Off label memantine


Senior Member
This was mentioned as having anti-excitotoxicity properties in another thread.

My ME specialist wasn't convinced though.
Do we have other members having experience with this or any further evidence that this is working for some people with ME.

I suspect a strong excitotoxicity component with my ME as that and the mental PEM follows is my strongest and worst symptom.


Senior Member
I took memantine for about 6 months. It was originally prescribed by a neurologist for headaches. When I started titrating up to the full dose, I experienced really bad depression. I noticed that my anxiety disappeared, though. Since it has a half life of about 70 hrs, I found that if I took a quarter of a pill every 3 days, my anxiety would be greatly reduced and I wouldn’t experience depression. I have since discovered NAG which I found works just as well for anxiety and doesn’t cause me depression. I don’t remember any other benefits.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...

If you do a search for 'memantine', you'll unearth a multitude of threads and mentions that might give you more of the info you're looking for ....

‘memantine’ search (without the quote marks)

I suspect a strong excitotoxicity component with my ME as that and the mental PEM follows is my strongest and worst symptom.
I agree, altho it seems to be a divisive hypothesis, based on some of the responses I've received to various posts on the topic of ME and glutamate excitotoxicity. I suspect that some of the usual nay-sayers will appear here, shortly.

Just stick to your guns, and follow what your body is telling you, the answers will come ....