Ohio State neurology


Keep searching, the answer is out there
I'll report back.
Thanks, I will be watching this thread for you experiences. Best of luck!

PS! All kinds of ANS dysregulation (POTS & circulation, vasoconstriction, pulse, motility, water retention, body temperature, heat intolerance, low hormone output, high cortisol, what feels like 10-20% of normal metabolism, deprived immune system & constant infections) seem to make up the majority of my ME symptoms. PPS! Many of these improved notably in India recently (5 weeks ayurveda panchakarma).
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I would call this one of the best experiences so far. Treating physician was the head of the department and clearly was very smart and had seen a lot of things in his life as a doctor. With no obvious diagnosis, I was asked how I wanted to proceed. We ordered a few more labs and ordered an EMG, tilt table, and autonomic function testing. His opinion is that at the very least, it excludes a whole bunch of causes and provides more support for whatever diagnosis are suspected by excluding others. we would discuss results by message and if appropriate schedule another visit. (or possibly get referred to another specialty)

This is not a CFS clinic. They do not have a procedure for diagnosis. Nonetheless, think this will be very useful in getting referred around Ohio State medical center, especially if nothing obvious stands out in our testing. At the very least, it will exclude a whole group or possible causes. Physician was in agreement with treating with anti-virals when most other causes have been excluded.


Sick of being sick ~
So Cal USA
I would call this one of the best experiences so far. Treating physician was the head of the department and clearly was very smart and had seen a lot of things in his life as a doctor. With no obvious diagnosis, I was asked how I wanted to proceed. We ordered a few more labs and ordered an EMG, tilt table, and autonomic function testing. His opinion is that at the very least, it excludes a whole bunch of causes and provides more support for whatever diagnosis are suspected by excluding others. we would discuss results by message and if appropriate schedule another visit. (or possibly get referred to another specialty)

This is not a CFS clinic. They do not have a procedure for diagnosis. Nonetheless, think this will be very useful in getting referred around Ohio State medical center, especially if nothing obvious stands out in our testing. At the very least, it will exclude a whole group or possible causes. Physician was in agreement with treating with anti-virals when most other causes have been excluded.

@.jm. AWSOME!!! What a great outcome*!*!!!! Now - what’s next!
Lyme antibodies came back abnormal. The specimen was sent out for western blot (I don't know what lab). The results may be interesting... or not... when I get them.
Previously about 6 months ago IgM band 41; and IgG bands 41 and 23 were detected. (band 41 doesn't indicate anything interesting). If there is enough interesting stuff going on, I'll have a specimen sent to a reference lab. I think Stony Brook is in my insurance network, so that will probably be who I pick.

meanwhile, Cleveland Clinic cardiology made an internal referral and is ordering a metabolic stress test.

Dr. Chia's labs are entered in my local hospital system. I have to go have them drawn on a weekday morning for processing and shipment to ARUP.
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