Just got back NutrEval results, after a year of TCM treating stomach ulcer and extreme fatigue, 6 months of layering in Dr Rich's SMP, and 10 years of GFCF super clean diet. Sometimes GAPS style, sometimes Paleo ish. Also have been following Dr Amy's advice per an HMT for a couple months. But I feel like I have to go back to square one and am feeling very low and overwhelmed at the moment.
Genova results: Bacterial dysbioisis very high (red portion of chart) for DHPPA and Benzoic Acid, also high tartaric acid. 5HIAA in the red, too, along with stratospheric levels of taurine. But ammonia is fine(?? maybe cuz of yucca?). As is glutamine/glutamate, arginine/ornithine. My krebs cycle doesn't look too bad on the summary chart. Most amino acids look low-ish, except for aspartic acid, cysteine (green) and glutamic (high red), taurine (835 on a 538 ceiling. So I've cut back on meat.) the Glycine/serine metabolites are all borderline low.
Supplementation need per test says borderline b1, b2, b3, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum. Also says I have good levels of antioxidants, other Bs, and zinc. I went off all supplements for 4 days before the test, per my local dr's instructions.
HMT results from December showed rock bottom lithium and low germanium. but nothing else was in the red. Dr Amy recommended some A1298C caps, short cut supports, GSH, BroccoMax, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, ora triplex, All in One, BeCalm. I've put all those in place regularly except I'm light on the A1298C caps (due to expense, and one of my kids really really needs them).
I've been doing Dr Rich's protocol pretty much on my own - slowly with methyl donors especially. My local doc also has me on MediClear Plus, Chlorella, Isocort & DHEA (adrenals shot. looks like PTSD), electrolyte mix (more minerals), hibiscus tea (for labile hypertension), NAC. He just added prebiotic, probiotics, digestive enzymes based on NutrEval. he wanted me to add licorice root, but I have to monitor my bp for that and just can't bring myself to put that cuff on.
This is all feeling like too much.
I've also been on NaturoMycin spray, royal jelly, wasabi, grape seed extract, Champ Pro, infrared sauna, yucca. Plus a couple other things, but I'm sure whoever is reading this by now probably has blurred vision.
I'm so tapped out. Is it advisable to cut back to just foundational supports, and the digestive stuff? My acupuncturist treated me for months for h. pylori with Chinese herbs (clean source), and now she has me on a new anti bug mixture. She's recommending an intestinal cleanse protocol. I've also been doing some muscle testing of my own on these supplements to try to whittle down the list.
Any guidance on prioritizing would be most appreciated! help . . .
Genova results: Bacterial dysbioisis very high (red portion of chart) for DHPPA and Benzoic Acid, also high tartaric acid. 5HIAA in the red, too, along with stratospheric levels of taurine. But ammonia is fine(?? maybe cuz of yucca?). As is glutamine/glutamate, arginine/ornithine. My krebs cycle doesn't look too bad on the summary chart. Most amino acids look low-ish, except for aspartic acid, cysteine (green) and glutamic (high red), taurine (835 on a 538 ceiling. So I've cut back on meat.) the Glycine/serine metabolites are all borderline low.
Supplementation need per test says borderline b1, b2, b3, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum. Also says I have good levels of antioxidants, other Bs, and zinc. I went off all supplements for 4 days before the test, per my local dr's instructions.
HMT results from December showed rock bottom lithium and low germanium. but nothing else was in the red. Dr Amy recommended some A1298C caps, short cut supports, GSH, BroccoMax, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, ora triplex, All in One, BeCalm. I've put all those in place regularly except I'm light on the A1298C caps (due to expense, and one of my kids really really needs them).
I've been doing Dr Rich's protocol pretty much on my own - slowly with methyl donors especially. My local doc also has me on MediClear Plus, Chlorella, Isocort & DHEA (adrenals shot. looks like PTSD), electrolyte mix (more minerals), hibiscus tea (for labile hypertension), NAC. He just added prebiotic, probiotics, digestive enzymes based on NutrEval. he wanted me to add licorice root, but I have to monitor my bp for that and just can't bring myself to put that cuff on.
I've also been on NaturoMycin spray, royal jelly, wasabi, grape seed extract, Champ Pro, infrared sauna, yucca. Plus a couple other things, but I'm sure whoever is reading this by now probably has blurred vision.
I'm so tapped out. Is it advisable to cut back to just foundational supports, and the digestive stuff? My acupuncturist treated me for months for h. pylori with Chinese herbs (clean source), and now she has me on a new anti bug mixture. She's recommending an intestinal cleanse protocol. I've also been doing some muscle testing of my own on these supplements to try to whittle down the list.
Any guidance on prioritizing would be most appreciated! help . . .