate new
hypotheses and begin investigation into a microbe's causal association and
ways to prevent (egg vaccine) or counteract the effects of a microbial

PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: chronic fatigue syndrome is the major acquired
disease of productive adults. The cause remains unknown. If we can uncover
an infectious cause, which is suspected, diagnostics and therapies may be
developed to decrease costs and suffering to the individual and the burden
on our health care system and economy.

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative chronic fatigue syndrome is the major acquired disease of
productive adults. The cause remains unknown. If we can uncover an
infectious cause, which is suspected, diagnostics and therapies may be
developed to decrease costs and suffering to the individual and the burden
on our health care system and economy.

Project Terms:
21+ years old; Adult; Agreement; American; Antiviral Therapy; Arthralgia;
Bacteria; Blood; Brain; CF patients; Causality; Cell Communication and
Signaling; Cell Signaling; Central Nervous System; Cerebrospinal Fluid;
Cerebrum; chronic fatigue Disorder; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic
fatigue and Immune Dysfunction syndrome; chronic fatigue-Fibromyalgia
syndrome; Cognitive Disturbance; Cognitive Impairment; Cognitive decline;
Cognitive function abnormal; Data; Detection; Diagnosis; Diagnostic;
Disease; Disorder; Disturbance in cognition; Dysfunction; Early Diagnosis;
Encephalomyelitis, Myalgic; Encephalon; Encephalons; Etiology; Exclusion;
Exertion; fatigue; Freezing; Functional disorder; Genetic; Grippe;
Healthcare Systems; Human, Adult; Impaired cognition; Individual; Infectious
Agent; Infectious Mononucleosis-Like syndrome, chronic; Influenza;
Intracellular Communication and Signaling; Investigation; Investigators;
Joint Pain; Knee; Knowledge; Lack of Energy; Liquid substance; Lumbar
Puncture; MR Imaging; MR Tomography; MRI; Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan; Medical; Medical Imaging, Magnetic
Resonance / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Method LOINC Axis 6; Methodology;
Methods; Microbe; Muscle; Muscle Tissue; NMR Imaging; NMR Tomography;
Nervous System, Brain; Nervous System, CNS; Neuraxis; Neurologic;
Neurological; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Nucleic Acids; Onset of
illness; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures;
Patient Self-Report; Patients; Physiopathology; Postviral fatigue syndrome;
Prevention; Protozoa; Protozoal; Publishing; Reporting; Research Personnel;
Researchers; Reticuloendothelial System, Blood; Royal Free Disease;
Sampling; Self-Report; Signal Transduction; Signal Transduction Systems;
Signaling; Sleep disturbances; Spinal Anesthesia; Spinal Puncture; Surgical;
Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; Symptoms; syndrome; Systems,
Health Care; Testing; Vaccines; Variant; Variation; Virus; Viruses, General;
Zeugmatography; adult human (21+); base; biodefense; biological signal
transduction; cognitive dysfunction; cognitive loss; cognitively impaired;
cost; cystic fibrosis patients; design; designing; disease causation;
disease etiology; disease onset; disease/disorder; disease/disorder
etiology; disorder etiology; disorder onset; early detection; egg;
experience; flu infection; fluid; fungus; improved; infectious organism;
influenza infection; liquid; microbial; new approaches; novel; novel
approaches; novel strategies; novel strategy; pathogen; pathophysiology;
patients with CF; patients with cystic fibrosis; platform-independent;
prevent; preventing; public health relevance; spinal block; spinal fluid;
surgery; treatment of viral infectious disease

Other Information:
RFA/PA: PA-09-164
DUNS Number: 623946217
CFDA Code: 855
Study Section:
ZRG1 Project Start Date: 1-MAR-2010
Project End Date: 29-FEB-2012

Fiscal Year: 2010
Budget Start Date: 1-MAR-2010
Budget End Date: 28-FEB-2011

Administering Institutes or Centers: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND

Project Funding Information for 2010: Total Funding: $273,000

Year Funding IC FY Total Cost by IC


Senior Member
Sounds like Dr. Shutzer got funding from NAIAD......which is good. A good person to ask about this Tomk is Dr. Ken Friedman or Marley Silverman as they both have ties to the medical school in New Jersey.

I believe the study Cort was involved in regarded proteomics and not infectious agents directly and involved another group at Georgetown U headed by Baraniuk.


thanks for the info Hope123 and ixchelkali.

I'll be interested to hear more about this study. Maybe I'll email them and ask if they are also looking into XMRV now. I'm sure they know that WPI has offered to share samples, and the NIH now has true positives and negatives available for all. The Germans found it in the respiratory tract. WPI in blood and cells (????? so embarassing to display my ignorance after 7 1/2 months of trying to read the science).

Hope - while tomk posted the info to co-cure, I copied from co-cure onto the forums here, and they are my, [sb:'s] comments and question at the top.


Senior Member
thanks for the info Hope123 and ixchelkali.

I'll be interested to hear more about this study. Maybe I'll email them and ask if they are also looking into XMRV now. I'm sure they know that WPI has offered to share samples, and the NIH now has true positives and negatives available for all. The Germans found it in the respiratory tract. WPI in blood and cells (????? so embarassing to display my ignorance after 7 1/2 months of trying to read the science).
In the Nakamura et al. (2010) study, more testing was possibly because of a non-profit:
This work was supported by NIH AI-54478 and NIH HL-077462. Additional support to extend the work to IL-6 and IL-8 was provided by the American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association.


Senior Member
What an interesting approach. Always felt (unable to converse at the time) pathogen(s) should have been discovered at lumbar puncture stage. My onset - Vertigos and limited thinking capacity amongst others, and a pressure in the spinal column just like the one left by a Myelogram 20 years previously. This was confirmed when requested hastily to stop bearing down when the original request to do so had passed me by. All ME nasties followed.