Now It Seems That Everything In Our Body Is Talking To Every-Flucking Other Thing ... The oral-microbiota-brain axis (OMBA)

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Having grown accustomed to, and reasonably knowledgeable (in a dilletantish sort of way) about the connection, via the vagus nerve, between the brain and the enteric nervous system (the gut and its microbiome, often called the 2nd Brain ), and feeling fairly certain that there was a connection to ME/CFS with all this jumble of information, another contender has come along to further roil and muddy those waters, via the ‘Frontiers’ scientific publishing house ….

The oral-microbiota-brain axis (OMBA)
So now we have to become familiar with the newly emerging information on the potential and importance of the oral microbiota and it’s effect, particularly on the brain and on NeuroPsychiatric Diseases (NPDs), and the Non-Comminicable Diseases (NCDs) like diabetes and Alzheimers and heart issues. et al.

This could be of particular interest to that not inconsiderable portion of our community that has dental issues, because …. dentists. And getting to appointments. And the cost. And surviving the anesthetics and ABXs and drilling and the just getting there, have I already mentioned that ??? It bears repeating.

I should have prefaced all this with a little rant about the multi-faceted aspects of all the ‘Frontiers’ publications, which range from psychology to nutrition to oncology to how to fashion a chic and effective tin foil hat to you-name-it… they’re essentially a predatory, pay-to-play system, or at least that’s how they started, now struggling to crawl up the ladder of respectability and, in fairness, doing an acceptable job. Some of what they publish is interesting and has validity, some not so much.

But I did find this article interesting, even if written in the usual opaque way that ‘scientific’ and research papers often are, almost challenging the layman to make sense out of them and their endless acronyms and references to stuff that “ …. everybody who’s anybody knows, so we aren’t going to explain it to you …” wink wink guffaw.

I’m still trying to slog thru the whole thing, a little bit at a time, but here’s something easy to understand, as a sort of introduction.


Oh, and a link to the paper itself, if you’re so inclined ….

The Oral-Microbiome-Brain Axis and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: An Anthropological Perspective

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
But they are leaving us out of the conversation🤣.
Doesn't seems there's much not affected.
I totally agree. Very rude. And short sighted, since if we fall, all their little communications centers fall as well.

I also agree that almost everything is drawn into the fray, which makes it awfully hard to determine what's doing what, and to which....

EDIT ... typo and a little more clarity ....
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